(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Rahana wrote:
Revenant12 wrote:
Hey guys, pleb here.This build looks dope but ive got no idea which class to start with nor which weapon type to specialise in. Any recommendations?
Whats the fastest clear speed and best chance for end game shit? Idc about build budget.
Thanks for the time!

Quick class ranking based on clear speed to tankiness


Type weapon - 2H weapons. You do not really need to specialise any further and if you do, then these are usually the easily respecced points. You are basically going to use the best weapon that is available to you.

The only exception would be Juggernaut, as with that you get most using Maces (due to stun focus in ascendancy); regardless, you will still be using the best weapon you can afford.

What about the berserker?
AngryBurito wrote:
Hi Guys

Have you bin playing around with 'Phys To Lightnign' support gem?

When I swap it in instead of 'chance to bleed' support i get a far larger DPS boost.

Am I missing something or is PTL just better?

Phys To Lightning is good for Brain Rattler Cyclone or any build in which you scale elemental damage and penetration, and potentially shock, or crit builds in which you apply shocks.

You can of course use it, but it makes you do less physical damage which is typically not resisted by mobs, while the Lightning damage is typically resisted by 40% in maps.

But unless you fully commit to elemental scaling, its not that great except to give you a higher tool tip.

BTW @all - I emailed GGG asking for confirmation about how Ruthless interacts with Cyclone (on click, snapshotted just like hit and crit rolls, or on hit). The gem says "attack", so it should be 1st, but its not the first time GGG mislabeled a gem.

@Archmitiros - Juggernaut is great for defensive value, however, Champion got a lot better in 3.0 with the new supports like Chance to Bleed, Brutality and Ruthless. Not having to use Fortify on main links is like 40% more damage now! If you are not into keeping up "momentum buffs" like Slayer offers, its definitely a good choice.

@all- Regarding Vulnerability, if its not a Vaal Implicit obtained by corrupting gloves, its almost not worth taking imho. It is not needed to kill trash mobs at all, while curses have drastically reduced effectiveness in 3.0 on rares and bosses.

"Act and map bosses have 60% less Curse Effect. The Shaper and his guardians have 80% less Curse Effect."

This means to get a somewhat decent curse on a map boss, says 60-70%, you need about 20-30% extra effectiveness, double this for shaper. Coupled with the fact that in 2.6, the curse increasing the initial hit also increased the DOT (bleed and/or poison), which isnt the case anymore, imho, curses really require investment now to have an impact. Warlords off a CWDT is fine, but at this point, I would rather just have a big juicy maiming warchief than waste slots on any offensive curses, most of which will also come with a huge int requirement.

If you want to keep curses, the best way is to use a disfavour with blasphemy + enhance. Alternatively, +1 gems corruption in boots for the same is OK, and picking up Skittering runes on tree will help.

RN my links are: Cyclone / Faster Attacks / Fortify / Melee phys / Chance to Bleed / Inc AOE

My chief: Warchief / Maim / Melee Phys / Bloodlust (can use conc effect, added fire if your main setup doesnt have chance to bleed)

Last edited by Samir316 on Aug 7, 2017, 11:45:39 AM
@Samir316: So how you manage your mana or cyclone "cost" right now?
That's my only concern right now as leveling, it's not so bad but since it's the first time i play cyclone, it's my only concern atm.
DPS is ok, i dont really die but i drink a lot :-)
Pardon my ignorance, but what actually generates endurance charges with this build?
oobs56 wrote:
Pardon my ignorance, but what actually generates endurance charges with this build?

You generate endurance charges by enduring cry
was wondering if there is anything i can tweak on my passive tree

Hatred + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armour

Hatred + Haste/Determination/Grace

Hatred + Blasphemy (curse)

Can someone tell me how Hatred, herald of ash and arctic armour work together?
And what to choose if i want to go 100% mana reserved?
oobs56 wrote:
Pardon my ignorance, but what actually generates endurance charges with this build?

You generate endurance charges by enduring cry

I don't see Enduring Cry mentioned in the OP.

Edit: Going back in the thread I can see there's some discussion surrounding this - whether to use Enduring Cry or some other mechanic (CWDT - Warlord's or using Red Dream/Nightmare). Enduring Cry is massively clunky in this build, so I suppose I'll play around with these other options as well.
Last edited by oobs56 on Aug 7, 2017, 2:31:43 PM
one more question i have to ask... if all the skills have to link with blood magic support because of 100% mana reservation.. why dont pick blood magic passive (only 1 point spent if you are duelist for example) and free those links in cyclone, totem, leap... ?
oobs56 wrote:
oobs56 wrote:
Pardon my ignorance, but what actually generates endurance charges with this build?

You generate endurance charges by enduring cry

I don't see Enduring Cry mentioned in the OP.

Edit: Going back in the thread I can see there's some discussion surrounding this - whether to use Enduring Cry or some other mechanic (CWDT - Warlord's or using Red Dream/Nightmare). Enduring Cry is massively clunky in this build, so I suppose I'll play around with these other options as well.

Enduring Cry is necessary for just about any build in the game against bosses.

For the elemental build, CWDT+WLM is the most common setup for mapping. For running any other curse, you need to get more creative with Juggernaut ascendancy, Red Dream, a gimmick like Daresso's, Enduring Cry, or simply do without.

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