(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Tuna2517 wrote:
xmh911111 wrote:
Tested out Vaal cyclone with LGOH Fortify and increased duration, do you think concentrated effects is a good replacement for increased duration? Or does increased duration works well with LGOH?

i was thinking about alternatives to ID as well...
i feel like it's a second or so too long. any thoughts on a support gem i can replace duration for.

well if you want to grab more peeps inc aoe, less but more damage; conc effect. Want to make it fun, Cast on melee kill + any spell.
tyvar1 wrote:
Lighty wrote:
tyvar1 wrote:
Lighty do you take any donations? :D

You have been so helpful and I want to thank you in some way!

Added to the second reserved section at the bottom. Most people donate via twitch but might as-well put the link here too. Cheers mate.
awesome! :D

68108557S2690322A thank you once again!

no idea what that number is but thanks buddy!
Flebbe126 wrote:
Thx for ur input bro, GG build right here! Highly recommended!

xmh911111 wrote:
Tested out Vaal cyclone with LGOH Fortify and increased duration, do you think concentrated effects is a good replacement for increased duration? Or does increased duration works well with LGOH?

ID just makes you spin longer, if you have more links id honestly just add more vaal cyclone to always have them up when mapping. Melee physical, conc effect, inc aoe all work aswell.
Hey! I just hit 90 with this awesome build, and at this point I have few questions.

Is Fortify profitable? I'm using it as 6th link (was lucky enough to get a 6L axe from Strongbox)
I linked Cyclone with Faster Attacks - Blood Magic - Life Leech - Melee Physical Damage - Fortify (Added Fire Damage before Fortify) and i have about 2,5k dps less that with added fire.

Does Vengeance works while I'm spinning? I'm looking for a setup to get some Endurance charges without casting Enduring Cry manually, so I linked Warlord's mark to CWDT.

Are those Life Leech nodes from tree enough to sustain without Life Leech gem?
Hi Lighty! Great guide, really appreciate the well thought out and explained principles.

What do you think of linking vengence with fortify so I can add a better damage support gem to cyclone?

Keep up the great work, I'm learning a ton about cyclone and the game in general reading through all your replies!
Oh, second question: for hardcore would it make sense to get the blood magic node for the amazing % life nodes behind it, and to open up another gem slot for cyclone?
assek2k10 wrote:
Hey! I just hit 90 with this awesome build, and at this point I have few questions.

Is Fortify profitable? I'm using it as 6th link (was lucky enough to get a 6L axe from Strongbox)
I linked Cyclone with Faster Attacks - Blood Magic - Life Leech - Melee Physical Damage - Fortify (Added Fire Damage before Fortify) and i have about 2,5k dps less that with added fire.

Does Vengeance works while I'm spinning? I'm looking for a setup to get some Endurance charges without casting Enduring Cry manually, so I linked Warlord's mark to CWDT.

Are those Life Leech nodes from tree enough to sustain without Life Leech gem?

You shouldn't need life leech, especially at lvl 90. I have 0.39% phys damage to life on my gloves and haven't run lgoh/life leech since lvl 76. I'd replace life leech with Added Fire Damage personally.
LeeBee wrote:
Hi Lighty! Great guide, really appreciate the well thought out and explained principles.

What do you think of linking vengence with fortify so I can add a better damage support gem to cyclone?

Keep up the great work, I'm learning a ton about cyclone and the game in general reading through all your replies!

I already tried vengeance with fortify and Fortify never, ever proc'ed so I left it linked to cyclone.
Lighty wrote:
Well first off thanks and overall I would drop herald of ashe and aa for haste although like you stated the chill on ground can be useful defensively. Mings and death rush are great overall ( not like capped chaos res is needed ). As far as cog + nova i would just run warlords with cwdt lv1 although the obvious downside is with cwdt + curse the curse is only lv5 and for coh ice nova cwdt it can be lv20. That being said you may be able to find more use for the extra 2 links with cwdt + curse if you run them strait up. your gear looks good overall but your weapon is lacking ( which im sure you realized ). Leveling with multi cursing is always preferable but like you said, its a luxury!

Will probably end up moving on from HoA + AA once I develop my health pool a bit more, as the chilled ground and Hypothermia freeze procs are doing a lot of work in the survivability department. Capped Chaos Res is a bit more of a gimmick as I've been playing with -60% my entire PoE career.

Definitely going to go with the CWDT + low Level Curse. Going to play around with Warlord's Mark, Enfeeble, and Temporal Chains to see which one I like best. Going to try Shock Nova + Innervate linked to it just to see how reliable the Shock + Onslaught proc is (would let me drop Death Rush for a second Ming's or a rare ring), but will probably end up using the extra slots for Vengeance or my Auras.

I'm thinking about moving all my buffs into a 5link which would open up room for a high level CWDT or a utility Vengeance set up.

As far as weapon goes I'd unfortunately need to invest about 3ex for a significant upgrade. I think I need to upgrade my Boots and replace my Chest with a Belly, Kaom's, or a 6l Rare before I even look at my weapon.

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