[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Would you recommend Righteous Fire Totems over Ancestral Warchiefs for a league starter in the new breach league?
OwlRaider wrote:
Would you recommend Righteous Fire Totems over Ancestral Warchiefs for a league starter in the new breach league?

tough call. Both are good league starter.
I am probably the wrong person to ask with a buildguide about one of those builds ;)

Played both and i really really dislike the attack delay of AW. While rft has one too, its lower and gets better with some castspeed (like doryanis catalyst, totemdmg/castspeed nodes).

I started farming atziri with lvl 67 in a fresh league, so you dont need any gear at all to deal significant damage. Doryanis catalyst is easy to selffarm and the best item to aim for (i always farmed it myself with early atziri runs).
The rest is some basic rare items or cheap uniques and especially totem life jewels.

AW needs at least a good weapon, which is normally not a big deal to get, at least a starter unique weapon for maps until late yellow maps.
AW can go more crazy with serious doubledipping and so on.
RFT on the other side gets the most from the skilltree to boost the damage (elemental overload/equilibrium, curses/effectiveness, jewels for totemlife etc.)

I dont know how good AW will be with the recent changes to the attack ranges and targeting tho.

The leveling with rft is in normal difficulty pretty slow, since it needs the aoe gem/nodes at lvl 38 to start shining. It also speccs little to no damage nodes, leveling with firestorm or similar until that point can be somewhat painful.
AW has the edge in this part since you could just groundslam/whatever with some melee nodes until AW.

in the middle of cruel i liked rf totems more since its not reliant on a weapon at all, just pick a white sceptre and you're fine ;) AW needs a decent weapon at some point, with on there wont be a big difference either.

Maybe that helped a bit. I won't give a clear recommendation. Both have their own strength and playstyle (rft has a more active gameplay).

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Milkyslice wrote:
AW needs at least a good weapon ... AW needs a decent weapon at some point

Ah Milky, but you can always go the unarmed route with Facebreaker and Meginord (two rather cheap uniques). Add The Deep One's Hide (another cheap unique) and two self-crafted Iron Rings with some additional phys damage and and your AW build will turn into a formidable powerhouse very early on in the game with nothing to fear in Cruel difficulty. And with Inf Blow you're lvl 28 in no time. This also gives you access to Shield Charge which I prefer over Leap Slam.

Speaking of which, I've played a Shield Charge Slayer with FB and a 4L AW (with only MPD+FA+CE) for single-target support and that totem could easily deal with high-tier map bosses all by himself. So with a proper 6L setup, I'm sure, unarmed Warchief will be perfectly endgame-viable. And now with Tukohama's Fortress for a third totem, unarmed AW might even outclass dual totems with a b@d@$$ two-hand weapon.
Last edited by tomay on Dec 2, 2016, 5:53:26 AM
I played a Facebreaker Slayer in Essence and getting Abyssus and a good Facebreakers early on int he league is pretty hard, had to play Eq until lvl 80.

Not sure how the dmg of AW will change after the 2.5 patch (changes to AoE and targeting) probly will still be really strong.

You are right that a 4L AW was enough to solo most bosses though (which actually kinda pissed me off since the 4L totem was stronger then me and my 6l shield charge XD)
I know that and like gimbdir said, its not easy/cheap to get a facebreaker early on with decent rolls.
You probably wont see anyone selling a facebreaker/meginords/deep ones in the first 12 hours for 1alch. So you have to stick to other weapons until you can get a facebreaker if thats your intention.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Dec 2, 2016, 7:23:07 AM
For starters even the cr@ppiest Facebreakers will do, even a shabby 600% is plenty damage scaling, you can upgrade later. ;)

Abyssus is pretty much mandatory for any Warchief build, weather you play 2HD, dual-wielding or unarmed it's always the big boost you want for late-game content.

Now Tukohama's Fortress grants 40% increased Totem Damage and a third totem which is a whopping 50% more damage in top of that, this might give unarmed AW the edge. And then there are other goodies (+100 Life, up to 1300 armour and 25% Block chance) that make life a lot easier.

Now, one might say, "But what about Great Old One's Ward"? Well, you have played the Slayer and Great Old One's Ward was fine while it lasted but in late-game, like me, you've probably swapped it for better defense, maybe Lioneye's. The 20 flat phys damage from Great Old One's Ward is still great for unarmed Warchiefs but Tukohama's Fortress will beat it.
Last edited by tomay on Dec 2, 2016, 7:38:41 AM
Okaaay back to the topic, rf totems and anything related to that ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Thanks for your work. I must say - never played with totems before. So it's hard for me to understand how to play by berserker with totems. Maybe you can help me to understand. Chieftain - no questions, all clear.
The ingame description of the berserker is too tricky for me in this case - there's no mention about totems or spell damage. For example: Cloaked in Savagery - 100% of Damage Leeched as Life if you've taken a Savage Hit Recently. Who leeches - my pers, spell totems or both? The same with Pain Reaver, Rite of Ruin and War Bringer.
And why attack speed in this case? Just for shield charge?

MetalheartX wrote:
Thanks for your work. I must say - never played with totems before. So it's hard for me to understand how to play by berserker with totems. Maybe you can help me to understand. Chieftain - no questions, all clear.
The ingame description of the berserker is too tricky for me in this case - there's no mention about totems or spell damage. For example: Cloaked in Savagery - 100% of Damage Leeched as Life if you've taken a Savage Hit Recently. Who leeches - my pers, spell totems or both? The same with Pain Reaver, Rite of Ruin and War Bringer.
And why attack speed in this case? Just for shield charge?

Pain reaver and cloaked in savagery only work if the character deals damage. Those are useless for totemer/trapper.

Rite of ruin is permanent 25% atk speed since we cannot kill, the totems do. You could use culling strike on orb of storms to get on kill effects tho.

Aspect of Carnage and War Bringer are the main nodes for the totem rf char in this class. 40% more damage and 25% life + ~900-1000 lifereg are insane to substain life on a char that cannot leech. Instant life flasks are a joke against this one

And yes, the attack speed is nice for shieldcharge/leapslam. Helps a lot dodging shit like uber izaro or to move over a map.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Dec 2, 2016, 2:42:40 PM
Okay guys, i start Breach with RF Totems.

I will go for a Hierophant edition this time, since i already played Berserker and Chieftain before.
It will be a Solo Self-Found HC char, lets hope he survives long enough ;)


This is my planned tree. It may change.
The plan is to go for hybrid life/es + MoM. Easier to gear SSF.
I will start with illuminated Devotion until uberlab, then i will respecc it for sanctuary of thoughts.

The reason for Hierophant:

- SSF Marauder have no access to mandatory gems. i dont wanna mule because i am lazy
- Hierophant allows me to use OoS + coh + dualcurse while applying EE + EO!
- I wanna try Scorchin Ray + RF totem. Triple RF totem for trash and for bosses 1x RF + 2x SR.
- Try something different.
- bigger aoe coverage and quick totem placement. The less damage may be compensated a bit with SR debuffs. For trashmobs it shouldn't make a difference.
- easy chroming with an ES chest.

planned links:

rf+spelltotem+ele focus+aoe+rapid decay+totem resi

Scorching ray+spelltotem+faster casting+ele focus


shieldcharge+faster atks+fortify

cwdt+duration+immortal call + vaal lightning trap

stone golem + discipline + enduring cry

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
Last edited by Milkyslice on Dec 2, 2016, 2:59:38 PM

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