Viper Strike

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Last edited by Censurri on Apr 13, 2021, 9:53:57 AM
The quality bonus from added chaos damage doesn't change the tooltip, but does it actually work aside from the initial hit?

Sorry if its been asked I do not have time to read 16 pages.
Any passives they add will still leave the skill a shell of its formal self. Come on GGG, just tweak the numbers on this and poison arrow a bit higher, won't hurt to actually have them be useful will it?
Read my book! The world ending in every way anyone ever thought it might end, all at once. First few chapters are available online for free.
Does rarity and qauntity affect Viper Strike since it is a dot?
PinkyDinky wrote:
Does rarity and qauntity affect Viper Strike since it is a dot?
yes that was fixed
soul4hdwn wrote:
PinkyDinky wrote:
Does rarity and qauntity affect Viper Strike since it is a dot?
yes that was fixed

toazd wrote:
The quality bonus from added chaos damage doesn't change the tooltip, but does it actually work aside from the initial hit?

Sorry if its been asked I do not have time to read 16 pages.

I was also wondering about this. It would be awesome if added chaos damage benefited the dot of VS. Here's to hoping!
the tooltip doesn't change the numbers for the DoT of VS with the new chaos nodes.
Is it intended to not work or is it just the tooltip?
(sorry i don't have ways to verify myself, too little damages for now)
Same as above. Increased chaos damage isn't displayed in any tooltip. Could be a bit faster but i never stopped the time.
The tooltip lists Base DPS; Base always means 'without modifiers'.

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