Mechanical Questions Thread

Please clarify culling strike for me.
Does Bane of Legends for the Slayer ascendancy count as a better culling strike (as it has 20% activation treshold)?
If so Id like to ask about the mechanics:
Lets say the enemy has 30% health left. On my next hit I do 10% dmg which leaves the enemy on exactly 20% life. Will Bane of Legends activate and outright kill the unique enemy?
Last edited by KopiG on Jan 17, 2021, 3:15:37 PM
Hi my question is,¿How Elemental Pen works with the new Ascendancy of Inquisitor (Inevitable Judgement) if I do a crit it will be ignore all the resistance of the monster or boss, but what if I have extra elemental penetration from the tree or clusters, it will be applied?

Sirus have 50 lightning res, so if I crit him the hit will consider Sirus as something with 0 res, but what if I have 6 extra lightning pen from the three, the hit will be applied as if penetrating 56 resistance?
Last edited by CrisP69 on Jan 17, 2021, 5:48:05 PM
karving47 wrote:

im wondering about this and even asked on reddit but got conflicting information

how does Icestorm (limit of 5 icestorms at time), or firestorm (with limit of 3) work with AWAKENED Spell Cascade AND Unleash ??

Does spell cascade create new icestorms (thus counts towards the limit) or does it just affect the AoE thus Icestorm + ASC = 1 icestorm ??
If it counts towards the limit then it should be changed cause it can cause skills not work as expected (like firestorm with limit of 3).

Are the positions of the new areas where the icestorms ocur from spell cascade based on the AoE of Icestorm ? Meaning if i increase the area of icestorm from 22 to 36 units, will it move the new areas created by spell cascade further away or are they in fixed locations causing the multiple areas added to overlap ??
And if they are in fixed positions, how far away from the base cast location is it (so we can calculate the overlap area) ??

and how exactly Unleash works ?? peopel say it CASTS another 3 icestorms but on the gem itself it only states "making thier effect reocur" (it dosnt say "skill reocur" or "cast reocur" or something more clear) so does Icestorm + Unleash cast 1 icestorm with quadruple the effects or does it casts 4 separate icestorms at once ???
ALSO what does "reocur" means in terms of crit/freeze/shock ? are those new "effects" that "reocur" separate in terms of applying ailments/on hit/on kill efects ?

ultiamtely i want to use selfcast
Icestorm + Awakened Spell Cascade + Awakened Unleash
but i cannot say from the wording if its even viable or not

Thanks for answers

If we cannot bypass the limit with Spell Echo, then we should not be able to bypass the limit with Unleash. They are different support gems but serve nearly the same purpose. The answer should be No. I'm not sure about Spell Cascade.
KopiG wrote:
Please clarify culling strike for me.
Does Bane of Legends for the Slayer ascendancy count as a better culling strike (as it has 20% activation treshold)?
If so Id like to ask about the mechanics:
Lets say the enemy has 30% health left. On my next hit I do 10% dmg which leaves the enemy on exactly 20% life. Will Bane of Legends activate and outright kill the unique enemy?

That slayer culling is still culling. Same but more uber. Everyone including uniques die as soon as they drop to 20%. Glacial Hammer's cull is different because it does not work on uniques.
CrisP69 wrote:
Hi my question is,¿How Elemental Pen works with the new Ascendancy of Inquisitor (Inevitable Judgement) if I do a crit it will be ignore all the resistance of the monster or boss, but what if I have extra elemental penetration from the tree or clusters, it will be applied?

Sirus have 50 lightning res, so if I crit him the hit will consider Sirus as something with 0 res, but what if I have 6 extra lightning pen from the three, the hit will be applied as if penetrating 56 resistance?

The pen is totally ignored. Sirus will be considered as though having 0 res. The pen is only applying on non-crit.
ExiledSarin wrote:
How do CoC and CwC behave with triggered spells that have cooldown? Will they bypass the skill's cooldown?

Nope. You cannot bypass cooldown by triggering them.
jeerinho wrote:
karving47 wrote:

im wondering about this and even asked on reddit but got conflicting information

how does Icestorm (limit of 5 icestorms at time), or firestorm (with limit of 3) work with AWAKENED Spell Cascade AND Unleash ??

Does spell cascade create new icestorms (thus counts towards the limit) or does it just affect the AoE thus Icestorm + ASC = 1 icestorm ??
If it counts towards the limit then it should be changed cause it can cause skills not work as expected (like firestorm with limit of 3).

Are the positions of the new areas where the icestorms ocur from spell cascade based on the AoE of Icestorm ? Meaning if i increase the area of icestorm from 22 to 36 units, will it move the new areas created by spell cascade further away or are they in fixed locations causing the multiple areas added to overlap ??
And if they are in fixed positions, how far away from the base cast location is it (so we can calculate the overlap area) ??

and how exactly Unleash works ?? peopel say it CASTS another 3 icestorms but on the gem itself it only states "making thier effect reocur" (it dosnt say "skill reocur" or "cast reocur" or something more clear) so does Icestorm + Unleash cast 1 icestorm with quadruple the effects or does it casts 4 separate icestorms at once ???
ALSO what does "reocur" means in terms of crit/freeze/shock ? are those new "effects" that "reocur" separate in terms of applying ailments/on hit/on kill efects ?

ultiamtely i want to use selfcast
Icestorm + Awakened Spell Cascade + Awakened Unleash
but i cannot say from the wording if its even viable or not

Thanks for answers

If we cannot bypass the limit with Spell Echo, then we should not be able to bypass the limit with Unleash. They are different support gems but serve nearly the same purpose. The answer should be No. I'm not sure about Spell Cascade.

well thanks for no info
the limit thing was clearly done only because "Cast on/when/while .." abuse, so they rather significantly nerf the skills than to do somethink with the "Cast on/when/while .." but thats another isue, im here for the questions i have asked ....
Last edited by karving47 on Jan 17, 2021, 6:44:27 PM
karving47 wrote:

well thanks for no info
the limit thing was clearly done only because "Cast on/when/while .." abuse, so they rather significantly nerf the skills than to do somethink with the "Cast on/when/while .." but thats another isue, im here for the questions i have asked ....

It casts them all at once, if that's what you are asking. The "effects reoccur" wording is used instead of "cast" or "trigger" because it is mechanically different. If you are asking if the repeats are just snapshots of the initial cast (same damage rolls, crit or not), but with less damage, then I dont have the answer.
Last edited by jeerinho on Jan 17, 2021, 7:35:22 PM
hi all, i have only a question:

how to reset a skill point of atlas?
Lets say I have Liege of the Primordial and Elemancer ascendencies, as well as the Golem Commander passive cluster.

Liege of the Primordial: +1 max golems, 25% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems per Summoned Golem
Elemancer: +1 max golems, 25% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems per Summoned Golem
Golem Commander passive cluster: +1 max golems, 70% total increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems

For a total of 4 golems, and with all of them summoned then 270% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems.

Assuming you have the following golems:

Level 20 Stone Golem - Golems grant 105 life regenerated per second.
Level 20 Chaos Golem - Golems grant 4% additional physical damage reduction.
Level 20 Ice Golem - Golems grant 30% increase critical strike chance.
Level 20 Lightning Golem - Golems grant 9% increased attack and cast speed.

With the buff effect increase of 270%, those numbers become:

388 life regenerated per second.
14% additional physical damage reduction.
111% increased critical strike chance.
33% increased attack and cast speed.

Now, does EACH GOLEM grant those buffs assuming they are all summoned at once, effectively multiplying the numbers by 4?

1552 life regenerated per second.
56% additional physical damage reduction.
444% increased critical strike chance.
132% increased attack and cast speed.

Is that how it works, or am I completely misunderstanding things? The "Golems grant X buff" on the Golem gems may be tripping me up.

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