Mechanical Questions Thread

How does champion's "Enemies Taunted by you deal 20% less Damage with Hits and
Ailments against other targets" from conqueror passive interact with totems? Do totems apply that and if they do, do the enemies do less damage to the player's character?
Last edited by artojas on Jan 12, 2021, 3:01:30 AM
Question regarding any active brand's interaction with 'more cast speed'. Any active gem for brands reads 'Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed also apply to this Skill's Activation frequency'.

Does this mean that the new Inquisitor mechanic of Fanaticism with 75% more cast speed and Spell Echo Support's 70% more cast speed(I'm aware that brand activations will not repeat from spell echo) do not affect brand activations because they are 'more' modifiers?

I did some testing with Spell Echo Support and while it obviously affected the speed of casting the brands, it seemed to have no affect on the brands' activations themselves.

Is this intended?
If I may add to my previous does the Ice Spear's second form critical chance bonus stack with regular crit chance increases? If I have lvl 20 IS and 100% increased critical chance, will the second form have 56% critical or 98%?
If I use Spark and the new Deadeye Ascendancy and spark hits a wall while still having chains remaining, will the spark be able to chain off that wall?
And will those chains target enemies?
How will Inquisitor's new Pious Path interact with Zealot's Oath?
And me again. Do jewel sockets and keystones count as notable skills for Primal Aegis?

And...well, sorry, just figuring stuff for new league. Ungil's Harmony vs. Maligaro's Virtuosity, which one takes precedence for critical multiplier?
Last edited by ExiledSarin on Jan 13, 2021, 12:24:24 AM
For once the Echoes of the Atlas expansion releases, say I have an elementalist equipped with the stormwall staff and cast Concecrated path so 50% conversion for all the elements (so an equal 1/3 damage to each). As all 3 elements deal equal damage:

1. assuming the support is linked would Trinity Support charge for all 3 elements, 1/2 randomly selected element would not charge or would no element charge?
2. would all 3 - Shaper of Storms, Winter and Flames trigger for that more status effect?
Last edited by Attle on Jan 13, 2021, 3:26:24 AM
I'm confused about the new Brutal Fervour, what does "100% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech" exactly mean?
Ranmato wrote:
I'm confused about the new Brutal Fervour, what does "100% increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech" exactly mean?

Leech is a complicated mess with several caps. Every time you hit a monster with attack that has life leech, it will create an instance of leech, which will replenish your health over course of a second or less (dunno how long exactly it takes). The amount replenished from each instance is capped-I think it's 10% of your max health. This cap is increased by modifiers that say "increased Maximum Recovery per Life Leech", so Brutal Fervor doubles it to 20%, assuming you do enough damage with the leeching hit, and have enough "%of damage leeched as life" to reach that cap.

Leech also has a second cap, which is "Maximum total recovery per second from life leech". No matter how many instances of leech you create, this cap will limit the total recovery. Base is I think 20% of maximum health, can be increased by modifiers that say "increased maximum total recovery from life leech per second", for example keystone Vaal Pact or notable Vitality Void provide that.
Asked this in another thread and I figure I'd ask here as well.

Playing Elementalist, taking Shaper of Storms which lets you inflict a guaranteed minimum 15% Shock. If you have some gear on which gives you +100% increased Shock effect, then that minimum goes up to 30%. Shock effect modifiers on gear and the tree are global modifiers.

What about local mods? Vaal Arc has a built-in +100% increased effect of Shock. Does that local increased Shock effect apply to the minimum 15% Shock you would inflict with it, or does it just apply to standard damage that checks damage/threshold?

Elsewhere I had heard that only global increases to shock effect (like from gear and tree) apply to the minimum 15%, so I'm not sure what to think.

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