(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

crux47 wrote:
Coming back to the game after almost 2 years, this build looks appealing to my play style. Best defense is a good offense!

I'm trying to get a better understanding of the ideal gem setup. I'm leaning towards having EC Skill Points and maintaining 7 EC's rather than using IC regularly, is this viable or dumb? If possible, also don't want to have to self-cast anything outside of high end stuff when it's necessary to use IC.

The only two links that seem obvious are:
Cyclone > Faster Attacks > Blood Magic > Fortify > Melee Physical Damage > Added Fire
Blood Rage > Phase Run > Blood Magic > Increased Duration

Leaving two other 4L available, assuming Kaoms. Would this work, or is there a better CWDT route? Don't fully understand the CWDT mechanics as far as skill gems and order of linking. Primarily I want to be able to utilize the effects of Punishment, Warlords Mark, Endurance Charge on Melee Stun, Hatred, and Haste.

Punishment > Warlords Mark > Hatred > Curse on Hit
Leap Slam > Vengeance > Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Haste unlinked

Would Conqueror's Efficiency and Champion of the Cause be enough to sustain those skills?


First off welcome back! So lets get down to it;

"Punishment > Warlords Mark > Hatred > Curse on Hit"
"Leap Slam > Vengeance > Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Haste unlinked"

If your planning on running Haste + Hatred you will have 100% mana reserved. You have phase run and bloodrage off bloodmagic which is perfect but you want to run 1 of 2 curses and leap slam id imagine.

You have 3 decent routes for doing what I think you wanna do;
1) Vengeance + curse on Hit + Endurance charge on melee stun + Curse
2) Vengeance + Endurance Charge on melee Stun + Leap Slam + Bloodmagic
3) Leap Slam + Blood Magic + Curse on Hit + Curse

If you use option 3 your other 4 link can be:
1) Aura + Aura + Vengeance + Endurance Charge on melee stun

Another 4 Link option is :
2) Enduring Cry + Increased Duration + Immortal Call + Bloodmagic

Its going to be tight to fit everything you want with a 6l for cyclone and no body sockets.
ktwilson wrote:
Is this build viable for the new tempest league?

Im trying it just hoping for any advice, I was going to follow the HC axe build.

My plan for surviving is the standard build and getting a belly of the beast and grabing loads of endurance nodes.

any other helpful bits appreciated?

CWDT + Enfeeble + Chaos Golem + Immortal Call has served some people i know very nice ( leaving it at lv1 ) Running around casting enduring cry keeps you alive lmao, its boring as fuck but it gets the job done.Running fortify in your main cyclone setup is a must. Vengeance + Endurance Charge On Melee Stun + Stun + Blind is also very defensive but useful.
Thomasmgp wrote:
This build can very easily run with a decent amount of IIR gear. I dont know how well it would work at higher maps because I gimped my lighting resists. So far everything up to corrupted 120 lvl 72s has been a joke. Only time I died was due to that Beyond boss that summons orange lighting and shoots out lighting balls and I was standing in shocked ground.

Current Gear with 211 item rarity.


Yep yep, because the entire build can/has been run off rares using mf gear is very easy or simply working some rarity into your current gear; every little bit helps.
Wayn091 wrote:
ktwilson wrote:
Is this build viable for the new tempest league?

Im trying it just hoping for any advice, I was going to follow the HC axe build.

My plan for surviving is the standard build and getting a belly of the beast and grabing loads of endurance nodes.

any other helpful bits appreciated?

Link a CWDT to Warlords Mark or Enfeeble for some extra survival :)

^ This ^

I would personally run a lv1 cwdt to have it proc as often as possible. Id rather 100% of my enemies be 10% weaker than 10% of my enemies be 100% weaker. #PoEPoetry
Last edited by Lighty on Jul 28, 2015, 5:24:44 AM
1vahkin wrote:

What i should do to upgrade gear ? Im newby )) What need to farm and how craft ?)

I would replace your gloves asap and I assume you were using them to cap your resistances. Your jewelry isn't very good but aside from that it all seems decent. Slowly upgrade your rares, Get a kaoms hear and 5-6 link your Kaoms primacy. Eventually get an atziri Disfavor and go to 5-6 link that.
Tuna2517 wrote:

any good for this build?

Unholy might is the craziest buff in the game for physical builds.

[quote]Unholy Might is a buff that grants an additional 30% of physical damage as chaos damage.[/quote]

That being said 4 seconds isn't that long and 5% isn't that high. I'm not completely sure but unless your literally face raping through content you wont be able to sustain the buff for very long ( it functions off duration so grabbing duration nodes on the passive tree will increase it ). For someone like me who can clear very very fast it may be useful but its hard to complete with a well rolled rare jewel given they have 100% up-time. I'm on the fence about this one; await further testing!
InBobWeTrust wrote:
Really liking the build so far. It's my fastest mapping char thus far. Though one question I have is related to the advice of getting the 4th end charge from Oak for doing Atziri. How practical is it to maintain 4 end charges during the boss fights for a manual or even CWDT triggered IC? I don't particularly want to spend 20 regrets to change the quest reward, but at the moment I find the 4th end charge to be pretty useless even when mapping. Vengeance - Stun - ECoMS - Melee Phys can't maintain end charges on its own since Vengeance doesn't trigger often enough and leap slam actually slows me down due to my high move speed. Any advice?

Using Enduring cry is a slower, safer and more methodical way to play cyclone or melee in general. Its 100% not needed for Atziri or mapping and only slows down the rampaging feel of the build ( which i enjoy the most ). Is it better to have more endurance charges up at all times, absolutely. Am i going to cast enduring cry every pack of mobs, Fuck no. I enjoy having as much of my character on autopilot as possible; but weather its worth the 20 regrets to change it is entirely up to how broke you are.
Valmar wrote:
InBobWeTrust wrote:
Really liking the build so far. It's my fastest mapping char thus far. Though one question I have is related to the advice of getting the 4th end charge from Oak for doing Atziri. How practical is it to maintain 4 end charges during the boss fights for a manual or even CWDT triggered IC? I don't particularly want to spend 20 regrets to change the quest reward, but at the moment I find the 4th end charge to be pretty useless even when mapping. Vengeance - Stun - ECoMS - Melee Phys can't maintain end charges on its own since Vengeance doesn't trigger often enough and leap slam actually slows me down due to my high move speed. Any advice?

I use leap slam for engaging and maintain the charges and rarely have to recast enduring cry.
However, keeping charges is not for all the people, maybe that doesnt fit your style. It's all. You have to chose a character that you enjoying playing with, and maybe you prefer just 3 with daresso and forget about casting them if you are not enjoying leap slam charge mechanic.

As you have said, vengeance is just not reliable to do it. I use one leap slam, one cast, and then leap slam every 15 seconds aprox to keep them all up.

Just my opinion.

This is the more methodical and safer way to play I mentioned above. When I played cyclone in HC I did this, even more so with 7 endurance charges and blind on leapslam
Radagastt wrote:
If I decide to use the Brute Force Solution jewel for my Int, what's the best way to get to the optimal socket for it in your screenshot?

The nodes in the screenshot don't match the final tree, so I don't want to screw it up. I was thinking about just grabbing those two +10 Int nodes right above Devotion and then getting the socket.

Let me know, thanks!

Whoops! Your right, updating that shortly!
Doom2soon wrote:

Those are my stats, and i'm not having any issues leveling gems. i put my jewel here:

Added your screenshot for the second best place to use brute force or fluid in motion. That location is 60 attribute conversion, left of marauder is 70; if you use both jewels is still better than grabbing a 30 dex/int node.

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