Zizaran Builds

Link to characters: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/zizaran/characters

2.2 Perandus

Vaal Spark

With the start of Perandus HC League and so many options, I was really struggling with picking a build to push the ladder with, I'm a huge fan of Reave and wanted to try Sunder but picking a super gear intensive build as your first character can be really hard if you don't luck out on good weapons, so I chose to go Spark because it gave me so many options at the start of the league, if Vaal Spark wasn't nerfed and I could get myself a shavs and Call of the brotherhood that was an option, or if I found a voltaxic I could try that. I tried several iterations of the build, the first was set up for being strong early on: poeurl.com/zN6

It was quite strong and gets a very high tooltip dps, but you don't get as many double dipping nodes so your actual damage is low, a simple explaination of double dipping is that chaos, projectile and increased damage nodes will increase both your chaos initial hit AND your poison damage, so think of it as a 10% chaos damage node being 20% damage.

The first one died because it had very little mitigation (No duelist fortify, no coil, only relying on potions and guardian support) And what happened was my guardian support logged in a hard map while I tried staying in - Died.

I still wanted to make this build work so I made a new scion using more projectile damage nodes and deciding to use a 5l coil instead, this ended up being the tree: poeurl.com/zvN In the next levels I was going to pick up Acrobatics and more ranger life nodes, then the ranger projectile nodes. I felt like this is a solid build with good survival (still really needs a coil though) and solid clear speed. This character died by a ghost cursing me right before entering Vaal (Ele weakness) having around 35-40% lightning res and Vaal critting me.

Decided I think this build has more potential than anything I've really tried so figured going Duelist would fix all the problems of the build, and it does in my opinion, It's one of the strongest builds I've ever played, has super high survival (so much so I started completely disregarding map mods and got way overconfident) and high clearspeed. I've recorded some difficultly rolled T15 maps including bosskills and will be making a full video guide to this build but I want it to be decent so putting extra time into it.

Duelist final version

This is the duelist tree, you get a lot of health, acrobatics and enough damage to carry a party, I'm leveling up a new one now and without any help from anyone it's managing all the boss fights on a 4link, although I do recommend a 6link for leveling especially if you aren't very experienced. If you're a new player this is not great as a first build, I used 3 chaos on the gear for my character to push it to level 60 and that was enough (Goldrim, two okay wands)

Early Leveling Tree

Further Leveling Tree

You need some int while leveling you can enchant your gear or try to buy some cheap +50 int amulet on poe.trade.

I used a quill rain + sacrifical harvests in Dried lake and it works pretty well especially once you get spell echo, two wands with projectile speed, spelldamage and flat added to spells are the best for progressing

Bandits are Oak, skillpoint, Kraityn

For gear you can check out "ideal" gear on zizaranNeverNinety, earlier game gear on ZizaranOops and ZizaranDubiouslyHundred - I'll be updating the thread with gear asap.

Early on get a Vaal spark since it's quite useful for bosses and you want to start leveling it, just link it with added lightning.

I use Fire trap in a Lifesprig with Added lightning and Spark until level 12, I then use Lightning trap with Added lightning and Multitrap.

At level 18 you'll get access to new gems like faster casting, controlled destruction and elemental focus and Trap and mine damage so your links should be.

Lightning trap, Multitrap and Trap and mine damage in a +1 all or +1 lightning
Spark, Faster Casting, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus

Vaal Spark, Controlled Destruction, Elemental Focus, Added lightning.

At level 22 you get Reverberation Wand so you can take out faster casting, spell echo is pretty huge early on.

If you're leveling with a Tabula I'd recommend Spark, Pierce, Spell echo, Controlled destruction, Elemental Focus, the 6th gem can be either lightning pen or faster casting, faster casting "feels" nicer.

While you're in dried like I use 1-2 Sacrificial Harvests and the setup above, the 6th gem with Vaal spark is Increased duration.

Outside of dried lake put the sac harvests into your inventory you dont want to lose them while progressing and you dont get much benefit of them in progression areas. Best jewels are Proj damage, Chaos damage and increased damage, these double dip your damage (affect both your chaos AND poison damage)

**this guide is not finished and will be updated including a video guide**

Older Builds

Tanky Cyclone Marauder

Link to build: http://poeurl.com/zDrRID7

The main goal of this character is for people who enjoy playing melee to be able to do so in a dangerous league. I used this for the 1MHC and managed to be #2 in the league for quite a while (even 2 days after my death).

The focus is on tankiness and decent mitigation. In the 1MHC, I had a Kaom's Heart because elemental damage was more of a problem than physical, however in general I would go Lightning Coil. Be sure to use a shock removal potion for that.

Links: Cyclone + Melee Physical Damage + Added Fire + Fortify + Life Gain on Hit + Faster Attacks (6L)
If you're running a 5 link setup take out Faster Attacks.
Bandits: Normal: Oak. Cruel: Kraityn. Merciless: Oak.

Leveling wise I used Cleave until I got Sweep (Level 12), and then Cyclone at 28. The links for Cyclone at 28 is Cyclone + Life gain on Hit + Melee Physical Damage + Fortify. This makes your character insanely safe as you can follow the endgame tree right to Blood Magic and try to have it by the time you're 28.


Now because of the 1MHC being so dangerous and my supports were all dead, I sometimes ran a doedre's damning and dual cursed enfeeble them chains myself, but obviously it's preferable to have a curse bot buddy.

Reave Scion 2.1

Link to build: poeurl.com/s9v

The reason it's Scion and not Shadow, Ranger or Duelist is to give the player the option to respec later on incase they dont like the build. Your survival isn't MASSIVE with this build but it's definitely hardcore viable, I got to 95 in the 5whc and didn't die at normal atziri, I then respecced and tried uber atziri, rip.

for a 6 link you want Faster attacks, Melee Physical, Multistrike, Fortify, Increased area of effect and Reave.
On a 5 link you'd probably drop out the increased area of effect unless you're in low areas, then you can drop out fortify or faster attacks.
4 Link I'd definitely keep the fortify in So in a 4link your setup would be Fortify, Reave, Melee Physical, Multistrike.

Other Links: You want a 3link with Increased duration, cast on damage taken immortal call, this split second of phys immunity can be the difference between you living and dying.

For building power charges you want either a herald of ice, curse on hit, assassins mark, the alternative (hopefully better alternative) should be Blasphemy, increased area of effect and assassins mark.

Blood Magic, Blood rage and Ice golem, particularly if you're using a soul taker you wont be able to cast these without the blood magic because you'll reserve 100% of your mana.

Auras you want to run Hatred, Herald of Ice and Herald of Ash (Replace ash or Ice with Blasphemy if we discover this to be as good as we think it is!)

4 Link with Leap slam, Fortify, Faster attacks and Whirling Blades, You want both whirling blades and leap slam since whirling blades cant go over things and you can end up getting stuck.

This is what I used in the 5whc and it worked very well for me, in 2.1 you will most likely be using snakebite to apply more poison charges, and if possible dark ray vectors could be quite good too but will be hard to wear.


For Leveling you can use Cleave until you get Reave and then that will be pretty strong for leveling, skilltree wise I'd recommend going for harrier first, then completing the Duelist part of the tree. Once you're done with Duelist just fill out the rest of the shadow tree, and then don't take Acrobatics + Phase acrobatics until you are ready to go into maps, Ideally you want a taste of hate or coil before you get them but that will be hard. A granite potion will help you very much until you get Acrobatics.

Reave Ranger 2.1

Link to build: poeurl.com/s8R

This will be a lot of the same as the Scion, but very focused on just staying Reave endgame, if you are sure you want to play reave and dont plan to respec, I would recommend playing Ranger, it's got good damage, decent amount of jewels, and nice survival.

for a 6 link you want Faster attacks, Melee Physical, Multistrike, Fortify, Increased area of effect and Reave.
On a 5 link you'd probably drop out the increased area of effect unless you're in low areas, then you can drop out fortify or faster attacks.
4 Link I'd definitely keep the fortify in So in a 4link your setup would be Fortify, Reave, Melee Physical, Multistrike.

Other Links: You want a 3link with Increased duration, cast on damage taken immortal call, this split second of phys immunity can be the difference between you living and dying.

For building power charges you want either a herald of ice, curse on hit, assassins mark, the alternative (hopefully better alternative) should be Blasphemy, increased area of effect and assassins mark.

Blood Magic, Blood rage and Ice golem, particularly if you're using a soul taker you wont be able to cast these without the blood magic because you'll reserve 100% of your mana.

Auras you want to run Hatred, Herald of Ice and Herald of Ash (Replace ash or Ice with Blasphemy if we discover this to be as good as we think it is!)

4 Link with Leap slam, Fortify, Faster attacks and Whirling Blades, You want both whirling blades and leap slam since whirling blades cant go over things and you can end up getting stuck.

This is what I used in the 5whc and it worked very well for me, in 2.1 you will most likely be using snakebite to apply more poison charges, and if possible dark ray vectors could be quite good too but will be hard to wear.


Leveling will be slightly different than the scion tree. Fill out the immediate ranger and duelist tree like this - poeurl.com/s8U and then move up to shadow, again as with scion you take acrobatics later once you're ready to go into maps.

Like with the Scion you level with Cleave until you get Reave, see my youtube guide for leveling uniques!

@Zizaran ingame
Last edited by Zizaran on Mar 16, 2016, 6:00:10 AM
Last bumped on May 31, 2016, 4:05:59 PM
nvm :o
Last edited by Snakorek on Dec 8, 2015, 7:46:07 PM
Reave is something I've been wanting to try for a while, and those trees gets me pretty hype. Will probably try it out when my own build fails.

Just one question; isn't both darkray vectors and snakebite reduced frenzy charge duration? If these stack additively it seems like the charge duration will be super low, even with some bonus duration from the tree.

Also, your scion tree seem to have some iffy pathing in the top part. You should be able to pick up coldhearted calc and the dex node below blood drinker. Then you can remove 3 stat nodes near the jewel. That's a minor nitpick though.
Last edited by OsOscarius on Dec 8, 2015, 4:34:18 PM
Thanks for the guide Zizz!

Do you think it is worth dropping the scion life wheel/pathing for Thick skin, Revenge of the haunted,Depth perception, and the duelist start life nodes.

You lose 2 jewel sockets and a bit of strength.

Here is a link to what i have come up with:


Would love to hear your thoughts!
Any reason why you wouldn't play Reave a duelist, the new leech nodes just down from Duelist seem pretty good & with the nerfs to the shadow tree I personally wouldn't take that.
Yeah the darkray vectors things and snakebite dont work :( I thought it would be 50% of the 50% so you'd just have a short duration... Rip dreams!

I'll look at the pathing you mentioned in the morning osOscarius, was out celebrating today ^_^! Thank you for the feedback, I'm not as experienced with build guides as some other people, yet!

Thick skin is a pretty weak node with the connectors being 4% health and not 5%, also jewel sockets are Huuuuuuuge for this build which is why I opted for as many as possible. I'll try to look more at your build in the morning SurplusElf

Duelist works for this too, you could adjust accordingly, however leech nodes aren't really worth it in my opinion, with the 5000 health per second regen.
@Zizaran ingame
Im planning to play SC Talisman with this build - do i have to change anything on the tree for SC (as Ranger)?

And Bandits?
Last edited by Duba on Dec 11, 2015, 7:20:01 AM
what kind of weapon you want for leveling on day 1 ? just focus on pure melee no crit ? use something else until 30-40 before daguers ?
Hey Ziz,

I am planning to use your Reaver/Ranger build, but a bit concerned about the Bino's. I hear ProjectPT said on stream that he expects the prices for the dagger to rise up considerably, up to 20+ exalts.

What would you recommend and what would be your course of actions in case you cannot acquire Bino's?
What jewels are you using?

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