(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Ivogil wrote:
Hello guys, having a blast with this build. I made a small video killing Atziri normal, the only problem I find is to get charges for my flasks during the fight.


Also need to thank Lighty for the video guide. Very usefull tips there

Looking good! Only way to get flask charges during Atziri is during feeding phase but it shouldn't be an issue; with more practice you learn to manage your flask charges appropriately.
Wayn091 wrote:
Isdp wrote:
Guess my question disapeared within all that amout of talking within the last minutes but ..

Wouldn't hatred + HoA + AA (with hypothermia linked) be far superior in term of damage than hatred + haste ?

I find it very strange that almost nobody is talking about that.

It actually has been discussed, multiple times, but this thread gets updated with pages daily.

OP always says the same thing. Yes, Hatred + HoA is more DPS, however when your DPS is high enough, the movement speed from haste is more preferred for faster mapping since the extra DPS is pointless past a point.

Remember that AA will only give you the ice ground movement speed debuff on enemies since you'll always be moving, you won't get mitigation from the skill.

^ What he said ^

With headhunter I often have 200k dps after everything is said and move and attack faster than my character animation allows. headhunter OpOp
Isdp wrote:
I don't think AA should be taken for the defensive mechanic but for the synergie with Hypothermia.

I think lots of people are overlooking that support gem.

It's 39% MORE damage on cyclone.
Nothing comes close to that in term of damage boost.

I'll try haste / hoa / AA for QoL mapping.

Post your results on the forum after testing! If/when we get enough information on it I will add it to the build guide with copious notes and suggestions!
The_Rain_Man wrote:
I watched your vid before with your Atziri kill the walk through was really good, gave me abit of motivation to finally do it after forever.
I went in there no auras no flasks no self cast. Did what you did and went in same set up as mapping and i stomped her arse out i was pretty impressed it was actually easy. I would of been screwed if i didn't watch your vid though. Got a P flask for my first drop haha.

Nice! Yeah cyclone is very good for atziri farming and you can go in without having to switch your passive tree around, for uber its a different story/
Potti wrote:
Hey Guys.
What should i use for this spec? Daressos Defiance or Belly of the Beast?

Belly of the beast imo. Daressos Defiance is nice but belly's raw life and flask recovery is more useful later on when you reach higher level maps, at that point surviving is almost all that matters. The 10% exp loss when your 90+ is beyond painful.
Potti wrote:
Hey Guys.
What should i use for this spec? Daressos Defiance or Belly of the Beast?

I think Daresso's is more evasion-oriented, Belly of the Beast is probably the best choice after Kaom's.

^ This ^

In order of "best body armours"

1) legacy Kaoms Heart gg
2) Kaoms Heart
3) Belly of the Beast
4) Carcass Jack ( good fucking luck rolling red sockets )
5) Daressos Defiance
6) The Restless Ward / Kingsguard? fuck idk
jbywu wrote:
Hey Lighty, great build!

I'm around level 65 on my Marauder and at the end of your leveling phase 3 tree. I was wondering which of the Axe/Mace/Sword trees to follow next? I'm a beginner, but right now I have like a level 60 5 link axe which I am using.

Axe has +1 weapon range and leech on tree, Mace has stun and aoe, sword has higher pdps later on. Going axe is best because you can transition from kaoms primacy to atziri disfavor or even a rare axe in between pretty fluidly. The difference between the 3 isn't major and i suggest you pick the one you like the best ( looks wise even ) or if you have a nice weapon already lined up roll with that. The cost to switch between passive trees is less than 20 regrets so if you decide to change later on it isn't a huge deal.
jbywu wrote:
edit: sorry double post

n1mro wrote:
Should i take Iron Reflex node if i have 3175 evasion rating? Playing with devoto devtion and daresso's defiance.
atm i have 29% (4168) dmg reduction and 26% (3175) evade chance.

yessss? I think so, that sounds right. Although having 0 evasion is no bueno. Post your stats after you see this ( evasion & Armour before and after iron reflexes ). I run neither so i have little to no evasion as is but if you have 3175 evasion that's worth the 3 passive points id imagine. Armour is really fucking good at the moment because there's so much physical damage from monsters going around im convinced spark does physical damage now.
n1mro wrote:
Should i take Iron Reflex node if i have 3175 evasion rating? Playing with devoto devtion and daresso's defiance.
atm i have 29% (4168) dmg reduction and 26% (3175) evade chance.

You probably should, but I would replace Daresso's with Kaom's asap.

^ See above post ^

But yeah if your going to stick with your devoto's & daressos go for it, but in the long run kaoms is better hands down.

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