[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Im having a really hard time understanding why crit chance is such a low stat priority. Currently at 35% crit chance (44% with charges) and the "critical strikes ignore elemental resists" ascendancy sounds really op. Thinking about replacing my maligaro's gloves with tombfists (and my diamond ring with an opal) but that would cost me like 5% crit in total...
I guess it's time to get path of building or to learn doing the math myself...
hey guys im back again and need some advice

i switched from blade furry to molten strike

currently 89 cause im to bad to level up (die on bosses often /die on random hits ) rly unlucky so far.
i have 1 ex now and some chaos to spend

i couldnt afford lycosade so im still with ornament

well im stick in t13 maps , bosses are hitting hard , most i cannot do without diying

got lucky with my tombifists 2 sockel bought them for 10c XD

what should i upgrade ?

should i replace some gems like herald of thunder ( yeah i have enlighten lvl 2 , cannot afford more but it isnt a real help with mana issues so i dont use hot
i putted out innervate too cause mana problems

any advice to level faster without much currency and mappool?

any advice how i can come closer to shaper etc ?

its my first and last character in this league so i dont want to switch to another build

ps: i have big problems with traps in uber lab , so i cannot farm the enchants , die instant with all flasks popped up

hope for help
thePunisher92 wrote:
hey guys im back again and need some advice

i switched from blade furry to molten strike

currently 89 cause im to bad to level up (die on bosses often /die on random hits ) rly unlucky so far.
i have 1 ex now and some chaos to spend

i couldnt afford lycosade so im still with ornament

well im stick in t13 maps , bosses are hitting hard , most i cannot do without diying

got lucky with my tombifists 2 sockel bought them for 10c XD

what should i upgrade ?

should i replace some gems like herald of thunder ( yeah i have enlighten lvl 2 , cannot afford more but it isnt a real help with mana issues so i dont use hot
i putted out innervate too cause mana problems

any advice to level faster without much currency and mappool?

any advice how i can come closer to shaper etc ?

its my first and last character in this league so i dont want to switch to another build

ps: i have big problems with traps in uber lab , so i cannot farm the enchants , die instant with all flasks popped up

hope for help

Doing T13 and no money for lyco? hard to believe, get currency cop and take an hour or two to sell small currencies/div cards/essences/maps. Im almost 100% sure you have those 3 ex, you just dont see them.

To level up to 90 T10 maps are enough, you'll die much less and probably be faster.

You need an enlighten level 3 to run innvervate+hoi, (links: blashpemy enfeeble HoT enlighten, HoI innvervate onslaught) you can get corrupted lvl 3's around 30c. For the blue 4 link i got evasion/es boots, otherwise you'll go broke rolling 4b.

Avoid anything with traps, i think the combination of no life reg/evasion build/leech reliance makes this a very bad build for lab stuff.
Last edited by Lexodus on Jan 17, 2018, 10:19:26 AM
I am buying Gemcutter's prisms to upgrade my gems. Which gems should I prioritize?

So far I have molten strike and Added Lightning at 20/20.

Which ones do you recommend me to get to max quality first?
hey can any1 tell me more about the differences between vaal pact and non vaal pact version?`i didnt quite understand wich one was for bosses/uberlab . and is still all content viable on both versions? what do u guys prefer?
Last edited by doChl on Jan 17, 2018, 11:58:33 AM
Molten strike actually isn't a high priority for quality because it gives fire damage, and the lion's share of our damage is lightning.

In my opinion, order of priority for quality is:
Ancestral Call (10% attack speed)
Blasphemy (10% curse effect)
Enfeeble (10% reduced enemy accuracy and crit chance)
Faster Attacks (in your shield charge link, 10% attack speed)

After that any of the straight up 10% increased damage mod supports, which is most of them. Multistrike doesn't need quality at all, since its bonus is physical damage (unless you're doing OP's new phys conversion setup, I guess).

Note that many gems are cheaper to buy at 20/20 (failed corruptions) than it is to quality up your no-quality ones. Of course then you don't get to roll the dice on vaaling them, but added lightning is really the only gem you actually care much about getting to level 21.
Hi tnx for good build!

Can i use a simple helmet whith good life and res (+3 molten)/ Or Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt and Starkonja's Head Silken Hood is the best choise?
Sorry for my englsh
Mike_drums wrote:
Hi tnx for good build!

Can i use a simple helmet whith good life and res (+3 molten)/ Or Rat's Nest Ursine Pelt and Starkonja's Head Silken Hood is the best choise?
Sorry for my englsh

The enchant is more powerful than any unique effect, so if you have a +3 projectile rare helmet, you should use it.
I dont have it/ i have option rare helmet - 90 life 40-40-38 res (3 molten)- 10 ex/ or i should by starconga 20ex/ plz help me)
Mike_drums wrote:
I dont have it/ i have option rare helmet - 90 life 40-40-38 res (3 molten)- 10 ex/ or i should by starconga 20ex/ plz help me)

u have 20ex to spend yet asking such questions. Think about it a bit.

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