[3.4] ELE CLAW INQUISITOR | Farm Shaper on 3Link! + UberElder, UberAtziri | very Budget friendly!

Niistokeppi wrote:

Lycosidae is very much needed for high end. If i remove it i lose 30% dps and 14% crit, not even counting the leech.

I know it,the problem that i don't have so much currency yet,current gear already cost me about 350-400c,Lycosidae alone is 190c atm.
Maybe im bad at farming currency,i mean im not spending all day in poe.trade for min/max deals for 1-2c worth,im playing the game do what the most ppl do - identifiyng some good bases rares if they have at least 3-4 viable mods with good rolls im craft another one,and selling it for 10-30c,but this happens really not often,some chaoc. recipes turns,some Uber Lab runs for Helm enchant(Sold 40% Sunder Dmg Starkonja for 20c today),trying some luck with Screaming Essences on some good bases.

Maybe im missing some profitable way bcs im not experienced much in game,also im playing only solo,no guild/friends.
Last edited by FreshMeat93 on Dec 18, 2017, 12:08:26 PM
Can someone explain what links I should be using for molten strike? The stuff listed in the guide doesn't make much sense to me but this might be just because I'm bad or misunderstanding it.

[20/20] Molten Strike
[20/20] Elemental Damage with Attacks Support/Ancestral Call Support
[21/20] Added Lightning Damage Support - pref level 21
[20/20] Multistrike Support
[21/20] Elemental Focus/Increased Area of Effect Support
[20/20] Concentrated Effect Support

This is the main setup. You Swap "Ele Focus" for "Increased Area" and "Ancestral Call" for "Ele Dmg with Attacks" for Single Target.

What should I be running for single target, and what should I be running for clearing?

Guide makes it sound like

Single - increased area + ele dmg with attacks
Clearing - ele focus + ancestral call

Wouldn't it make more sense to have ele focus for single target, and increased area for clearing? Or is this what the guide is saying?

Also, I don't really understand using increased area of effect + concentrated effect together, or was this intended?
How about farming UBER LABS with this build?

karolsta wrote:
How about farming UBER LABS with this build?

If it's good at shaper, and uber it should be fine at izaro. Molten strike is too crazy on the aoe so it should be fine at keeping his extras alive. The only part that's not good is that it take vaal pact, so you need to be good at trap dodging.
Now build with vall pact or not?
concentrated effect don't affect the tooltip ?
Why did y level your gems with Cast When Damage Taken and Immortal Call to lvl 20? Isn't better to keep them on low lvl to trigger more often?
karolsta wrote:
Why did y level your gems with Cast When Damage Taken and Immortal Call to lvl 20? Isn't better to keep them on low lvl to trigger more often?

For max golem, you need max CWDT. If you say I will summon golem manually everyime it dies, what you say is logical but here golem is always up by passively.
concentrated effect don't affect the tooltip ?

No, tooltip is only for the melee hit.
Why is everyone so worried about tooltip?
Test it, see how it feels.
doing the sword version of the build, any thoughts on this sword?

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