[3.10] Molten Strike Jugg (Thread restored for historical purposes)

Thanks for the guide and updates for 3.2. I'm almost certainly going to try the Jugg version as my league starter.

Quick question on that, do you still recommend Reave swap for trash? Or do you think the Inc. Area Effect from Ascendancy makes BF a solid enough trash clear skill?
bguybus wrote:
Thanks for the guide and updates for 3.2. I'm almost certainly going to try the Jugg version as my league starter.

Quick question on that, do you still recommend Reave swap for trash? Or do you think the Inc. Area Effect from Ascendancy makes BF a solid enough trash clear skill?

Sweet! I think I am gonna go Jugg myself ;)

If you mix Reave + Vaal Reave for 8 stacks, Reave is definitely much better for trash, and then just swap BF for bosses. BF can clear just fine too though, for simplicity's sake.

I say give all 3 skills a try and see which you like best, but definitely go with BF for tough bosses.

If you do go with Reave or Cyclone, make sure you follow PoB DPS recommendations for links by enabling Sort by DPS:

Quick 3.2 update!!

Since there have been quite a few questions regarding a Budget option, I've updated the main post with a 3.2 Budget Variant:

As you can see in the screenshot above, I have no main weapon selected. That's because there's a lot of options you can pick, from cheap to expensive, so I've listed a bunch of them so you can go with what you can find/afford:

There's a bunch more details explained in the main post, so just check there, but for your convenience here is the PoB export:

Last edited by corosou on Mar 2, 2018, 2:21:14 AM
Hey there will you do budget jugg build?
I want to start the new League with a Reave Juggernaut using Bloodseeker Leech for Tanking through the Content. Is your Jugg Build Viable for that?
6 abyssal jewels, Tombfist and 2 Steel Rings in a budget build ? Come on ...
Kortiah wrote:
6 abyssal jewels, Tombfist and 2 Steel Rings in a budget build ? Come on ...

Dude... it's a 1 socket Tombfist and READ the freaking guide in the main post before you bitch
Mostharmles wrote:
I want to start the new League with a Reave Juggernaut using Bloodseeker Leech for Tanking through the Content. Is your Jugg Build Viable for that?

You don't need me to tell you that. The whole point of providing a PoB export and screenshots is so you can see and determine the strength of the build yourself.
htopor2 wrote:
Hey there will you do budget jugg build?

No, if you can't figure out how to make a Jugg budget version with the information I provided, consider playing a guide more apt to new players.

tried my hand at making a budget-ish version of the jugg build and this is basically what i'll be running tonight, made the abyss/jewels more accessible by removing 1 dmg stat on each, switched flask, my guess is belly, abyssus, kaom's roots might be quite expensive at start of league but they can easily be replaced with rare items with health on them, switched flasks around, also put verusos gloves in there, along with cyclopean belt we have immunity with ignite/shock/chill, with kaom's roots also cannot be stunned and a staunching flask, 81% phys dmg reduction without lion's roar, goes to 90% if u use it, and i also took unrelenting instead of unyielding for the 56% reduced elemental damage taken, which i think is nuts, also 30% bonus chaos resist which is always verii nicuuu, also with oak we can easily do ele weakness maps, and with kaom's roots temp chains arent that much of a bitch, if anyone can take a look and give me their thoughts on how to improve it, that being said i've always played leagues like 2 weeks in, and never really saw what prices are at the beginning of the league and this might be completly apeshit expensive, but idk we'll see

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