(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Hi Schnitzel and thanks for your reply,

I am gonna be very honest with you right there. I looted a Headhunter at my lvl 80 after only 2 days so I don't completely know what I am doing so I am trying different things.

Regarding Fortify, at first I setup a fortify gem on my cyclone because I thought it would have a better chance of proc on cyclone than Leap (because I would cyclone more often). Then, I realised that I had way too much links on my weapon and decided to setup a fortify on the Leap just because I could. Also, I use to have my vengeance on Atziri, this helped fortify proc as well (I think).
In the end, I think I should probably use Atziri for my curse set up and use my Helmet for the leap set up ? What do you think ?
Would you recommend me changing the fortify in my Cyclone for a fast attack or concentrated/increased area of effect ?

Regarding Bloodmagic, once again I am a noob. I thought that using blood magic with Bloodrage would get rid of the life I am losing per second, now I realise that I am not losing enough life for it to be worth it. You are right about the mana thing, what would you recommend instead of blood magic ? Should I 4L the boots ?
To be honest with you, I also looked at what lighty did on his own boots because I didn't really understand how to set it up.

Regarding Blasphemy, what I understood is that blasphemy was a buff for curses AND could make curses be cast as auras. I use to have a CWDTlv1 on my helmet but I wanted to try this set up to get higher lvl auras. I guess I failed ^^. My goal was to get a self casted aura set up to keep it up as often as possible.

The tree is pretty much the same as the one on the build, I am just trying to get to jewel slots to boost my dps.

I tried sharing my RNG with people, it doesn't work. I was pretty lucky with loots and links (I linked my armour and weapon for a cheap price) but spent 10exx+ trying to link my friends' stuff unsuccessfully.

I was gonna ask you why not buy a Devoto with 40% cyclone or 15% attack speed then realised in was about 10 ex. I just bought a 12% blood rage one as recommended. I will just wait to get a proper link setup to put it on.

Thanks again for your help.
My time for a similar question! I'm looking on what I can improve on my build to get up to the next level. Currently have ~190 chaos in the stash (I'm pretty poor).

Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAECAASzBS0FPAd1CZYLYQxfDjwTTBQgFHEW6RfhGJEY1xo4HKchVSFgIZAkNyb4JyAs-zB3NZI5DjpSOuE8BTwtPfxAoEMxR35IeE3jTjJQR1OlV1RYY1nzWf5eE18_X9BhUmRSZU1o8nKpdO12rHh6eu97jHzZggeDX4PMhNmE74VShmCHaooiirOMz5BVk6iXeZhXogCmV6knqZSsqq2Nr2y3PryfvTa-p78IwGbApsGjxBXE9sVTxq7G2M9-2L3ZYdl82sHcMtw94mHkUeoQ6hjrCe8O707vfPAf8kX2SPcy-F_46_4K_o8=?accountName=yousillygoose&characterName=CptHammerCorporateTool

Goriyazzz wrote:

Hi Schnitzel and thanks for your reply,

I am gonna be very honest with you right there. I looted a Headhunter at my lvl 80 after only 2 days so I don't completely know what I am doing so I am trying different things.

Regarding Fortify, at first I setup a fortify gem on my cyclone because I thought it would have a better chance of proc on cyclone than Leap (because I would cyclone more often). Then, I realised that I had way too much links on my weapon and decided to setup a fortify on the Leap just because I could. Also, I use to have my vengeance on Atziri, this helped fortify proc as well (I think).
In the end, I think I should probably use Atziri for my curse set up and use my Helmet for the leap set up ? What do you think ?
Would you recommend me changing the fortify in my Cyclone for a fast attack or concentrated/increased area of effect ?

Regarding Bloodmagic, once again I am a noob. I thought that using blood magic with Bloodrage would get rid of the life I am losing per second, now I realise that I am not losing enough life for it to be worth it. You are right about the mana thing, what would you recommend instead of blood magic ? Should I 4L the boots ?
To be honest with you, I also looked at what lighty did on his own boots because I didn't really understand how to set it up.

Regarding Blasphemy, what I understood is that blasphemy was a buff for curses AND could make curses be cast as auras. I use to have a CWDTlv1 on my helmet but I wanted to try this set up to get higher lvl auras. I guess I failed ^^. My goal was to get a self casted aura set up to keep it up as often as possible.

The tree is pretty much the same as the one on the build, I am just trying to get to jewel slots to boost my dps.

I tried sharing my RNG with people, it doesn't work. I was pretty lucky with loots and links (I linked my armour and weapon for a cheap price) but spent 10exx+ trying to link my friends' stuff unsuccessfully.

I was gonna ask you why not buy a Devoto with 40% cyclone or 15% attack speed then realised in was about 10 ex. I just bought a 12% blood rage one as recommended. I will just wait to get a proper link setup to put it on.

Thanks again for your help.


use Atziri for ur Cyclone Setup. U get +2 Level of Supported Gems.

I would try "Cyclone, Weapon Elemental Damage, Added Fire Damage, Melee Physical Damage, BloodMagic and Increased Aoe. It will help u a bit with Farming/Mapping. And when u get to the boss u switch in Concentrated Aoe. It is 54% MORE Damage.

U need one 4L Setup for the Cwdt, Molten Shell, Immortal Call and Increased Duration.

Leapslam, Fortify, Faster Attack is the next 4Link


BloodRage, Enduring Cry, Increased Duration should be another Setup.

And now u have many options for ur Curse Setup.

If u want Blasphemy u can do something like this:

Blasphemy, ur Curse, Hatred, Herald of Ash and a lvl 4 Enlighten. Then u just add BloodMagic to ur BloodRage/Enduring Cry Setup and the Leapslam one.

For me personal i feel like having an 24/7 Aura is not needed. For me. If u like it, u can do it.

I used another way. And i felt pretty Stupid but it was awesome.

I used my 6Link with

Cwdt lvl1, Enfeeble, Curse on Hit, Blade Vortex, Vortex and Increased AoE.

Damn this was awesome. I had the Curse up a long time cause of the Blade Vortex and got an awesome Chill Effect with Vortex.

But u know, it is up to u. Right now i am using a Kaoms Heart. I dont need the Curse anymore (Maybe need for Endgame Bosses, but i dont rly Care if I die).
Last edited by schnitzel17 on Apr 12, 2017, 9:25:44 PM
Hi Schnitzel,

Thanks for all the infos. I have followed your advices for everything but are still wondering about the aura set up.
Since I have a 6L chest, I should at least try using it so I will do my best to use curses. That being said, I don't really know what to chose between the enlighten set up and the vortex one.
Also, why would you use cwdt1 AND curse on it ? isn't one enough ?

Goriyazzz wrote:
Hi Schnitzel,

Thanks for all the infos. I have followed your advices for everything but are still wondering about the aura set up.
Since I have a 6L chest, I should at least try using it so I will do my best to use curses. That being said, I don't really know what to chose between the enlighten set up and the vortex one.
Also, why would you use cwdt1 AND curse on it ? isn't one enough ?


Enlighten lvl 4 -> 6 Ex in standart right now.

I dont want to spend 6 Ex, so i used the Vortex one.

Cwdt to proc vortex and blade vortex. And curse on hit to apply the curse when the enemy get hit by these two spells.

U can also add me ingame if u want to know anything or try out some stuff.
Thanks Schnitzel, I added you so we can speak online.
I chose to go with the Enlighten 4 but I will definitely try out the other one.

@RankRaft I personally would go for Added fire. I believe it would be good for you to optimize your poison gem if you use it (vulnerability curse, maybe voidheart, etc.). Also, it will depend on how easily you clear trashes with this set up. Basically HoT damage like poison are better on mobs with a big hp pool (like bosses) whereas added fire will be better on trashes.

In the end, it really depends on what you are looking for. If the gems had the same colour, you could just swap them depending on the target.
Last edited by Goriyazzz on Apr 14, 2017, 5:59:35 PM
Very meaningful guide, much appreciate for that!
Could you please check my version below and suggest on improvement if any. Thank you in advance.

Have a nice day!
If you are using the passive skill as recommended that means you never miss but cannot crit, then your atziri's gloves are a pretty bad choice.
I had these two drops (among others) last week
and since now I have to reroll I was thinking about a 2H Mara of some sort; looking at the forum for ideas I read your guide and thought about giving it a go... Any advice for a casual HC SSF player?

"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
_CeBeP_ wrote:
Very meaningful guide, much appreciate for that!
Could you please check my version below and suggest on improvement if any. Thank you in advance.

Have a nice day!

Immortal Flesh ---> Good rare belt.

Next thing, this is not a crit build. The crit gear you have is suboptimal, unless for some reason you are playing this as a life-based Assassin which I doubt.

Atziri's Acuity ----> Good rare Spiked Gloves or uniques that work better for non-crit build. Acuity with non-crit cyclone is literally just a glove with a life and intelligence rolls. Even a 1 chaos glove with life, intelligence and attack speed will be better. Some other unique gloves are ok too but I think non crit cyclone really benefits from rare gloves and uniques elsewhere (helm and amulet)

Same advice applies to Astramentis, Abyssus and Heup Ring. Better to use Daresso's Salute, Devotos Devotion and a good rare ring.
Last edited by Samir316 on Apr 21, 2017, 1:50:18 PM

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