Mechanical Questions Thread

The new Shaper of Flames/Winter/Storms notables of the Elementalist work with self-damage, right?

Example: I equip Eye of Innocence ( and allocate Shaper of Flames I should ignite myself from the self-damage when igniting an enemy, right? Since I have "Your hits always Ignite" and Eye of Innocence's self damage is a hit (it progresses CWDT or procs Charging Offensive, clearly making it a hit)?

I'm pretty sure this interaction works this way, I just want to confirm.
Can you please confirm if the passives which grant 'increased Melee Splash Area of Effect' apply to to all splash effects from melee skills (e.g. Winter Burial) or just Melee Splash Support?
Last edited by ScreenName on Jan 13, 2021, 3:34:56 PM
ExiledSarin wrote:
I just noticed that Ice Spear has special handling of multiple projectile support, launching them in sequence rather than at the same time. Does it mean that a single target can be hit by more than one projectile from the same cast?
Ice Spear overrides the standard projectile behavior by firing its projectiles in sequence, so it can hit the same target multiple times.
Question regarding any active brand's interaction with 'more cast speed'. Any active gem for brands reads 'Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency'.

Does this mean that the new Inquisitor mechanic of Fanaticism with 75% more cast speed and Spell Echo Support's 70% more cast speed(I'm aware that brand activations will not repeat from spell echo) do not affect brand activations because they are 'more' modifiers?

I did some testing with Spell Echo Support and while it obviously affected the speed of casting the brands, it seemed to have no affect on the brands' activations themselves.

Is this intended?
Yes it is. More/Less cast speed modifiers are not increases or reductions, so they don't affect brand activation speed.
ExiledSarin wrote:
If I may add to my previous does the Ice Spear's second form critical chance bonus stack with regular crit chance increases? If I have lvl 20 IS and 100% increased critical chance, will the second form have 56% critical or 98%?
The second form gains 600% Increased crit chance, which is additive with other increases.
Schirf wrote:
How will Inquisitor's new Pious Path interact with Zealot's Oath?
Zealot's Oath will override and cause life regeneration to apply to energy shield, not life.
ExiledSarin wrote:
And me again. Do jewel sockets and keystones count as notable skills for Primal Aegis?

And...well, sorry, just figuring stuff for new league. Ungil's Harmony vs. Maligaro's Virtuosity, which one takes precedence for critical multiplier?
Jewel Sockets and Keystones are not Notables.

Ungil's Harmony doesn't affect your crit multiplier, it causes your crits to deal no extra damage.
Ranmato wrote:
I'm confused about the new Brutal Fervour, what does "100% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech" exactly mean?
Each leech instances is capped at 10% of maximum life total. The modifier increases that cap to 20%.
yusayu wrote:
The new Shaper of Flames/Winter/Storms notables of the Elementalist work with self-damage, right?

Example: I equip Eye of Innocence ( and allocate Shaper of Flames I should ignite myself from the self-damage when igniting an enemy, right? Since I have "Your hits always Ignite" and Eye of Innocence's self damage is a hit (it progresses CWDT or procs Charging Offensive, clearly making it a hit)?

I'm pretty sure this interaction works this way, I just want to confirm.
Hitting yourself can't apply on-hit effects such as ailments.
ekaye wrote:
Hitting yourself can't apply on-hit effects such as ailments.

If that is default behaviour (just like, by default, only Fire Damage is able to Ignite), shouldn't the 2nd line "All Damage with Hits can Ignite" overwrite that? I'd assume self-damage is part of "All Damage".
Last edited by yusayu on Jan 13, 2021, 6:38:44 PM
yusayu wrote:
If that is default behaviour (just like, by default, only Fire Damage is able to Ignite), shouldn't the 2nd line "All Damage with Hits can Ignite" overwrite that? I'd assume self-damage is part of "All Damage".
What it really means is all damage types, i.e. Physical, Lightning, Cold and Chaos Damage count in addition to Fire when calculating the magnitude of the Ignite. It doesn't change the rule that reflected or self-hit damage can't apply ailments.
ekaye wrote:
yusayu wrote:
If that is default behaviour (just like, by default, only Fire Damage is able to Ignite), shouldn't the 2nd line "All Damage with Hits can Ignite" overwrite that? I'd assume self-damage is part of "All Damage".
What it really means is all damage types, i.e. Physical, Lightning, Cold and Chaos Damage count in addition to Fire when calculating the magnitude of the Ignite. It doesn't change the rule that reflected or self-hit damage can't apply ailments.

Sorry to be so specific about this, but since you can chill yourself with Eye of Innocence and Kaltensoul (to take some of the Fire Damage as Cold Damage) this then means that Shaper of Winter, at least, should work with non-cold self-damage, right? Since self-damage apparently can inflict Chill.
Last edited by yusayu on Jan 14, 2021, 2:52:33 PM
Question about Doomfletch's Prism interaction with Trinity support:

When is the damage actually rolled for weapon damage and flat physical range?

When I see the Prism math, I usually see it in terms of a singular number,

However, if all elemental damage increases and multipliers are the same and enemy has equal resistances, would they actually be the same?

Or would we be rolling after conversion, i.e. for a base damage Prism with no relevant supports, skills or ascendancies that had base weapon damage of 30-75 + 15-20 from the affix.

Scenario 1:
45-95 phys rolls a 75.

Subsequently damage conversion gives 75 fire, 75 cold, and 75 lightning.

Scenario 2, each roll independently but with the same damage range:
45-95 phys: 75
45-95 fire: 51
45-95 cold: 63
45-95 lighting: 91
How do CoC and CwC behave with triggered spells that have cooldown? Will they bypass the skill's cooldown?
I have a question about running a party with multiple people that apply the same ailment. Do two instances of ignite each FROM A DIFFERENT PLAYER in a party deal damage additevely? Or is it only the highest of the two that deals damage?
Also, if only one ignite can normally deal damage at a time, no matter which party member is the source (makes certain party comps unviable but ok), what is the interaction with Emberwake ring? If one player wears it, will their ignite deal damage to an enemy that already has a stronger ignite from a person that does not wear Emberwake? What if the person with the Emberwake has already applied a weaker ignite and the person without the Emberwake induces a stronger ignite, will both ignites start burning the enemy? What if the party member with the Emberwake has only one instance of ignite and the person without applies one that is weaker? Would both players have to wear an Emberwake for this to work?

Thanks in advance!

im wondering about this and even asked on reddit but got conflicting information

how does Icestorm (limit of 5 icestorms at time), or firestorm (with limit of 3) work with AWAKENED Spell Cascade AND Unleash ??

Does spell cascade create new icestorms (thus counts towards the limit) or does it just affect the AoE thus Icestorm + ASC = 1 icestorm ??
If it counts towards the limit then it should be changed cause it can cause skills not work as expected (like firestorm with limit of 3).

Are the positions of the new areas where the icestorms ocur from spell cascade based on the AoE of Icestorm ? Meaning if i increase the area of icestorm from 22 to 36 units, will it move the new areas created by spell cascade further away or are they in fixed locations causing the multiple areas added to overlap ??
And if they are in fixed positions, how far away from the base cast location is it (so we can calculate the overlap area) ??
ALSO if they count towards the limit, in what order are those new areas added, so we can know which ones are rewriten first because they exceed the limit (and deal no damage)

and how exactly Unleash works ?? peopel say it CASTS another 3 icestorms but on the gem itself it only states "making thier effect reocur" (it dosnt say "skill reocur" or "cast reocur" or something more clear) so does Icestorm + Unleash cast 1 icestorm with quadruple the effects or does it casts 4 separate icestorms at once ???
ALSO what does "reocur" means in terms of crit/freeze/shock ? are those new "effects" that "reocur" separate in terms of applying ailments/on hit/on kill efects ?

ultiamtely i want to use selfcast
Icestorm + Awakened Spell Cascade + Awakened Unleash
but i cannot say from the wording if its even viable or not

Thanks for answers
Last edited by karving47 on Jan 18, 2021, 1:05:30 AM

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