[3.2+] Explosive Cleave / Lacerate Gladiator. Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget

cookees wrote:


If you're playing HC, I would recommend paying someone to run Kitava for you, since it might be a bit risky. Good luck mate.

no hurry, im still farming a5 Oriath Square and leveled to 52 till i get good items and life nodes. Thanks i will ask for help anyways because i dont understand new bosses (my last time played there still was only 3 acts) but still i fell confortable with this build, never played duelist.
Play with this guide, its fun, but low dps for bosses, and u can`t gain charges. I have the full equip that described at this guide, good jewel, all gem +20 quality. Now i can farm tier 10-11 maps, how i can boost more damage and survival. And where you gain 5 frenzy charges, at skill tree it only 4 ??
Yeah sorry didn't update the 5 frenzy charges to 4.

You need to run concentrated effect against bosses. So you need to swap your increased AoE gem for the Concentrated Effect gem when you're fighting bosses. Use Enduring Cry and Bloodrage to gain charges.

Make sure you read my FAQ at the bottom of my guide.
Last edited by cookees on Aug 21, 2017, 9:50:03 AM
I use that`s all of course, at this time i have 150-220 k dps whis concentrated effect. To up dps more i need buy more expencive axe`s ? Will it work guide with other weapon ? And witch unique flask i need to buy at first ?
Last edited by LifeJocker on Aug 21, 2017, 1:05:35 PM
LifeJocker wrote:
I use that`s all of course, at this time i have 150-220 k dps whis concentrated effect. To up dps more i need buy more expencive axe`s ? Will it work guide with other weapon ? And witch unique flask i need to buy at first ?

Aint you actually able to clear evey map with no effort?

Edir: Rip on Avarius at lvl 53! What the hell is that insane balls damage? Just 2 and died having 2k hp.
Last edited by Jotasinjota on Aug 21, 2017, 6:21:38 PM

Yeah just buy witchfire brew first for DPS increase. Also get a rare axe instead of Jack the Axe.
I probably won't be replying often to this thread anymore. Maybe a few times a week, since I'm a bit busy.
Last edited by cookees on Aug 22, 2017, 1:48:42 AM
LifeJocker wrote:
I use that`s all of course, at this time i have 150-220 k dps whis concentrated effect. To up dps more i need buy more expencive axe`s ? Will it work guide with other weapon ? And witch unique flask i need to buy at first ?

Aint you actually able to clear evey map with no effort?

Edir: Rip on Avarius at lvl 53! What the hell is that insane balls damage? Just 2 and died having 2k hp.

yep. i use earthquake before buy jack and soultaker, and i have good range, so clear maps without problems. i have problems now, at hight lvl bosses, maps tier 12-13 +,
This is the 3rd league I've played this build and I want to try to take this to complete Shaper.

Not sure how to post my items on the page but you can look at my character file. To get to late late game you will have to ditch the BoR. I got a Belly of the Beast and an 40% cleave enchanted helm (selling for 15c and you will have to craft yourself). Clearing any map is fine but its the T16 bosses and Shaper that are issues (obviously).

I'm going to mess around w/ gem set ups for a little b/c there are so many different combinations (going to get increased AOE/concentrate swap going possibly). I threw on Belt of the deceiver to the increased DPS. I have good rings and amulets, but while I'm farming T11-T15 maps I will have a ventors and Biscos on. I am buying a Taste of Hate, getting steel rings, and upgrading to spiked gloves... that will take a while.
Can i use maim support instead of fire damage support?
How come you have 1 herald of ash in your boots and 1 in your weapon?

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