(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Jugg or Zerk guys? What is the difference?
Castiel343 wrote:
Jugg or Zerk guys? What is the difference?

Jugg is more tanky, and Berk is more dps, but less tanky and more risky game style.

As I think.
is starforge good with vaal pact berserker?
This player is the highest ranked cyclone build on Harbinger league and he uses flicker strike and cyclone!

How do you think he makes it work?

I tried to follow him (using a 2H mace instead of Starforge and I'm a Slayer-Raider ) and I find difficulty sustaining flicker on bosses.

Do you think his build is viable for high level map bosses?

Forgive me if this has already been covered (I searched through the thread without much luck). I recently purchased a Starforge; what do you guys recommend I use in place of Hatred and Herald of Ash? I am a bit of a newb, so I've been trying to puzzle this out the past few days.
Vanderhoof81 wrote:
Forgive me if this has already been covered (I searched through the thread without much luck). I recently purchased a Starforge; what do you guys recommend I use in place of Hatred and Herald of Ash? I am a bit of a newb, so I've been trying to puzzle this out the past few days.

Focus on defenses I say. Personally, I run cyclone using mana and I never have any mana issues.
I highly suggest a:

Enlighten + Blasphemy + (aura of choice: warlocks, vulnerability, punishment) + Arctic Armor
Warlocks for endurance charges (more physical reduction, more leech)

Go brutality maim and fortify in your cyclone link, I prefer not to think about refreshing fortify uptime with leap slam. Hope these helps.
Yatori90 wrote:
Castiel343 wrote:
Jugg or Zerk guys? What is the difference?

Jugg is more tanky, and Berk is more dps, but less tanky and more risky game style.

As I think.

This is maybe true for "no vaal pact".
A berserker with VP survives stuff a Jugg can only dream about.
3.5 build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2299519
Do you guys have any good recommendation for the Pantheon and related upgrades? I don't want to waste my divine vessel :-( I thought about:
'Brine King - Champion of frost' or 'Soul of Lunaris - Master of the Blade'
For minor gods I thought about Yugul or Gruthkul or Ralakesh or Ryslatha. No idea what's the most useful one.
I've read thru countless pages on here, but could not find any definitive answer for my question.


I can understand Jugg is the safer but much slower bet, whereas I'm unsure about the other two. Would anyone care to explain it to me? And which would be better with budget around 250c+ (which means 6-linked starforge and Kaom's heart is a bit far off atm)

Hi I don't understand under the "Gems and Links" section for cyclone setup it lists 7 gems, isn't he max gems on a piece of equipment six?

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