[3.0] AFK Gone Cheap - AFK up to T16 guardians||Shaper killed || 3.0 balls video montage!

muddzlinga wrote:
first off, love the build sorta reminds me of the old coc days locking up your FPS with spell procs =).

couple questions . why do you not use chance to ignite in your magma orb setup. the gem now gives 29% more fire damage multiplier at 20 and effectively doubles our ignite chance. (2x ignites from our active skill = 2x the cwdt procs? ) am i missing something?

also why did we get away from using BV as the active setup? i recall you saying something like u can only have 1 up at once and preferred it on cwdt but why. it rarely gets multiple stacks off of cwdt and as an active skill we can have so many more stacks wouldn't it amount to the most ignites of any active setup?

thanks for the awesome build =)

It does increase your damage compared to fire pen on white mobs, but requires 5b1g, which is impossible on for e.g belly. On guardians it's a damage drop.

The more chances to ignite isn't that important as it's already enough to ignite yourself and get the damage boost. The CWDT setups hardly increase your damage more than that, but are for defensive purposes.

BV was left because of me wanting to push the clear speed. I tried a BV tree not too long ago achieving like 500k dps or something, but yeah I really don't like it.
IGN :ChrispieD, FreeZedByPulse, StruckByTunder
Last edited by ChrispieD on Nov 7, 2017, 2:25:46 AM
It does increase your damage compared to fire pen on white mobs, but requires 5b1g, which is impossible on for e.g belly. On guardians it's a damage drop.

I have been using it in place of immolate so I'm still 4b1g1r . do you think that's a dps loss? we're talking nearly 30% more and twice the ignites versus what 250 flat fire? i understand magma is 125% effectiveness but still. Twice the ignite isn't just more cwdt procs its twice the heals so if actively killing guardians its a lot more defensive too right? When i face tank minotaur and keep magma going entire time my health is very very stable.

Did u ever test DP or find any other active skills that are similar to magma? I think i could save some FPS if i weren't spamming 5 chain magma orb lol. Its also just not my favorite spells.

Last question =) Did you test other spells in cwdt and find that your setup is the absolute best? I've been trying freeze pulse, EK and some other spells and they seem to work well.

Thanks again for the great build!
Last edited by muddzlinga on Nov 7, 2017, 4:18:13 PM
Played your build the whole harbinger league and it is still funny....but i wanna have more high lvl cwdt's for more DMG on bosses. Can i play with only 1 vor 2 low lvl cwdt's? And have you ever tried to play with no active skill? And when what setup in chest is good?

@mudzzlinga tried shock nova instead of blade vortex.... Runs also very good ;)
Last edited by ricks939 on Nov 7, 2017, 10:50:32 PM
I can't figure out why my single target damage and squishiness is so bad. Am I missing anything obvious? I am leveling my gems, so they will be fixed as soon as i get almost all leveled.


I know I am only 72 and need merc and uber lab, but still feels so weak. Thanks for any thoughts.
Last edited by phocas99 on Nov 8, 2017, 9:45:11 AM
your last sentence is the answer to your question, you need merc and uber lab
You miss both Cloaked in Savagery and +40% MULTI Aspect of Carnage...
Do them asap, you'll see the insane difference

also, your cold res (145) is the highest one (if you don't have resistances on jewels, which I cannot see in your linked tree), you need fire (now is 133) to be the highest uncapped resistance to get penetration on fire damage using Wise Oak (now you get penetration on cold and you don't use high dmg cold spells anyway)

Last edited by KalidhoS on Nov 8, 2017, 1:28:29 PM
KalidhoS wrote:
your last sentence is the answer to your question, you need merc and uber lab
You miss both Cloaked in Savagery and +40% MULTI Aspect of Carnage...
Do them asap, you'll see the insane difference

also, your cold res (145) is the highest one (if you don't have resistances on jewels, which I cannot see in your linked tree), you need fire (now is 133) to be the highest uncapped resistance to get penetration on fire damage using Wise Oak (now you get penetration on cold and you don't use high dmg cold spells anyway)

Great to know about lab's...

I also was just reading about the uncapped resist, i fixed it, my fire is higher again. Thank you so much for that, i needed the encouragement.
I'm really happy I could help ;D

I'm taking this build to Shaper, I'm farming guardians on a regular basis with this build and I want it to reach the very top :D

To add something on boss handling, I'm trying a setup in place of ball lightning not with higher lvl cwdt setup as suggested by OP, but with ignite-on-demand Orb of Storms, linked with Arcane Surge!
I plan to relevel AS as it hits 20, to level 7/8 20q so it's required mana spent is equal to OoS cost, giving me 100% uptime on AS for a nice 13%/14% MORE elemental damage and cast speed, a needed bonus in dps-intense fights like shaper, it also gives me the self-ignite I need while keeping some distance from Shapey, because I cannot rely much on the cwdt setup against him, I can leech through his beam and MAYBE through his balls, but those are more DoT than hit so won't trigger and consume my hp
This setup puts an "igniting" zone where I want, keeping up my self-ignite for the much needed cast/attack speed

Has anyone ever tried abberath hooves or a rare hysteria burn ground boot? abberath actually have some nice stats for this build and i was thinking you could drop your active setup just run around killing stuff with the burning ground and your cwdt procs. Abberath actually create tiny explosions not burning ground so i'm thinking each explosion will also have our ignite chance triggering more heals and more procs while we run =)
Last edited by muddzlinga on Nov 8, 2017, 7:15:17 PM
I believe burning ground is DoT so it won't proc any cwdt, at best you ignite enemies

Abberath's Hooves were 2.6 way (AFK Gone Meta, can still find it in main post), now superseded by this magma orb active version

apparently can't rely on hooves' damage anymore, same as fire burst, 'cause of nerfs :|
I just tried abberath boots with my level 20 cwdt in 6L so 5 level 20 spells. It is amazing for clearing trash but on bosses magma orb is a lot better. However, my movement speed is terrible so foot steps are few and far between, perhaps a movespeed tree/gear set could increase the single target or using vms or something. But i cannot reiterate how fun this is clearing the map. I run through packs, my abberath boots have over 100% ignite chance as i socketed chance to ignite / aoe / control D / fire pen, so the cwdt triggers go nuts as i run through. Very fun and yes, low fps lol.

Last edited by muddzlinga on Nov 9, 2017, 5:59:36 PM

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