(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

imperiialm wrote:
hitmansnbr1 wrote:
Just attempted and downed the Minotaur Guardian. First attempt as a Juggernaut and was able to do it. Died 2x but that was just bad positioning on my part. Took less than 5min to get to the boss. Boss fight was around 6min which included the time lost for the 2 deaths. This was with a 5L cyclone and 5400 hp. Probably not as fast as some builds but the defense of the character made the fight comfortable to run.

How much tooltip dps does your cyclone have? im thinking of going for the fortify&determination playstyle too but im scared of too much dps loss

Edit: Ok i just switched and i lost like 15k dps but i feel a lot safer now so thats rly good, thanks for the inspiration hitmansnbr1 :D

My tooltip during Minotaur was around 25k without charges ETC. Tooltip buffed during fight was probably around 42k when I checked. Path of Building shows my DPS around 75k but I'm not sure how accurate that is:

Here is the link to the Minotaur fight:


Nice guide ty mate.

Cycloning the first time since awakening beta now, seems fun, just kinda lost on the new support gems.

Just wondering is the Ruthless support the way to go nowadays?

Quote from poewiki:

With Cyclone, Ruthless Blows doesn't work as normal as intended, Ruthless Blow won't trigger every 3rd attack, however, it will trigger every 3rd series of spin attacks made by Cyclone.

I mean is it worth vs other supports?

Atm running zerker and if i put "on" all the bells and whistles on poe builder (path of building)
the theoretical max i can put out would be somewhere 757k (switching faster attacks for conc/inc aoe and fortify for ruthless, but then i would have to get my fortify from somewhere else ((leap slam maybe))) but i think on normal situations i wont be reaching that.

Any inputs on how i should manage my gems or are they just like fine atm.
Like i said im kinda lost with new supports

I went with the "Indomitable" notable and Lunaris + Gruthkul combo which seems to help alot dealing with phys damage.


I asked once, and I'm pretty sure it was overlooked.

I'm just getting back into PoE, Haven't played since The Masters were released... ( I know, it's been a very long time)

I've been following the build pretty regularly...Juggernaut, cyclone, 7 endurance charges, tidebreaker.
Pretty sure my character isn't set to private, please take a look at it.

What I'm looking for is some help.

My tooltip DPS in town is 45,874 (with Hatred and Haste) Now this number ramps up to about 60k with the frenzy charges provided from Blood Rage and the extra damage per endurance charge from tidebreaker.... yet I still feel it's way too low...

Besides my rings, and amulet which are both really weak I think... at least in terms of defense, where else should I start dumping currency...

Scenario (This is why I'm really down in the dumps and questioning everything I've built up on this character) : EducationInTrueSavagery does really well solo, he basically walks through (spins through) tier 12-13 maps... Sure he takes a little bit longer to kill bosses and what not.. and sure he dies if he kills 15 goatmen at the same time when they have molten shell active, and sure he might sometimes die on a certain boss if he's ignoring mechanics... but I join a group and my DPS is noticeably garbage, my movement speed is noticeably garbage. I've noticed on multiple occasions other cycloners just speeding fast as hell through shit. Juggernaut Cycloners included.

Sorry for the wall of text and rant... It's just really getting to me.

I have a decent amount of currency and I just don't know where to invest it, I don't really have any friends that I play this game with (See "I just started playing again and haven't played since The Masters were released") that I could ask for help, or seek advice from someone I look up to you know...

All in all, I need help Marauders.

TLDR: I've noticed that I'm weak as fuck, and I thought I was doing pretty well, please be my mentor.
Hello Lighty, Ironfist here. So ever since i started my char i been deliberating weather slayer or berserker is the best. If you could give an in depth explanation i would appreciate it

here is a link i found comparing the two classes
Berry117 wrote:

I asked once, and I'm pretty sure it was overlooked.

I'm just getting back into PoE, Haven't played since The Masters were released... ( I know, it's been a very long time)

I've been following the build pretty regularly...Juggernaut, cyclone, 7 endurance charges, tidebreaker.
Pretty sure my character isn't set to private, please take a look at it.

What I'm looking for is some help.

My tooltip DPS in town is 45,874 (with Hatred and Haste) Now this number ramps up to about 60k with the frenzy charges provided from Blood Rage and the extra damage per endurance charge from tidebreaker.... yet I still feel it's way too low...

Besides my rings, and amulet which are both really weak I think... at least in terms of defense, where else should I start dumping currency...

Scenario (This is why I'm really down in the dumps and questioning everything I've built up on this character) : EducationInTrueSavagery does really well solo, he basically walks through (spins through) tier 12-13 maps... Sure he takes a little bit longer to kill bosses and what not.. and sure he dies if he kills 15 goatmen at the same time when they have molten shell active, and sure he might sometimes die on a certain boss if he's ignoring mechanics... but I join a group and my DPS is noticeably garbage, my movement speed is noticeably garbage. I've noticed on multiple occasions other cycloners just speeding fast as hell through shit. Juggernaut Cycloners included.

Sorry for the wall of text and rant... It's just really getting to me.

I have a decent amount of currency and I just don't know where to invest it, I don't really have any friends that I play this game with (See "I just started playing again and haven't played since The Masters were released") that I could ask for help, or seek advice from someone I look up to you know...

All in all, I need help Marauders.

TLDR: I've noticed that I'm weak as fuck, and I thought I was doing pretty well, please be my mentor.

My thoughts only as i played with some similar build like you last league only with earthquake instead of cyclone.

Imo you got pretty good gear just missing some sockets and skills (and life) so i would get rings and neck with life rolls

One option would be to drop immortal call and put a curse like enfeeble or punishment or vulnerability.
Try to keep your charges up 24/7, also get belt with endurance charge and maybe kaoms ring (or not).

Obvious 6 link might help but expensive, get more links to chest and add warchief totem.

One option would be to get mana leech jewels (you got nice jewels btw) and run cyclone on mana and run hatred/haste + herald of ash.

Hi guys,

i'm doing the build with a Slayer Starforge Blood Magic version.
i just hit maps and it's smooth. thanks for your build Lighty, i'm enjoying it.
i got an enchant on my boots and i was wondering if it works with my Starforge :

With Resolute Technique i never crit, i don't deal elemental damage because of Starforge.

do you guys know if that enchant is usefull for my character ?

Ty for the response, yeah the gems most of them will need to be replaced given I replace my weapon....
I like immortal call, but yeah I guess i could swap it for a curse.

Will mess around with the warchief setup in my chest.


I've updated my Gloves, belt and one ring.... only a few thousand more tool tip DPS. Though I did gain about 400 or so health.

I know not having 6 link really hurts me, but i don't think the weapon is worth 6 linking, and i dont want to 6 link the armor for the same reason/possibility of just using X unique armor.

another 150 or so chaos, and it still feels all futile.

Last edited by Berry117 on Aug 24, 2017, 6:46:25 AM
Hello, I have a question. Im currently running 6L chest setup-> Cyclone - FA - Ruthless - added fire - melee phys and maim. Since you have suggested ruthless in your links. Chance to bleed still gives me more tooltip dps (around 5k+), should I swap it for it or does ruthless help mainly against bosses?
Last edited by povedzDesat on Aug 24, 2017, 3:07:38 PM
pekinaama wrote:
Just wondering is the Ruthless support the way to go nowadays?

Quote from poewiki:

With Cyclone, Ruthless Blows doesn't work as normal as intended, Ruthless Blow won't trigger every 3rd attack, however, it will trigger every 3rd series of spin attacks made by Cyclone.

I mean is it worth vs other supports?

I've been wondering about this mechanic as well. Some say it works, some don't.

If what poewiki said it's true then faster attacks would probably be the next best gem (for my setup anyways).
madriz wrote:
pekinaama wrote:
Just wondering is the Ruthless support the way to go nowadays?

Quote from poewiki:

With Cyclone, Ruthless Blows doesn't work as normal as intended, Ruthless Blow won't trigger every 3rd attack, however, it will trigger every 3rd series of spin attacks made by Cyclone.

I mean is it worth vs other supports?

I've been wondering about this mechanic as well. Some say it works, some don't.

If what poewiki said it's true then faster attacks would probably be the next best gem (for my setup anyways).

Also looking for a definite answer, I think it works though. I just tried switching out my bleed gem for ruthless and find my dps to be better. My question is then, wouldn't faster attacks be really good with ruthless? Faster attacks = more ruthless procs = more dps?
Last edited by Ridman on Aug 24, 2017, 4:06:00 PM

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