(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™


Did you have a look at my PoB String? What do you think?

If you want to play a Scion, it's fine, though most of the builds effectiveness is coming from your gear, rather than the choice of Ascendancy. That said, you are missing out on a lot of single target damage by not having a Totem, as well as the ability to shift Maim onto it (though it is still better in the main weapon setup, it would free you up to use Fortify or IncAoE/Conc Effect), not that the build necessarily needs damage with the gear setup you have, but if you're planning to use this in a new league, I wouldn't expect to have 20/20 gems and a hundred exalts worth of gear from the get go either.

There's really no answer except for what I already gave you - if you want to run Fortify, you have to give up something, or be ready to Leap Slam your way around. Personally, I'd just drop Artic Armor to free up mana, drop Blood Magic to free up a link, and not be dependent on L4 Enlighten.
Definitely starting this league off with a good ol' fashion cycloner considering the AoE buffs and QoL changes, but I can never decide between slayer and zerker for cyclone.

Zerker is always amaze-balls because vaal pact is just straight up OP, but with the massive buffs to boss life slayer 20% cull will be pretty damn good as will the extra AoE for clear speed. Leaning towards Slayer simply because going full phys with brutality, won't really have to care about reflect which is usually my primary reason for going zerker/vaal-pact.

Would love to hear some thoughts; I know I've been reading a few people above debate between zerker/slayer, and also Juggernaut. Tough choice.
Last edited by Anbokr on Aug 3, 2017, 6:44:09 PM
Why no Vaal-Pact on Berserker tree?
moooff wrote:
Why no Vaal-Pact on Berserker tree?

feels shit as rt, blood rage feels better, pretty far away, not needed in t16+ due to leech rate.
Also can't decide between slayer and zerker :( RIP me
Appreciate the build update Lighty. Loving the title by the way lol.
Archimtiros wrote:

I don't think Gruthkul's Pelt is worth under any circumstance - no auras, no CWDT, no Golems, no Totems pretty much cripples the build in every way. Vuln on hit gloves are a possibility, but I think the mana cost for Blasphemy is worth it, especially since the corruption is limited to level 12.

You can use warchief with gruthkul. It's not as bad as you thought. http://i.imgur.com/tE2utrE.png With vuln on hit gloves, and gruthkul, you get more damage than haste. And with all these gems that dont need ele to work... well, its probably easily something you can take into red maps especially with a starforge that makes use of shock. And as I said, the main advantage isnt offense, it's defense because this setup naturally specs into blood magic which is an e-z 40% life for 4 points that classic Lighty cyclone doesnt get. That's the gain you get for giving up auras (which are weak with starforge anyway), CWDT (which I don't even use so I stay at max endurance charges), and Golems which are a pain in the ass to keep up.

Im not saying Im gonna use it - I prefer kaoms heart. But its not a totally terrible chest. Also, 15% character size can't be under-estimate, very valuable for AFK in Sarn meta.

Last edited by Samir316 on Aug 3, 2017, 11:16:19 PM
broseidon07 wrote:
Also can't decide between slayer and zerker :( RIP me

Welcome to everyone! Really there's no right or wrong choice - they all have their own unique(ish) advantages and disadvantages.

Berserker has a ton of damage, takes a bit more damage, and comes with leech, which is really nice for running Cyclone off mana.

Slayer has a lot of little bonuses which are all very attractive; free cull, onslaught, reflect protection, anti-bleed, and uncapped leech keeps the player topped off at all times. However, it doesn't handle downtime well, or bosses without adds; this makes it perfect for speed mapping, but not quite as good for players who like to take their time.

Champion is very underrated, and actually pretty competitive, especially if you prefer to play solo. Aside from attack speed, movement speed, and damage, it provides large armor/evasion buffs, and perma-Fortify to free up a link in Cyclone, which can be a considerable power boost in of itself (or at worst, save you from tediously maintaining it with Leap Slam). It's almost as tanky as Juggernaut, and if you use Fortify in Cyclone can be just as powerful as Slayer.

Juggernaut is the quintessential tank, but it isn't exactly slow. Lots of movespeed, mitigates slowing effects, high physical damage reduction, additional elemental damage reduction, and near always at max endurance charges without the need for a special trigger. It certainly lacks the damage bonuses of other ascendancies, but it's perfect for uber lab farming, or hardcore players in fear of dying.
Personally I dislike doing Cyclone on Berserker. It has no movement speed if its been hit recently, which is basically always with Cyclone. The 10% increased damage taken can't be mitigated easily, as Arctic Armour doent help with that while moving. And on a life build with 6k HP, you really feel it, it turns your effective pool into 5.4k HP (ouch). It's way better on flicker strike or something that naturally paths to the ranger part of the tree where Vaal Pact is, as it's a great bosser. However, I will say the 40% damage multiplier does make it the easiest class to scale into end game maps, damage-wise. Its really the best class for when gear is the worst.

Slayer is great with cull and it can keep up onslaught pretty much all the time in fast maps. The leech is insane if you invest in it.

I honestly prefer Jugg the most - at the top end of gear, you don't even need damage unless you want to shaper/guardians, so jugg's mitigation really shines (imho). I just ran Vaal Temple on my cyclone juggernaut, and on a slayer, the boss would have one shot me at least 3-4 times.
Last edited by Samir316 on Aug 3, 2017, 11:29:14 PM
Samir316 wrote:

You can use warchief with gruthkul. It's not as bad as you thought. http://i.imgur.com/tE2utrE.png With vuln on hit gloves, and gruthkul, you get more damage than haste. And with all these gems that dont need ele to work... well, its probably easily something you can take into red maps especially with a starforge that makes use of shock. And as I said, the main advantage isnt offense, it's defense because this setup naturally specs into blood magic which is an e-z 40% life for 4 points that classic Lighty cyclone doesnt get. That's the gain you get for giving up auras (which are weak with starforge anyway), CWDT (which I don't even use so I stay at max endurance charges), and Golems which are a pain in the ass to keep up.

Im not saying Im gonna use it - I prefer kaoms heart. But its not a totally terrible chest. Also, 15% character size can't be under-estimate, very valuable for AFK in Sarn meta.

I'll take your word for it; now that I think about it, I believe it's specifically spell totems that don't work. Blood Magic has some great build synergy, and the extra health/phys damage is nice; still, I'm not sold on the drawbacks - Blood Rage, Molten Shell, golem, an extra 4-6% on Vuln (14-16% with quality), while low armor and lack of Determination adds up to ~20% less phys damage reduction.

As discussed above, Haste isn't a large damage increase, it's just there when you want it (and also for the movespeed) to help speed up farm content. It's easily swapped out with Grace/Determination for extra defenses, and personally I like that added flexibility.

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