Mechanical Questions Thread

Does anyone have info regarding these mods and minions.

1. 20% more attack/spell damage on weapon
2. socketed attacks/spells have + base crit on helmet

Based on that post, socketed attacks/attack skills would affect summon skeletons.

According to that post, crit helms don't affect minions.

According to POB, spell crit on helm and spell 20% more damage does affect skeletons. Is there concrete info on what's correct?

I asked around on the necro discord and it seems the people there aren't sure either. I would think socketed attacks would work for skellies but POB thinks otherwise.
Why isn't this recipe working? All the maps I'm selling are exactly the same. I thought I was supposed to get a +1 tier map...
Looking for confirmation that Indigon life recovery is not affected by "life recovery from flasks" but it is considered life recovery, just from Indigon itself.
Hi I want to ask about cold iron point and elementalis new ascendacy SHAPER OF STORM
my question is

1.does "YOUR HITS ALWAYS SHOCK,ALL DAMAGE FROM HIT CAN SHOCK" can work on cold iron?even though cold iron deal no elemental damage

2.if I dont use cold iron and I use fire skill with no source of lightting damage can I still be apply shocked?

Hope someone can clarify this

Question about battlemage(inquisitor), does it works with shaper mods like "Adds (1-2) to (3-4) Fire Damage to Attacks with this Weapon per 10 Strength"?
Hi I have a question regarding Deadeye changes. Specifically the Ricochet change.
It says it has a chance to ricochet from terrain like walls or maybe hitting max distance too?. Does this mean it has a chance to ricochet only when you miss and hit a wall or when for example you have some projectiles return to you like the annointment, can then after the return ricochet on a wall if you position properly?
Furthermore, if you use Frost Wall to force this would it work? Being frost wall a wall, I ask this because some time ago you changed frost wall to not interact anymore with friendly stuff like exploding arrows. The collide with terrain includes the "floor" if the projectile hits max distance?

If it doesn't like I assume it won't then the ricochet changes are not only a big nerf to chain since you don't get anymore the extra damage for remaining chain but a bonus mechanic that would be somewhat useless, unless you manage to position near a wall and the boss which not only is dangerous but not always possible on some boss scenarios, only for a 30% chance.

Edit: sorry it says terrain not walls.
Last edited by SingThisCorrosion on Jan 20, 2021, 11:20:25 PM
Hi, I have a question regarding the interaction between Paradoxica and the new unique belt released - Arn's Anguish Cloth Belt.

Does the triple damage chance stack with the double damage giving 6x damage? or it does triple damage on proc and double if not?
How critical hit works with hydrosphere?

Does it roll crit once or every pulse it generates?

If it rolls once it is not very dependable with high crit multi and lower crit chance.
The new Liege of the Primordial Elementalist ascendancy which says "Summoned Golems are Resummoned 4 seconds after being Killed" seemed to be bugged. When multiple golems die in a short time span, it might resummon the same golem multiples times. I might randomly look to the top left only to see that I have 3 chaos golems.

Doesn't it kind of defeat the purpose of this QoL buff when I have to resummon the ones I want manually anyway? And not only that, the buffs don't stack so it's a waste. If that wasn't enough, I play HCSSF and almost died several times in the middle of a ritual due to my defensive golems dying, being replaced with 3 flame golems, meanwhile, I can't be fumbling around in my taskbar to manually summon them. If this isn't a bug, it should be (or alternatively it could be something I am doing, but I made sure to put my golems on the hidden task bar so I know I am not accidentally fat-fingering them).
马洛尼的技巧华美箭袋腐化过后仍然不能在工作台上更换技能石孔的颜色 需要在工作台上增加已腐化箭袋用幻色石+瓦尔宝珠变更颜色的选项

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