[2.6] Milky's Righteous Fire Totems [cheap, SC/HC, Shaper, UberAtziri]

Milkyslice wrote:
dying Sun flask is great for almost any aoe/projectile skill for clearspeed. A No brainer if there is room and money for it.

Agreed but Dying Sun isn't exactly affordable. At around 5ex it is by far the single most expensive item in my inventory (with the exception of the amulet maybe). Now if we could only have a flask with 50% increased cast speed to light up them bloody totems faster... :D

Milkyslice wrote:
Necro boss is one excample where leapslam is just better, however shield charge is in general faster.

Flame Dash is also nice there. The advantage of FD being that you get away with only one socket and sockets are a very scarce commodity with this build. Of course, with FD you don't get the benefit of Fortify but with 20q it's reasonably fast and you don't need to link Faster Casting support.

I also want to mention Phase Run here, it will allow you to get out when trapped by certain bosses such as the Skeleton in Necropolis (can be linked to CWDT).
Last edited by tomay on Nov 18, 2016, 6:36:51 AM
i think leap slam is good enough to do that job... same colour as shield charge, fast swaping...
I just didnt remember at the time and died a lot... ahhahahahhaha

I have some currency left... as you both can see im poor and noob but i had some lucky dropping shavrone early and that helped me gear up this totem marauder...
I have +- 7ex left... my gear is what u guys saw... i dont have any quality gems, should i go for quality gems or dying sun?
Thanks for all the help xD
Good news for this build at breach league...

Last edited by Quakeroo on Nov 18, 2016, 6:15:40 PM
Blood Magic? Rather bad news for this build... ;)

Maybe this will revive the good old Flame Totem.
tomay wrote:
Blood Magic? Rather bad news for this build... ;)

Maybe this will revive the good old Flame Totem.

excactly this. +1 totem doesnt do much for the build anyway except some aoe. Selfcursing / curse on hit the whole time would make it slower and more tedious.

Flame/incinerate/shockwavetotem are probably the best canditats

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
SWT probably not so much, you don't want to miss out on those lovely auras (e.g. Hatred, HoA, AA).

As for Flame/Incinerate Totem, if you decide to use Blood Magic, you'll want to go down in the tree to the Keystone anyway, Mortal Conviction and Ironwood are just too good.
tomay wrote:
SWT probably not so much, you don't want to miss out on those lovely auras (e.g. Hatred, HoA, AA).

As for Flame/Incinerate Totem, if you decide to use Blood Magic, you'll want to go down in the tree to the Keystone anyway, Mortal Conviction and Ironwood are just too good.

essence worm exists for swt, HoA is 'just' 15% more dmg, and additional totem 50%

Well if you go down to Bm the shield has no drawback ;)

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
nice build, will try this, but as the dmg of RF is based on the HP of the totem, how to know how many HP can a spell totem have?
Last edited by chungexintu on Nov 21, 2016, 8:32:17 AM
chungexintu wrote:
nice build, will try this, but as the dmg of RF is based on the HP of the totem, how to know how many HP can a spell totem have?

http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Spell_Totem_Support at the botton of the page.

My Youtube channel with builds, unique and mechanic discussions etc
I bought dying sun and yes, feels good. XD

Im done for now, waiting for the new league. (I didnt faced t16/guardians/shaper, i can try but i dont have the maps, i dont want to buy em, etc... im lazy as i already told... gg waiting next league)

Thanks for the guide milky, i think i will start this build again next league so i can get some money to make another one.


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