(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Hello there, and thanks for the awesome build. Been playing in and out of POE since the beginning, so i'm a bit lost.

My character is doing well (well i can do t8 map without much problem), but i feel a bit squishy and i don't really know what utility use to boost my survability. I'm us

I plan on using Vengance + Curse on hit + Enfeeble + Blind. It is any good ?

I'm already using Cast when damage taken + Immortal call + Molten + Increase duration.

I'm also using the tree aura, hatred, heralf of hash and artic armor, so i don't have any mana left...

My cyclone setup is basic : Blood magic + Cyclone + Maim + Added fire damage + Melee physical + Conc and i use this setup on my armor : Blood magic + Leap slam + Blood Rage + Fortify + Faster attack (plan on adding endurance charge on stun when i got a 6l chest).

Thanks for any input.

Edit : forget about blind, i put endurance charge on stun in my vengance setup. Trying to have boots with 1 red, 1 green, 2 blue seems to be hell
Last edited by Dudekroc on Aug 24, 2017, 4:16:57 PM
Dudekroc wrote:

Edit : forget about blind, i put endurance charge on stun in my vengance setup. Trying to have boots with 1 red, 1 green, 2 blue seems to be hell

i think you should try with a Vorici lvl 7, he can craft 1 Green 2 Blue
Any of these setups are useful, only one that's "required" is the Cast When Damage Taken One

Cast When Damage Taken(20) + Immortal Call(20) + Increased Duration(20) + Molten Shell(20)

Vengeance + Leap Slam + Fortify + Bloodmagic

Blood Rage + Blood Magic + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

Warchief Totem + Melee Physical + Concentrated Effect + Maim

Can swap maim for faster attacks or a curse on hit setup (CoH + curse + Veng + leap)

Pleb here, i don't get what's the deal with using Leap Slam in two different gem configurations. Do you use two different Leap Slam hotkeys? /dumbquestionsorry
Hjello people!

I've been playing and enjoying this build as a Marauder Juggernaut for few weeks now, but it seems that I've now hit a point where I get kind of stuck.

I can farm T6-9 maps with pretty ease, but sometimes I just get annihilated by packs or bosses. So I was wondering if someone more experienced could take a look through my gear and passive point setups and point me to easy upgrades. I realise that I've fairly low health, 4,7k, but gear with higher health with resistances cost way more than I have at the moment. The build is fun, but losing hours progress due to shitty pack is getting kind of stale.

Also is it better to use Ruthless or Maim as support? PoB says that Ruthless gives me 600 more avg. damage.

Thanks for the help guys!
Hi, as of 3.0 slayer is still OAK the bandit reward?

Or 2 passive points?

Because the skill treeof slayer says kill all and the text build says OAK
Nice build, but i have question about:
1) How much armour im must have on high maps ? Now with determination aura i have 10.000. but i saw many meele build when players have 4.000 armour, it;s enought ? How much armout i must have to kill Angus on end game lab ? I thing its information its enought or no ...
2) Life regeneration it;s important or more important is regeneration on hit ? Please tell me maybe both option are important ?
3) The chest its ok for Cyclone ? it's good ? or change on Belly ?
If I use all my mana in auras, will my skills from Cast When Damage Taken proc with no mana?
my understanding is that trigger gem don't need mana : Cast when damage taken or Vengeance for instance.
Samir316 wrote:
anthouwgame wrote:
I have a problems with survivability on bosses. I'm not that squishy I guess. Capped resistances, 6118 hp.
Does anyone can recommend me something?
The build tree and gear linked below - name RadTradGuy:

You only 1 layer of defense: Life. Belly provides neglible armour and evasion, along with the rest of the gear. If you want to take cyclone to end game you have to push the gear along a lot more, like any other end game capable melee build.

If you really really want to just stack life, then you buy a Kaoms Heart. Otherwise, learn about defenses, shifts, blind, ENDURANCE CHARGES, etc.

Thats always the issue with slayer, people try to out leech everything. That doesnt work when end game bosses can hit for 12K unmitigated.

I understand, thanks. It's a first time I'm playing cyclone. Life wasn't my first goal. I just got Belly as a random drop. Are you trying to say that I should work on the rest of my gear and switch belly for some good rare chest with a lot of armour?
tutstuts wrote:
If I use all my mana in auras, will my skills from Cast When Damage Taken proc with no mana?

Yes it will proc. i'm playing Blood Magic and got 0 mana but my Cast When Damage Taken setup works fine.

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