[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

Briarcliff wrote:
Wich mods do you prefer for rare claws ? can you share a sample weapon ? and why dont you use physical to lightning support gem ?

First part covered in guide. 2nd Part because its 100% ele build, and 0 phys dmg? Cant believe this question was asked like 3 times already lol

enumag wrote:
So how does leech even work on this buid? In the guide you wrote "All leech is ele dmg so any physical leech from tree/jewels/gear does not work" - so where do you get the leech? Does the build leech only while Vinktar or Atziri is active??

Read your passives

Anesthetize34 wrote:
Have any of you used this build much as a speedfarming build for mid-tier maps? If so, what are your thoughts on taking Rapid Assault and Avatar of the Chase, along with Bisco's Collar, over Quartz/Veil and a proper dmg/life/res ammy? Would then be easy to switch back to Quartz/Veil and normal Amulet when ready to take on more endgamey stuff again.

Covered in the guide

zakariusqc wrote:
i just rerolled and i always wanted to try ST so im trying your build but i would like some explanation about your bandit choice. why alira? to me it seem like a weak choice. mana regen is worthless later-15% all res is good and crit is decent but those 2 buff seem weak compared to what 2 skill point could give you.

between your new tree update is the one listed in blue at the begening of your post right?your other step by step is outdated and not working yet if i understand correctly?

There is not much to explain. Its explained right in the guide. 5 mana/s is super good, both early and late. 15 all res is solid as hell the only point on tree that matches it is diamond skin. The 20 multi is super good too even if we do less crit now. Most multi nodes on tree are 15%

So think of it as 1 point for 15 all res, 1 point for 20 multi, both higher then available on tree (except the diamond skin which matches).

Now most jewel sockets are 3 points away. So 2 points wont even make it. If you got a third point and wanted to go for jewel socket it might be worth it, but that's an extra level to go on a build that already is needed to get to the mid 90's.

If your still not happy for it, then simply grab the passive points, but to me it will be worth to grab alira every single time.

ok thx for those explaination. that seem to make sense. its true that most jewel slot is 3 pts away. the only thing i see that could be good is 8% life and 20% evasion from the starting area of ranger.

alira seem to be good to help gearing with the all res and the crit is good but once you are fully geared, the all res might not be needed and you end up only gaining the crit and some mana regen.

il stay with alira atm since it will greatly help and il see in the futur if i change it or not.

between i didnt wanted to offend your choice in any way. i just wanted some more info :)

Last edited by zakariusqc on Aug 18, 2017, 10:11:09 PM
Ivonbeton wrote:
aykay317 wrote:
Anesthetize34 wrote:
Have any of you used this build much as a speedfarming build for mid-tier maps? If so, what are your thoughts on taking Rapid Assault and Avatar of the Chase, along with Bisco's Collar, over Quartz/Veil and a proper dmg/life/res ammy? Would then be easy to switch back to Quartz/Veil and normal Amulet when ready to take on more endgamey stuff again.

There are other builds for pure speedfarming...but what i like about this build is that it can do anything. It has very respectable single target with one swap of a gem, and has very good clearspeed for maps. It is by far the most reliable all around character ive made in my years of playing poe.

You've convinced me to give it a try. That's exactly what I'm looking for. I get frustratd with a lot of builds I play because they have a clear focus and I feel out of my element if I want to do something else. So I'm looking for a versatile build.

Does this work good enough with budget jewelry? I've got most of "the essentials" (rat's nest with 40%/BotB/Claw with over 300 eDPS).

It seems like you got most of the essentials down. Rest of your gear should be easy to fill out. The build is pretty straightforward as to what youll need next. Some rare jewelery to fill out your int and resistances. U should have no problem clearing end game content
Hi, I saw your profile and you've done the 36 challenges with the frost blade, but I see you use the same equipment that you recommend for this build, I can do the same and copy your skill tree without fear or I need some specific item so that The build works ?
PD : sorry for my bad English.



g00fy_goober wrote:

Anesthetize34 wrote:
Have any of you used this build much as a speedfarming build for mid-tier maps? If so, what are your thoughts on taking Rapid Assault and Avatar of the Chase, along with Bisco's Collar, over Quartz/Veil and a proper dmg/life/res ammy? Would then be easy to switch back to Quartz/Veil and normal Amulet when ready to take on more endgamey stuff again.

Covered in the guide

Yes, I know you mention those ascendancy nodes in the guide, but only in a general sense. I wanted specific feedback on using those nodes with a focused goal of farming currency in easy content. Obviously I can test myself, as I am, but I thought a little discussion on it could benefit more than just myself.

I don't care about spell dodge % in a Shaped Dunes map, for instance. If I'm going after Shaper or Uber Atziri, then sure, your explanation makes perfect sense.

(I understand you get annoyed with people repeatedly asking questions that are indeed covered in the guide, but not everything is, after all. Even for topics that are covered, sometimes discussion is still helpful)

Edit: thanks for the guide, btw.
Last edited by Anesthetize34 on Aug 19, 2017, 1:22:36 AM
Having a lot of fun with this build, thank you!
what flask is the best now? still in guide? or some changes?
My English is not so good, so sorry :(
Many thank for this build, i very like it. I'm going on it for finish in so far. I have few questions, and hope will receive any feedback.
1. Any update for Skill game link? i see few ideal for skill link same as st + add cold + icebite...should be update skill gem link ?
2. For weapon, focus on ele damage or crit and att speed? one claw with high light damage, crit chance, crit multi, att speed or one claw with high light, high cold, high fire damage, att speed?
3. Please, please help me improve my char, i have already Belly and linking it. With about 200c, can i buy any thing for improve my char? https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/annguyen/characters
Thanks so much! Good luck for every body got Mirror (shard is good also :)) )
Last edited by annguyen on Aug 19, 2017, 3:43:47 AM

Are these claws good enough for the end content?
FakelZ wrote:

Are these claws good enough for the end content?

You want at LEAST 1.7 aps. ideal would be 1.8 + from my experience.. But that claw is very nice.. i don't think youll have a problem melting maps.. might struggle on big bosses with the lower aps
Last edited by aykay317 on Aug 19, 2017, 10:43:45 AM

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