[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Hi guys!

I'm currently preparing my inquisitor for ueber lab and I dont know what I could improve next.

I'm sitting on a 9 chaos budget and I'm a kinda new player.
Could somebody maybe do a gear check for me on this char:

I have 3,9k life, 534 Armor, 4,7k Evastion and 75% resists.

Thanks a lot!
failpost. sry
Last edited by GornoDD on Dec 18, 2017, 2:39:24 PM
concentrated effect don't affect the tooltip ?

No it doesnt. The tooltip only shows dps for the direct melee hit not for the magma balls. We focus on scaling the magma balls. You can gain so many additional magma balls with Wildfire Jewels, Enchant, Dying sun etc. Every additional ball is ~20% more damage for the default +3 Balls.

karolsta wrote:
Why did y level your gems with Cast When Damage Taken and Immortal Call to lvl 20? Isn't better to keep them on low lvl to trigger more often?

You can in fact run a lower one. But at level 20 the golems are rather beefy. I highly prefer this. However having immortal call is also quite nice. Maybe a setup at around level 10-15 would be good? Its a choose your own adventure situation :3

j33bus wrote:
karolsta wrote:
How about farming UBER LABS with this build?

If it's good at shaper, and uber it should be fine at izaro. Molten strike is too crazy on the aoe so it should be fine at keeping his extras alive. The only part that's not good is that it take vaal pact, so you need to be good at trap dodging.

Traditionally Evasion builds are not crazy good for uber lab, cause we dont stack armour against the bleeds from traps. But you can pretty ez pz farm uber lab for currency if you have some gear with good life rolls. I recommend running two (or maybe 3) life flasks if youre unexperienced. If you have some elite dodge skill mechanics you wont need those. With medium gear you can oneshot Izaro pretty much even with Charge Disruptors. I personally never had any trouble with ULab what so ever and farmed it in pretty much all leagues with horrbible gear. Takes a bit of practice and dont get frustrated too easy[/quote]

Rottenbeer wrote:
Hi guys!

I'm currently preparing my inquisitor for ueber lab and I dont know what I could improve next.

I'm sitting on a 9 chaos budget and I'm a kinda new player.
Could somebody maybe do a gear check for me on this char:

I have 3,9k life, 534 Armor, 4,7k Evastion and 75% resists.

Thanks a lot!

What you need is three things my friend:

- LIFE! most your gear has very low rolls
- Levels! at 75 you cant really have amazing stats. Get into those maps and grind! :3
- Willpower to bite through the struggles that lie ahead! Lots of frustation, pain and despair await you. But at the end you come out as a force of unstoppable destruction! :)
Last edited by GornoDD on Dec 18, 2017, 2:38:52 PM

So i got around 250 Chaos now and I want to start investing in some better equipment can you please tell me which items I should get to be able to do high maps and maybe even shaper/uber atziri?
thanks for answer , and for jewel new one are better or we still keeping the old one ?
Thanks for the guide.

I just started this build last week and I'm enjoying it. I'm currently level 79.

I'm wondering what the best Claw base is? I'm deciding between Gemini and Imperial. Any thoughts on this matter?

Thanks in advance.
I am facing a problem right now. The build was fine all the way until act 8, when I my fire balls from molten strike suddenly doesn't deal damage at all? Is this a bug or something?
How can i respec if I started with Blade Flurry. Because I see you start different with the tree.Thanks!
funman208 wrote:
I am facing a problem right now. The build was fine all the way until act 8, when I my fire balls from molten strike suddenly doesn't deal damage at all? Is this a bug or something?

If you have a glove enchant that is "on hit", don't use it, all "on hit" glove enchants bug out molten strike and make it not hit or do very little damage a lot of the times.
What Is your opinion on using damage on full life to swap for ancestral call for boss's. that way you can run 4 red 2 blue. map clear setup multistrike, added lightning, ancestral call, Inc area, elemental damamge with attacks. For boss's switch inc with conc and as I said damage on full with call. I feel like i'm full life most the time.

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