(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Even with the bleed stacking node, is chance to bleed really worth taking instead of some of the larger increase supports?
Samir316 wrote:

Drop the belt and boots for better rares with life rolls, try to get at least 5.5k life. If you want to use a unique belt, even Belt of the Deceiver is a better choice than Doryani. Red blade are bad with disfavor, since disfavor has tons of flat phys already. Better off using rare boots here, ideally with Life, 30% movement and resists. This lets you free up rings for whatever you want!

Yeah, thanks for the reply. I did exactly this. Current gear (5k900 HP, 200K effective DPS (using Witchfire brew), res capped and trying to get out the second amulet for an utility or huge dps booster like Essence Worm + Hatred):


I know that but linking Fortify instead of Ruthless in a Brutality build drops 33% of your dps. That is hard to justify to go from 300k dps to 200k for Fortify.

In addition I need to invest 6 skill points to get to the Fortify Wheel.

This is the best I have come up adding Fortify to Leap Slamp and Vengeance


with high end gear, could switch to Belly to get over 7k hp but I guess 6250hp, 336k cyclone boss dps, 8x stacking 1300 dps Bleeds, arctic armor, fortify, max resis, 80% reflected dmg reduction (slayer, pantheon, master of force), 56%+8% panthon physical reduction, onslaught, endurance, frenzy, intimidated, maimed..

I don't think Arctic armor is a good option. It requires you to stay in place to the reductions be applied, and you'll be moving all the time.

Stephalem wrote:
I think about starting 3.0 with this char, but I´ll be playing standard this time. So I have many of the helpful uniques in my stash waiting for being recycled.
But: I´d really like to play a scion, because I already have to many marauder based builds and never had a scion before. But I think, my leftovers will decide which class would be most suitable for this build, or am I completely wrong with it?
That´s what I could use with the build:

Would it make sense with a scion? Or better one of the other classes (except marauder)?

Thanks in advance,

Change your necklace for the new version. The fast leech helps so fucking much.

Lighty wrote:
There's better gem slots and forms of mitigation now than existed when fortify was good, just to many more multipliers and dps gem slots these days.

I think Fortify still is a good choice, IF you don't have a good damage mitigation yet, with more expensive gear. Fortify reduces multiplicatively the income damage (applied after all calculations) so it's hard get this effectiveness just with gear.

Also, more time alive = more dps.
With the new support gems, I started to think about a Starforge variant of this build. Now that we'll have brutallity, Maim and Ruthless, I think pure-phys might be a better option than the atziri's variaton... The base DPS of Starforge is 100+, just need to adjust the skilltree to sword nodes and boom. (I don't know if there's less axe nodes, if yes it can be comparable)

ps: Fortify + Vengeance + Leap slam + Faster attacks IMO is the better setup, freeing the 6th link on the Cyclone setup.
Uh, another thought. I don't think that using the BM gem is a good choice. This is why:

You'll have to waste 1 slot of every single active skill that you want to use, in this case loosing a lot of DPS on the Cyclone setup.

To compensate this, you run Hatred + some another aura like Haste (let's say). The DPS of this 2 auras combined REALY is better than just put Added fire on the setup? Or better, Brutallity?

The only advantage I see is that you have the flexibility of changing your auras any time you want. But this, over freeing a slot on every other skill? For me isn't a good trade.

Also with the brutallity variant (that probably I'll follow) you'll not get the boost from Hatred or HoA.

Edit: Not to mention the huge boost to life with the BM minor nodes.
Last edited by Shiiro95 on Aug 4, 2017, 11:23:50 AM
Ionlyplaynude wrote:
Can you maybe just link the skilltrees in Path of Building and Pastebin?

Its for the flat phys it adds not as much the bleed
You run Arctic Armour because it still applies chill and there's no better 25% aura, alternatively you can run a 2nd 50% aura or drop hoa for blasphemy
Quick question on the gems why are there two leaps when warchief totem has maim?

Vengeance + Leap Slam + Maim + Bloodmagic

Blood Rage + Blood Magic + Leap Slam + Faster Attacks

Warchief Totem + Melee Physical + Concentrated Effect + Maim
Last edited by Stephen2102 on Aug 4, 2017, 12:00:03 PM
Hello there, and first of all thank you for this very detailed and updated guide !

I'll probably start with one of your cyclone build, currently I htink i'm gonna go with Juggernaut which seems to be well balanced between damage/survivability. I will only use it for starter and switch to other build after.

However, like others said before, do you have links of passive trees for path of buildings or any other builder than poeplanner which seems to be down right now ? Even a screenshot of tree would be enough :)
In fact, I didn't really check in detail the tree and I don't know how to start eh eh
@Lighty So whats the best Ascendancy for SC 3.0? The Q&A section wasn't updated and only shows best for 2.5.

Thank you for writing this guide! Looking forward to giving this build a go in 3.0! Planning to make it my first level 100 char!

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