(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

broseidon07 wrote:
For a slayer what is next upgrade from 5L hezmana?

I'm wondering about weapon update too. Is kitava's axe worth it? Or is a 2h rare weapon with high pDPS around the same price is a better choice?
Shiiro95 wrote:
madriz wrote:
Hi, I'm in a similar situation. What was your armor rating/phys reduction before switching to Brass Dome?

I have plans to to go either Brass Dome or Kaom's Heart but that would hurt my res. I could always replace my rings for combinations of two-stone rings for all res and forget about chaos res which is currently at 48% and tbh I'm not really sure if I need all that chaos res.

I was using a 6L Astral plate +12% all res, +126 HP, 25% chaos res and 2K def. I was dying to every single boss. The lack of defense hurts much more than the gain in life. Kaom's doen't have much armor, so I think it'll hurt even more... In my case, of course. Remember, I'm berserker.

I don't felt any difference of dropping +50% chaos res to -30% chaos res. I've stayed a lot with -60% chaos res too, and didn't noticed the diference. Only one or two powerfull poisons I've experienced in the whole game, but that's it. I don't care with chaos res anymore.

All 3 chests are viable end game - rare astral, brass dome and kaoms. I've used all 3. You just have to build appropriately. Even belly of the beast can be used all the way to shaper.

Also Chaos Res is the least valuable res in the game, as chaos damage is pretty rare.

The lack of armour on kaoms means you build it differently than Brass Dome- you stack life as raw effective HP. This makes it decent for all damage types.

For brass dome, you stack armour and it is much better at physical damage reduction but sucks at elemental damage. The no extra damage from crits is the best mod on the plate, it makes it great for bosses with the affix "powerful crits".

The rare chest piece lets you use powerful uniques elsewhere, such as The Red Nightmare, Xoph's inferno or Headhunter.

You cant decide on a piece just like that - you have to look at the whole package - gear,build,ascendancy, pantheon.

BTW - I dont run immortal call as soon as I have 6+ endurance charges on basically every cyclone build I make. I would rather just have them up all the time.
Last edited by Samir316 on Aug 14, 2017, 1:44:51 PM
Samir316 wrote:
All 3 chests are viable end game - rare astral, brass dome and kaoms. I've used all 3. You just have to build appropriately. Chaos Res is the least valuable res in the game, as chaos damage is pretty rare.

The lack of armour on kaoms means you build it differently than Brass Dome- you stack life as raw effective HP. This makes it decent for all damage types.

For brass dome, you stack armour and it is much better at physical damage reduction but sucks at elemental damage. The no extra damage from crits is the best mod on the plate, it makes it great for bosses with the affix "powerful crits".

The rare chest piece lets you use powerful uniques elsewhere, such as The Red Nightmare, Xoph's inferno or Headhunter.

You cant decide on a piece just like that - you have to look at the whole package - gear,build,ascendancy, pantheon.

BTW - I dont run immortal call as soon as I have 6+ endurance charges on basically every cyclone build I make. I would rather just have them up all the time.

Absolutely right, thanks for elaborating!

As I said, this is in my case. Those are the equips I can afford right now. Kaom's will perform better if you have lots of life leech and leech speed, and an Astral plate will enable you to use some powerfull items on other slots, at lack of defense, that will not be a problem if you already are pretty tanky (jugger).
Edited about the IC versus 3 endurance charges.
Thanks Samir and Shiiro. Atm I am still experimenting on what's best for me and you both gave great advises.
Samir316 wrote:
Honestly, its 20 pages back, but I posted the same thing re: curses. With the recent changes to their effectiveness on bosses, I dont think its worth the investment. In terms of auras, nothing great for starforge either, at least not worth sacrificing all the mana. so for starforge, I always just go blood magic (keystone) and the only curse I'll use is a vuln on hit corruption on gloves.

The fact that the sword has a phat life roll on it makes BM even more obvious as a choice. It works really well with Kaom's heart. I would only really use auras on forge if I were doing an armour stacking juggernaut (grace + iron reflexes + determination). However, with the amount of incoming elemental damage in this game, I dont think armour stacking is great at end game... its OK for uber lab.

As it regards tooltip, pure phys has a lower tooltip than Phys+Ele, but Phys is often not resisted (there is a new physical damage reduction map mod, however). Most bosses and end game mobs have 40% ele resist.

This means 1 point of phys dps tends to be worth around 1.67 points of elemental DPS ( 1 divided by 0.6). Keep that in mind. I am doing brutality in LSC right now with a maul and easily doing uber izaro with 31k DPS 100% phys and a Maim warchief. My vulnerability is applied by CoH + Vengeance, it only really procs in long boss fights though, but this lets me get some utility out of vengeance.

This means a 30,000 dps of pure phys is comparable to a 45,000 dps build that is 50% phys 50% ele dmg.

I think we're at a point now where we have a clear cyclone progression, though.

Everyone starts out with the basic build lighty outlines, because its dirt cheap and gets you into at least T11 maps even with dogshit gear. I call this setup "Classic Lighty". However, once you want to optimize, you need to specialize either as phys or ele. Pure phys is great as its not resisted, but pure ele can have insane damage due to available penetration. But both styles need uniques to work, so they move beyond 2h lighty classic. If you want to play Classic Lighty to end game you need to invest very heavily in gear, because you need to support both physical and elemental damage.

Ive picked your suggestion about curses and applied to my case. Forgot to thank you, I didn't pay attention on this change.

Yeah, stacking armour isn't the best option. But it's good enough to endgame. I'm doing endgame content. It's ok. Can be better.

I think Kaom's heart will be perfect to a Jugger with Vaal Pact. Dropping a DPS gem to fortify on the cyclone setup, having full endurance charges up all the time, with heavy defensive gear + Enfeeble lv 20 on vengeance should tank almost every hit on the game. I have a Marauder 74 with clean skill tree, I'll start doing this tonight. Maybe in 1 or 2 weeks I'll post the results here.
Hi there,

First of all thanks @OP and all people who help other with their knowledge/experience!

I've a few questions:
I'll go Juggernaut and since they need Endu Charges to be more tanky and deal more damage it's a little bit confusing if I read that I shall use a CWDT Setup? Is this rhe real way to for Juggernauts?
Secondly I can't afford the Atziri Gloves, so i'm asking you if it's necessary to skill Vaal Pact until I can afford them?
Lastly I would like to ask if someone can "recommend" me some skills/wheels which I should try to reach asap. RT first I guess, but after that ?

Thanks in advance!
Continuing #chest armor theme... Brass Dom so much cheapest than Kaom's.. so choise for me is obvious for a long long time farming).
Last edited by Kliops144 on Aug 14, 2017, 2:18:08 PM
I have a very, very dumb question(most likely).

So I've played POE on and off for years. But never hardcore. This league I'm wanting to go toward that direction. I want to start a Marauder Cyclone build and found this thread. The build looks fun and awesome. My question is where do I go when the tree starts to branch off. Up or down? I've tried going through some of the posts, but couldn't find anything on that. I feel as though this is most likely a really dumb question lol. Sorry about that.

I have a very, very dumb question(most likely).

So I've played POE on and off for years. But never hardcore. This league I'm wanting to go toward that direction. I want to start a Marauder Cyclone build and found this thread. The build looks fun and awesome. My question is where do I go when the tree starts to branch off. Up or down? I've tried going through some of the posts, but couldn't find anything on that. I feel as though this is most likely a really dumb question lol. Sorry about that.

Depends on your playstile, gear, if you like Elemental or physical damage... The past 30 pages we are discussing about this. Where jugger shines, where berserker shines, on what they're better and worse.

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