(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Have any of you who are running Slayer tried swapping to Champion, or currently running it, with the addition of the new belt that grants Onslaught while you have Fortify? It would free up a slot on your Cyclone link for something other than Fortify.
I'm curious before I buy some GG stuff.

Why go elemental damage instead of going mainly physical? Like, why WED on rings instead of physical, or why prioritize it over flat phys?

I am still very new to the game but just wanted to know a few things before I drop a few ex on jewelry.

Otherwise, love the guide and the build. So much fun.
Anyone done T16 / shaper with this build?

Working on getting to Shaper, will let you know if I drop him. Loving the build and just dropped Hydra. Took a little bit, wondering if I need to switch to CE but dont know what to swap. Here is my gear.

Last edited by fendius on Jan 8, 2017, 3:55:56 PM
I want to add..

Playing at 0 movement speed (nubucks+dome brass chest) and then transitioning into 30 speed boots+devotion helmet I say that helmet is super helpful. Much easier to dodge deadly mechanics.
I swear if they make some maven "Simon says" insta-death minigame, sirus, exarch ball minigame then i wont play poe2.

iam still fairly new to the game and with all the ascendancy classes suggested in this guide, iam super confused which one's the best to go for.

My main focus is playing hardcore breach, so I think it should be something more tanky. Since I have already started playing a duelist, I assume Champion is the go-to choice?

A friend of mine chose Slayer, but he said that at around level 60 he's already taking a lot of big hits and that he feels that this character is going to die easily on low-mid tier maps.

Any suggestions?

Thanks! :)
hey still new here, was making goals for this juggernaut build im running and had a question. currently im runnning hatred + blasphemy + warlords. when i upgrade from kaom's primacy to a disfavor will i get more of a dps increase if i go

lvl 4 enlight +hatred + HoA + blasph + warlords on disfavor
with cyc + fort + added fire + melee wep + wep ele + inc area/ conc effect on a chest

or should i put the cyc links on disfavor with
enlight + hatred + HoA + blasph + warlords on chest

dont know if i can do the latter bc not running blood magic node so dunno what the best set up is for the most dmg

thanks for the time and insight in adv
Last edited by mrob4vt on Jan 9, 2017, 4:00:32 PM
As a Juggernaut is not Unyiending better than Unbreakable?
Last edited by K0SM0S on Jan 9, 2017, 3:58:53 PM
SumoFlorist wrote:
DaMightyTom wrote:
Anyone done T16 / shaper with this build?

So far i have killed chimera and phoenix deathless and without any problems at all, didnt try minotaur or hydra yet because im lazy...

which ascendancy?
Hey guys, just wondering how i can boost my dps and survivability, all criticism helps!

this is my gear

just tried pit of chimera and failed hard. fml.
1. switch faster attacks to something better if u can dunno what it would be with that sword
2. id highly suggest running one of the following aura set up links
- enlighten 4 + HoA + hatred + blasphemy + curse
- hatred + blasphemy + curse
- enlighten + hatred + hoa + some other 25% aura
3. switch out rumi's conc for lions roar
maybe add a taste of hate as well?
4. maybe get one of these chests
- belly of the beast for more life and faster flask recharge
- brass plate so ull never get crit'd
- lightning coil for more phys dmg mitigation via lightning res
Last edited by mrob4vt on Jan 10, 2017, 6:06:13 AM

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