(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Samir316 wrote:
Personally I dislike doing Cyclone on Berserker. It has no movement speed if its been hit recently, which is basically always with Cyclone. The 10% increased damage taken can't be mitigated easily, as Arctic Armour doent help with that while moving. And on a life build with 6k HP, you really feel it, it turns your effective pool into 5.4k HP (ouch). It's way better on flicker strike or something that naturally paths to the ranger part of the tree where Vaal Pact is, as it's a great bosser. However, I will say the 40% damage multiplier does make it the easiest class to scale into end game maps, damage-wise. Its really the best class for when gear is the worst.

Slayer is great with cull and it can keep up onslaught pretty much all the time in fast maps. The leech is insane if you invest in it.

I honestly prefer Jugg the most - at the top end of gear, you don't even need damage unless you want to shaper/guardians, so jugg's mitigation really shines (imho). I just ran Vaal Temple on my cyclone juggernaut, and on a slayer, the boss would have one shot me at least 3-4 times.

I'm mainly debating between Juggernaut and Champion myself. Juggernaut is definitely a top contender, being less affected by slows and slightly tankier, while Champion boasts more damage (significantly more, depending on your links), almost as much defense, and easier access to fortify (really nice while working up to a 6L in a new league).

While I like all of the little bonuses and cull that Slayer offers, I'm not much of a speed map farmer. While the leech is exceptional, I dislike the rushed feeling that comes with maintaining its short lived buffs.
Last edited by Archimtiros on Aug 4, 2017, 12:06:09 AM
Why no Fortify now?
What class + ascendancy is the best if you're planning on doing all/most of the endgame content (frequently)?
Are you using outdated trees in your links?

Where is the crimson dance node?

I am afraid those skill trees in the OP are invalid.
little mistake, sry
Last edited by Stephalem on Aug 4, 2017, 5:10:22 AM
Any idea around using cyclone + righteous fire build for maxing DPS? It is any viable?
ign: WarriorsOfEternity Scion Battle Spectromancer low life 8 auras | Domination (Standart) League | Life
ign: _Forsaken Shadow Dual Dagger Melee Crit 40k dps (68k abyssus) | Standart League | wasted
Hi Guys

Im starting a cyclone for my League starter and currency farmer.

Wich of the accendency classes will provide the fastest clearspeed?

Running softcore

Last edited by AngryBurito on Aug 4, 2017, 6:19:15 AM
I think about starting 3.0 with this char, but I´ll be playing standard this time. So I have many of the helpful uniques in my stash waiting for being recycled.
But: I´d really like to play a scion, because I already have to many marauder based builds and never had a scion before. But I think, my leftovers will decide which class would be most suitable for this build, or am I completely wrong with it?
That´s what I could use with the build:

Would it make sense with a scion? Or better one of the other classes (except marauder)?

Thanks in advance,
Why no Fortify now?

Same question too. Any leagues ago it was in build... Is juggernaut now tanky enough without fortify?
Last edited by Kliops144 on Aug 4, 2017, 7:29:20 AM
think i will go jugger too.. will be my first one (jugger), besides 3.0 beta, but wanna give cyclone a try again..
correct me if im wrong but after playin beta jugger feels super nice balanced between dmg and surv even in endgame with good gear i had more fun playin jugger than the rest of the ascendancies, BUT imo every ascendancy listed will be good for cyclone

EDIT: for bandits i would go for the 2 skillpoints instead of oak... your opions?
Last edited by Zyeal on Aug 4, 2017, 9:30:38 AM

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