(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Can someone on high tier maps link your jewels? Thanks
Well, Slayer or Juggernaut, Disfavour or Starforge, one thing's for sure. This build and this thread sure are blazing through. :3
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more.

'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league.
Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave.
Is Kitava's Feast worth it? I'm using the Kondo's Prime sword atm and in POB it seems Kitava would lower my dps a bit.
Samir316 wrote:
DutchRudder wrote:
Any opinions on brutality support +voidheart vs vile toxins support + voidheart?

Seems like the poison stacking would be big dps iether way

Have you checked if the DOT applied by the skill is affected by Brutality's "supported skills deal no chaos" mod? I dont actually know, and anyway, not really a fan of non-legacy voidheart, the tree is full of bleed chance now and poison/chaos damage is all on the right of the tree. Maybe it's good, maybe it's not, I think we're talking about an entirely different build though.

The wiki says physical damage can apply poison so it should still work, non legacy voidheart + dirty techniques cluster will get you enough % chance then you can also get chance to poison on jewels if that's not enough.

Edit: ah I see what you mean now it says chaos DoT so maybe it won't work with brutality, in that case vile toxins might be a better choice?

Once I get my char setup I can provide more info but on paper it seems very strong vs bosses since everything else will melt anyway

I'm also thinking for faster map runs... Vaal cyclone + inc duration + brutality + faster attacks combined with lions roar would be sweet, the knock back means less chance to rip vs those explody magic mobs and melee monsters can't get near you.
Last edited by DutchRudder on Aug 15, 2017, 6:49:21 AM
Sorry guys, I'm completely new, hvn't played POE for 2 years.
Currently running this build in HARDCORE, going to be a Juggernaut. Can you guys recommend which set of Aura and Utilities I should run below for maximum defense, lower chance to die?? Thanks!


Hatred + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armour

Hatred + Haste/Determination/Grace

Hatred + Blasphemy (curse)

Hatred + Herald of Ash + Blasphemy (curse) with Lv3+4 Enlighten


Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Molten Shell

Vengeance + Leap Slam + Maim + Bloodmagic

Blood Rage + Blood Magic + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

Warchief Totem + Melee Physical + Concentrated Effect + Maim

Can swap maim for faster attacks or a curse on hit setup (CoH + curse + Veng + leap)
How come the unique sword ''Hiltless'' isn't listed among the ''helpful uniques''? By far more effective than the kaoms axe or even Hezmana for cyclone, especially for a slayer, i'd argue it's the best unique budget alternative there is.

The dps is a bit higher than Hezaman although 1.45 atspeed with lower damage per hit(200-415), bloodmagic isn't universal as with Hezmana but it still a free gem slot as long as cyclone is linked in the weapon. The +2 range of the weapon is amazing for cyclone, it beats atziri at 14 radius(sword node) compared to atziris 13 radius, it can unlike all the others also be used in a crit build with a 7-7.5 base opening up a potential big dps increase at high char level with enough skill points to spend on crit nodes.

The only downside is the 100 damage reflect, thus it synergizes perfectly with a slayer, other classes can still mitigiate the effect with endurance charges and decent leech so it's NP.

Am i missing something?
this is the best stuff i could find after 420 pages of this shitty guide where the shitty op dissapeared and no one tells a shit about how they turn their softcore build into t15 build, so man, congratulations and ty! ...starforge is really hard in harbringer but whatever..gonna try your build as fast as i can!
can you say that your build can be played as jugger ?? i mean how? i feel berseker tanks because of his leech, but jugger its like 50% regen+50 leech to sustain which its not even close due to the dps distance between both..

Thanks for the feedback mate! But this isn't meant to be like that. This trhead shows you the basics to get you going, ou have to understand you char, understand better the mechanics and start to do you own steps... Most of the knowledge I used to make this build was taken from here, from OP and principally the replies... Then I went to 3.0 patch notes, read all, went to the wiki, read about almost all uniques that could help me, tried to find the best ones, tested many combinations of gems, equips... It's a hard work that you need to do. And me, I just posted my results!

Answering your question, I think jugger can be as good as berserker, with the right tree. I'm tanking good enough to do end game content, but sometimes I die for trivial things. But is always this:

Berserker: +Damage, -Defense,
Juggernaut: -Damage, +Defense.

Of course you can have a Juggernaut doing absurd damage with the right gear. Yet. after some time, increasing damage will not have the same value as boosting defenses. I see this like a threshold, after that, more DPS will just be a number.
I think a lot of information is lost in the comments. It causes people to ask the same questions every time. Sometimes with 3 pages, LESS, the EXACTLY same question appears again.

I think would be nice if this thread had a "Comments" section, where OP could add the page numbers of the cool discussions, tips and everythig. This way, people can just jump to an subject without having to ask again, read 400+ pages like myself or search somewhere else.
first time playing seriously in PoE
chose the cyclone build,all happy but just yesterday went to the Minotaur
and 6 portals could remove him only 50% HP
play for 90 slayer level,and I think that in my gear he must die, only a matter of time
although 15 the map Kaom is a no-brainer kill him in just a few seconds,tell me maybe I should change something
and also wanted to ask champion vs slayer who looks better?
wierdzodi wrote:
How come the unique sword ''Hiltless'' isn't listed among the ''helpful uniques''? By far more effective than the kaoms axe or even Hezmana for cyclone, especially for a slayer, i'd argue it's the best unique budget alternative there is.

The dps is a bit higher than Hezaman although 1.45 atspeed with lower damage per hit(200-415), bloodmagic isn't universal as with Hezmana but it still a free gem slot as long as cyclone is linked in the weapon. The +2 range of the weapon is amazing for cyclone, it beats atziri at 14 radius(sword node) compared to atziris 13 radius, it can unlike all the others also be used in a crit build with a 7-7.5 base opening up a potential big dps increase at high char level with enough skill points to spend on crit nodes.

The only downside is the 100 damage reflect, thus it synergizes perfectly with a slayer, other classes can still mitigiate the effect with endurance charges and decent leech so it's NP.

Am i missing something?

hiltless is pretty good as a beginner weapon, but imho, you have to build for it. If you hit a pack of 30 mobs with a 23-30 radius cyclone, that phys damage will add up fast, dont forget cyclone has an attack speed multiplier.

6 hits per second x 30 mobs = 1800 physical damage taken before mitigation.

The best way to deal with it is to have very high armour, armour was custom-made as a defense for this situation. So yes, it can be done, but its a bit of a niche set up. I think lighty is trying to make this universal, not niche. And its simply better off to just use a Hezmana and not have to invest so heavily in armour.

Hiltless works better with a vaal pact crit setup on a Berserker that can use the proc to take enough damage to trigger 100% leech at all times.

Infanty wrote:
first time playing seriously in PoE
chose the cyclone build,all happy but just yesterday went to the Minotaur
and 6 portals could remove him only 50% HP
play for 90 slayer level,and I think that in my gear he must die, only a matter of time
although 15 the map Kaom is a no-brainer kill him in just a few seconds,tell me maybe I should change something
and also wanted to ask champion vs slayer who looks better?

You'll have to post map mods. Slayer relies on leeching back damage, against guardians, you need to avoid being 1 shot. Slayer is good for T1 to T15, For t16 and shaper, you have to dodge and not put insane map mods on guardians if you want to keep using a slayer. Its possible, but you cant facetank everything like a vaal pact build. If I want to do that type of content on a slayer I will use both Hematophagy and Vitality Void to try to get as much leech as possible, and stack tons and tons of HP (every jewel must have life).
Last edited by Samir316 on Aug 15, 2017, 10:01:44 AM

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