(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Hi guys,

I'm really enjoying this build but finding I'm struggling now with my lvl78 jugg at T6-8 maps, can anyone help point me in the right direction?

Hope this link works.


Sorry guys, I'm completely new, hvn't played POE for 2 years.
Currently running this build in HARDCORE, going to be a Juggernaut. Can you guys recommend which set of Aura and Utilities I should run below for maximum defense, lower chance to die?? Thanks!


Hatred + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armour

Hatred + Haste/Determination/Grace

Hatred + Blasphemy (curse)

Hatred + Herald of Ash + Blasphemy (curse) with Lv3+4 Enlighten


Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Molten Shell

Vengeance + Leap Slam + Maim + Bloodmagic

Blood Rage + Blood Magic + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

Warchief Totem + Melee Physical + Concentrated Effect + Maim

Can swap maim for faster attacks or a curse on hit setup (CoH + curse + Veng + leap)
Shiiro95 wrote:
this is the best stuff i could find after 420 pages of this shitty guide where the shitty op dissapeared and no one tells a shit about how they turn their softcore build into t15 build, so man, congratulations and ty! ...starforge is really hard in harbringer but whatever..gonna try your build as fast as i can!
can you say that your build can be played as jugger ?? i mean how? i feel berseker tanks because of his leech, but jugger its like 50% regen+50 leech to sustain which its not even close due to the dps distance between both..

Thanks for the feedback mate! But this isn't meant to be like that. This trhead shows you the basics to get you going, ou have to understand you char, understand better the mechanics and start to do you own steps... Most of the knowledge I used to make this build was taken from here, from OP and principally the replies... Then I went to 3.0 patch notes, read all, went to the wiki, read about almost all uniques that could help me, tried to find the best ones, tested many combinations of gems, equips... It's a hard work that you need to do. And me, I just posted my results!

Answering your question, I think jugger can be as good as berserker, with the right tree. I'm tanking good enough to do end game content, but sometimes I die for trivial things. But is always this:

Berserker: +Damage, -Defense,
Juggernaut: -Damage, +Defense.

Of course you can have a Juggernaut doing absurd damage with the right gear. Yet. after some time, increasing damage will not have the same value as boosting defenses. I see this like a threshold, after that, more DPS will just be a number.

how would you do it? i guess the gear stays the same except that brass dome its not needed for jugger since he already has tons of armour..i dont want to spend 130 regrets to reroll into berzeker :(
how would you do it? i guess the gear stays the same except that brass dome its not needed for jugger since he already has tons of armour..i dont want to spend 130 regrets to reroll into berzeker :(

I really can't help you in this, since I've never played as Jugg. I know that you'll have to pick some +1 endurance nodes, somethings will change, but that's out of my actual knowledge. What I can say to you is, never spend regrets to fully reset a character, unless it's 90+ and you're sick of it and want to fresh start. Yet, is better do another character from zero, to understand him better.

Few pages back are dozens of people talking about Cyclone as Juggernaut. Just jump to, I don't now, page 350 maybe, and start looking. I'm sure that the answer will be there.
yeah but im afraid the only way to play cyclone jugger is with your build, starforge and shock, but the problem is that jugger cant shock as fast as berzeker, maybe it cant be done and needs to be rerolled...believe me i dont want to spend that high amount of currency :P
Shiiro95 wrote:

The tree Is almost the same that are posted here, but tonight I'll post the pastebin so you can mess with. OR you can import my character with my account name, It's public.

Hope this can help you guys XD

please do! already i made two: a slayer and jugg. I can leveling one more as berserker:)
btw, your zerk looks pretty damn good...
any suggestions for my setup etc?
jugg with starforge can do guardians and shaper? dps is enough?
allukaz wrote:
Arawh wrote:
allukaz wrote:
So I just finished act 10 and it was not a big deal really. The thing is that I'm doing maps now and anything tier3+ is really hard (at least the bosses). I know my equipmente is bad and I'm low on defences, but I'll ask anyway. Is there a batter gem setup for my character? I noticed that you use a lot of differente gems and the thing is that I'm running 100% of my mana with auras (hatred, arctic armour and herald of ash). When do you exactly turn off some aura in order to use other skills? When you say to use things like Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Molten Shell, is bloodmagic implicit?

arctic armour is useless, also you need to throw away your kondo's pride and buy an hezmana axe that gives blood magic to your attacks. You have very few life rolls on your gear and you only have 135% life on your tree while you should have at the very least 180%+, in addition to that the fact that you are playing juggernaut instead of slayer or berserker really hinders your dps

You should also have cwdt lvl 1 + enfeeble lv 5

I'll work on this right now!
By the way, I was planning on going berserker at first but then I changed to jugg. Is it worth reseting my ascedancy to berserker?
Thank you very much.

Honestly I don't know, berserker without vaal pact feels kinda wrong to me and vaal pact requires an investment of skill points so that you will have to compromise, in my personal case I had to remove the AOE nodes from the tree, also the 10% increased damage taken from berserker is quite noticeable. Also refunding the points from your current tree is very expensive so I recommend to play a new character instead
(path of building code: https://pastebin.com/JaUnpnhB)

If you can I suggest to roll a slayer instead (which is good all around https://pastebin.com/c9nBuDMT)

Considering you have an hezmana axe these are the gems I suggest you use:
5l cyclone
4l ancestral warchief
4l cwdt (lvl 1) + enfeeble (lvl 5) + immortal call (lvl 3) + increased duration (lvl 20)
2l OR 3l leap slam + faster attacks + (fortify if you don't have it linked to cyclone, however for convenience I personally have it linked to cyclone)
Unlinked from each other: a golem of your choice, blood rage, vaal lightning trap (20% more dmg on bosses)

Personally cyclone is a skill that I don't like very much, if you are willing to roll a new character you could check out the berserker dual wield sunder I'm leveling right now, it has slightly more damage and life than cycloners, has acrobatics and you can run whirling blades (which is the best movement skill) with it, since sunder only uses your main hand you can put a sword/claw/dagger stat stick in your offhand. Code: https://pastebin.com/LAZr6UpR

Last edited by Arawh on Aug 15, 2017, 4:49:54 PM
Hey guys,

reading through all this - do you still think I can stay Jugger with my build and farm t15 maps?

Currently lvl 45..

Also I got 1 question; In the guide, aurasetup to 100% reserverd mana is recommended.

But then on the other hand we get this:

Warchief Totem + Melee Physical + Concentrated Effect + Maim

How do I activate the totem when I have no mana and no Bloodmagic linked to it?

Thanks in advance,


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