[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

zagy11 wrote:

tried my hand at making a budget-ish version of the jugg build and this is basically what i'll be running tonight, made the abyss/jewels more accessible by removing 1 dmg stat on each, switched flask, my guess is belly, abyssus, kaom's roots might be quite expensive at start of league but they can easily be replaced with rare items with health on them, switched flasks around, also put verusos gloves in there, along with cyclopean belt we have immunity with ignite/shock/chill, with kaom's roots also cannot be stunned and a staunching flask, 81% phys dmg reduction without lion's roar, goes to 90% if u use it, and i also took unrelenting instead of unyielding for the 56% reduced elemental damage taken, which i think is nuts, also 30% bonus chaos resist which is always verii nicuuu, also with oak we can easily do ele weakness maps, and with kaom's roots temp chains arent that much of a bitch, if anyone can take a look and give me their thoughts on how to improve it, that being said i've always played leagues like 2 weeks in, and never really saw what prices are at the beginning of the league and this might be completly apeshit expensive, but idk we'll see

Sweet! Well done :) that's what I like to see! People taking initiative and coming up with their own ideas.

I can't really see anything you need to change...

Only can think of 1 thing. If you haven't tried it, consider Rotgut instead of the Quicksilver. We are using Blood Rage to generate Frenzy charges which Rotgut can consume to give you Onslaught. In my experience frenzies recharge pretty much immediately after being consumed, so you are quite often under the effects of all 3: Quicksilver + Onslaught + Frenzy. It really is an underrated flask, though a GG roll can sometimes cost a pretty penny.

EDIT: Was just reading over Unrelenting. Are you sure about that 56% reduced elem dmg?

It says 8% at MAX Endurance Charges, NOT 8% per Endurance charge
Last edited by corosou on Mar 2, 2018, 9:34:23 AM
corosou wrote:
zagy11 wrote:

tried my hand at making a budget-ish version of the jugg build and this is basically what i'll be running tonight, made the abyss/jewels more accessible by removing 1 dmg stat on each, switched flask, my guess is belly, abyssus, kaom's roots might be quite expensive at start of league but they can easily be replaced with rare items with health on them, switched flasks around, also put verusos gloves in there, along with cyclopean belt we have immunity with ignite/shock/chill, with kaom's roots also cannot be stunned and a staunching flask, 81% phys dmg reduction without lion's roar, goes to 90% if u use it, and i also took unrelenting instead of unyielding for the 56% reduced elemental damage taken, which i think is nuts, also 30% bonus chaos resist which is always verii nicuuu, also with oak we can easily do ele weakness maps, and with kaom's roots temp chains arent that much of a bitch, if anyone can take a look and give me their thoughts on how to improve it, that being said i've always played leagues like 2 weeks in, and never really saw what prices are at the beginning of the league and this might be completly apeshit expensive, but idk we'll see

Sweet! Well done :) that's what I like to see! People taking initiative and coming up with their own ideas.

I can't really see anything you need to change...

Only can think of 1 thing. If you haven't tried it, consider Rotgut instead of the Quicksilver. We are using Blood Rage to generate Frenzy charges which Rotgut can consume to give you Onslaught. In my experience frenzies recharge pretty much immediately after being consumed, so you are quite often under the effects of all 3: Quicksilver + Onslaught + Frenzy. It really is an underrated flask, though a GG roll can sometimes cost a pretty penny.

ooooofff crap, i totally forgot blood rage generates charges, spent quite a while thinking why u checked that we use frenzy charges and it completly slipped my mind, awesome ye huge boost to dps as well, thx for the input

corosou wrote:
It says 8% at MAX Endurance Charges, NOT 8% per Endurance charge

eghhhh i COMPLETLY TOTALLY misread that....bleh...hmm...seems like unyielding is better then ye, only reason i was planning on taking it was cuz i thought its 56% ele dmg reduc. , and if you're using using a basalt / lion's roar, you're at 90% dmg reduction regardless of the 1% phys reduction per end charge and while maping thats gonna be 100% of the time, and i dont intend on using 2 lab points for 28% chaos res, so ye unyielding is the way to go
Last edited by zagy11 on Mar 2, 2018, 9:41:18 AM
zagy11 wrote:

eghhhh i COMPLETLY TOTALLY misread that....bleh...hmm...seems like unyielding is better then ye, only reason i was planning on taking it was cuz i thought its 56% ele dmg reduc. , and if you're using using a basalt / lion's roar, you're at 90% dmg reduction regardless of the 1% phys reduction per end charge and while maping thats gonna be 100% of the time, and i dont intend on using 2 lab points for 28% chaos res, so ye unyielding is the way to go

hehe, all good... I've done that myself SO many times!
zagy11 wrote:

eghhhh i COMPLETLY TOTALLY misread that....bleh...hmm...seems like unyielding is better then ye, only reason i was planning on taking it was cuz i thought its 56% ele dmg reduc. , and if you're using using a basalt / lion's roar, you're at 90% dmg reduction regardless of the 1% phys reduction per end charge and while maping thats gonna be 100% of the time, and i dont intend on using 2 lab points for 28% chaos res, so ye unyielding is the way to go

as I go HC seems unrelenting works well until one have built up gear to cover the resists and such.
if not dying before that is :)
skjutengris wrote:
zagy11 wrote:

eghhhh i COMPLETLY TOTALLY misread that....bleh...hmm...seems like unyielding is better then ye, only reason i was planning on taking it was cuz i thought its 56% ele dmg reduc. , and if you're using using a basalt / lion's roar, you're at 90% dmg reduction regardless of the 1% phys reduction per end charge and while maping thats gonna be 100% of the time, and i dont intend on using 2 lab points for 28% chaos res, so ye unyielding is the way to go

as I go HC seems unrelenting works well until one have built up gear to cover the resists and such.
if not dying before that is :)

GL! Let us know how your experience in HC with it goes pls
corosou wrote:
skjutengris wrote:
zagy11 wrote:

eghhhh i COMPLETLY TOTALLY misread that....bleh...hmm...seems like unyielding is better then ye, only reason i was planning on taking it was cuz i thought its 56% ele dmg reduc. , and if you're using using a basalt / lion's roar, you're at 90% dmg reduction regardless of the 1% phys reduction per end charge and while maping thats gonna be 100% of the time, and i dont intend on using 2 lab points for 28% chaos res, so ye unyielding is the way to go

as I go HC seems unrelenting works well until one have built up gear to cover the resists and such.
if not dying before that is :)

GL! Let us know how your experience in HC with it goes pls

Yea I do that,
I go shield first until I have an idea how much dmg one can handle :)
skjutengris wrote:

I go shield first until I have an idea how much dmg one can handle :)

I hadn't thought of that... smart )
Quick 3.2 update!!

Updated main post with EO/Crit Tectonic Slam Jugg Variant ;)

Tectonic Slam

You can modify this to use other weapons. For example, if you chose to go with swords, you could pretty much swap skills between BF and Tectonic. Just remember to modify the x-y phy dmg roll on jewels to the appropriate weapon type you'd like to use.

If full life is an issue, some damage can be sacrificed for another option. DPS is not a problem.

I also still need to determine the effect in DPS from the stat-stick. PoB is showing DPS is plenty, but the with Tectonic it should be using the stat-stick to attack. Gotta test that...

Last edited by corosou on Mar 2, 2018, 1:38:17 PM
I know its a stupid Question but Ruthless dont work with Blade Flurry or i am wrong?
corosou wrote:
Quick 3.2 update!!

Updated main post with EO/Crit Tectonic Slam Jugg Variant ;)

You can modify this to use other weapons. For example, if you chose to go with swords, you could pretty much swap skills between BF and Tectonic. Just remember to modify the x-y phy dmg roll on jewels to the appropriate weapon type you'd like to use.

If full life is an issue, some damage can be sacrificed for another option. DPS is not a problem.

I also still need to determine the effect in DPS from the stat-stick. PoB is showing DPS is plenty, but the with Tectonic it should be using the stat-stick to attack. Gotta test that...


I believe TecSlam only uses main hand like Sunder so stat stick should be great.

I dunno about the Frostbreath though, aren't shaper/guards effectively chill immune or has that changed recently?

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