(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Well I have a 6L Disfavour. This is why i wanna take a shot at making a crazy item since its my only way to move forward. Im nearing the end of my melee build with not many things to work on. So might be something fun to do. Not in the mood to roll a new character right now so just something to try. I crafted these guys

Always get screwed on my last exalt but still give me max stats and over 10khp with 20k armour.
sooo i gathered the div cards for a 6L maul and gave it a shot... spent about 3ex on alts and 1ex to add the hybrid phy %... its not perfect but its not too bad either.

I could sell it like this or do some master crafting to scour the suffixes and go for t1 atk speed etc... or just craft multiple mods and get 15% atk speed with atk range or something with the flat phy. Any advice?
Last edited by D1Gz on May 24, 2016, 11:07:46 PM
D1Gz wrote:
sooo i gathered the div cards for a 6L maul and gave it a shot... spent about 3ex on alts and 1ex to add the hybrid phy %... its not perfect but its not too bad either.

I could sell it like this or do some master crafting to scour the suffixes and go for t1 atk speed etc... or just craft multiple mods and get 15% atk speed with atk range or something with the flat phy. Any advice?

Well, all in all, it's already 570 pdps, and since you aren't using it you can probably already get a decent amount for it. It really depends on how deep you want to go into the crafting process.
Congrats on a decent weapon :D
Yay updates!

Ok, so using the updated planner linked above, I've detailed the changes to the major Cyclone Ascendancies. Keep in mind this is a first pass, there may be other changes to come, and I may have missed something as well, so don't take it as gospel just yet... or at least not until Lighty weighs in.


Fortify unchanged.
Unstoppable Hero changed to +10% Attack Speed, +30% Armor and Evasion, +30% Melee Damage while Fortified.
Minor nodes changed to +15% Armor and Evasion, +14% Melee Damage while Fortified.
Net change: Lost 8% Movespeed, 2% Melee damage, 20% Fortify effect, gained 30% Increased Armor and Evasion.

First to Strike, Last to Fall gained "Your Hits permanently Intimidate Enemies that are on Full Life. Intimidated enemies take 10% increased damage." in addition to it's previous effects. This one is pretty huge for solo builds, as 10% increased damage taken is a multiplicative effect.
Minor node unchanged.

Inspirational now provides +8% Movespeed to self and allies, down from +10%.
Minor node unchanged.

Conqueror now also provides 1% Life Regeneration per second if you've Taunted recently, and Taunt now causes enemies to deal 10% less damage to other players.
Worthy Foe now causes Taunted enemies to take 20% increased damage and deal 10% less damage to other targets (additive with standard taunt effect).
Net Change: Lost 20% increased chance to stun, gained 10% reduced damage to other targets.

TLDR: Champion made out pretty well. I think we were all dreading nerfs for how strong it is, but it really didn't change much at all. The 2 extra Ascendancy points however allows us to take FtSLtF and Inspirational, which essentially makes up for the loss of Movespeed on Fortify and offers a nice damage boost by itself. The Intimidation effect is the most interesting to me, as it's a pretty substantial damage bonus for solo players; my only concern is if it will consider outside damage sources such as Totems, procs and Golems as "your hits" (it probably will). Taunt still doesn't seem worth it though.
Last edited by Archimtiros on May 26, 2016, 12:41:22 AM

Aspect of Carnage unchanged.
Crave the Slaughter unchanged.
Minor nodes unchanged.

Rite of Ruin gained +25% Attack Speed if you haven't killed recently.
Minor node unchanged.

Warbringer now recovers 25% life and mana after using Warcry (up from 10%), gained 100% increased Warcry Duration.
Minor node unchanged.

Pain Reaver gained 1% of damage leeched as life and mana, on top of the 2% if you've killed recently.
Cloaked in Savagery now gains +50% Damage (up from +20%) and +25% Attack Speed (up from +20%) if you've taken a Savage Hit. Savage hits are now classified as 15% of max health, down from 20%.
Minor nodes unchanged.

TLDR: Mostly unchanged, and the changes it did recieve don't really do much for us. Still offers the highest pure damage, but Champion offers much better survivability and continues to offer group benefits. The Warbringer and Rite of Ruin effects in particular really make me think of Earthquake as the better option for this Ascendancy, but it's still probably the best choice for running Cyclone off mana. I'd probably suggest going Aspect of Carnage, Cloaked in Savagery with the new Ascendancy points either way.
Last edited by Archimtiros on May 26, 2016, 12:41:31 AM

Unrelenting gains a new effect "if you would gain Endurance Charges, you instead gain up to your maximum number".
(Edit: it's possible this means that you gain a random number of Endurance charges, between 1 and your maximum, rather than simply gaining the max. Further information required)
Unflinching unchanged.
Minor nodes unchanged.

Unyielding gains +25% Fortify effect.
Minor node unchanged.

Unbreakable unchanged.
Minor node unchanged.

Undeniable gains +1% Attack Speed per 100 Accuracy Rating.
Minor node unchanged.

Unstoppable unchanged.
Minor node unchanged.

TLDR: A nice bonus to Unrelenting makes the specs bonuses more consistent and Unyielding adds a bit more defense, but overall pretty minor changes. I was hoping for more.
I will say that Undeniable offers potential for gaining a massive amount of IAS with a crit build, but that would change the build considerably.

*Special mention of the upcoming unique Veruso's Battering Rams (https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1662279). Though targeted for the Juggernaut Ascendancy as its increased Endurance Charges and new Unrelenting effect will ensure that you gain maximum benefit with them at all times, they're pretty darn good for Cyclone in general as the only downside (+50% Stun Duration on self) is negated entirely by Cyclone!

**Special mention #2 for Daresso's Defiance. Due to it's mechanics, Unrelenting should synergize very well, by causing you to gain max endurance charges with each kill instead of just one, lose them on each hit and gain Onslaught for 1s whatever your maximum number of charges is. As long as you're killing quickly, this means you'll almost always have max charges and have a very high uptime on Onslaught along with it. Might not be worth going Juggernaut for by itself, but certainly enticing!
Last edited by Archimtiros on May 26, 2016, 6:17:07 AM
Other Ascendancies...


Headsman now gains Onslaught for 20s after killing a rare or unique enemy, rather than a 20% chance on kill for 3s, and deals Culling Strike against enemies with 20% or lower life.
Bane of Legends lost the +50% damage against rares/uniques, but gains 20% more damage and +20% increased area of effect skill radius if you've killed recently. Additionally, it reduces 50% of Reflected Physical damage taken.
Endless Hunger gains Bleed immunity while leeching, and +100% life leeched per second.
Brutal Fevor gained 20% Overkill damage leeched as life, but lost +30% increased damage and +5% Attack Speed while leeching.

TLDR: Massive damage boosts, only ~14% less damage Berserker's Rite of Ruin (100 * (1 - 120/140) = 14.28%) before other modifiers, with increased AoE, 20% Culling Strike and Onslaught to boot. In terms of pure clearspeed it's probably the best, but it lacks some mitigation and party benefits. It's going to be very interesting to see how it stacks up, but these changes definitely make it a top contender for Cyclone.


Is still themed toward sword and board or dual-wield, neither of which are very good for Cyclone, so I'd still stay away from it. That said, if you do feel inclined to use it;
Violent Retaliation had its effects doubled and now gains +80% physical damage if a Unique Enemy's hit has been blocked recently (4s).
Outmatch and Outlast now gains 10% more physical damage at maximum Frenzy charges and 10% reduced physical damage taken while at maximum Endurance Charges.
Blood in the Eyes gains an additional 25% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit with Attacks (on top of the 25% granted by Gratuitous Violence).


No major changes, the main benefit of the new points being that you can now gain two class effects and start in a new location, but that isn't that great for our build, so I probably wouldn't recommend it over a pure route.


Is still all totems, all the time, with a minor in fire damage. It received about as many changes as Juggernaut.

Templar, Shadow, Ranger and Witch Ascendancies haven't changed enough to make them competitive for Cyclone, but that's ok, we're already the master race of the melee world, so we can afford to let some things go.

I'll update as appropriate if I find anything else. Otherwise, I like the changes seen so far, and am really excited to see more of the Ascendancy themed unique items. All in all, I think Prophecy is going to be a great League!
Last edited by Archimtiros on May 26, 2016, 6:19:23 AM
For those of you wondering which is better between Champion, Slayer and Berserker, here's a list of effects measuring each at 8 point Ascendancy trees.


Fortify (remember the free link equates to a lot of damage, especially if you're not at a 6L yet)
133% increased Melee Damage (35% to party members as well)
15% IAS
90% increased Armor and Evasion
8% Movespeed (to self and group)
5% increased curse effect
Intimidation if solo (essentially 10% More Damage)
200% Armor and Evasion on low-life (typically not up very often, so factored separately)
Elemental Status removed on low-life (same)

TMWTT: As far as flat bonuses go, Champion wins. It's definitely the easiest choice, as it doesn't require anything special on the players behalf, while other Ascendancies are dependent on taking hits and/or chaining kills. If you're a player who likes to afk or pick through drops while playing, this is probably the better choice. That aside, Champion also offers group benefits and the best mitigation through armor and evasion bonuses, making it a compelling choice for Hardcore players.
The worst mistake you can make here though is thinking that Champion is weak, due to lacking a more damage modifier. Consider that, depending on your gear setup and available links, free Fortify can account for anything from 44% increased attack speed, 59% more weapon elemental damage, 39% increased AoE, to 59% more area damage. It's certainly no slouch.


56% increased Damage with Two-handed Weapons
20% More Damage if you've killed recently (should essentially always be up)
20% increased AoE if you've killed recently
10% IAS
Onslaught for 20s on Rare/Unique kill (20% IAS & Movespeed)
Culling Strike at <20% (not actually defined as Culling Strike, so will it work on Unique/Bosses?)
50% reduced reflected physical damage taken (decent survivability boost, but we tend to avoid reflect maps regardless)
Persistent Leech
20% Overkill damage as Leech
Stun Immunity while leeching (not important for Cyclone)
Bleed Immunity while leeching (very important for Cyclone!)
0.4% damage Leeched
100% increased leech rate
10% max life per second to max leech rate

TMWTT: The most crucial factor is how well you can maintain Onslaught, and whether or not the Culling Strike effect works against unique and boss monsters. Offensively, this is probably the best Ascendancy for pure clearspeed, due to its high move and attack speed bonuses, but if you backtrack a lot or otherwise have trouble maintaining Onslaught, it suffers greatly. Defensively, leech generally isn't as good as pure mitigation, however the Bleed Immunity in particular is quite nice for Cyclone; especially if you're slow with flasks, or just to free up an extra flask slot for something better.


28% increased Physical Damage
40% More Damage
10% increased Damage Taken
12% IAS
25% IAS if you've been hit recently (4%)
15% Movespeed if you've not been hit recently
20% increased life leeched per second
1% damage leeched as life and mana
2% damage leeched as life and mana if you've killed recently (stacks with the above)
100% damage leeched as life if you've taken a Savage Hit recently (15% of max life in one attack)
50% increased Damage if you've taken a Savage Hit recently
25% IAS if you've taken a Savage Hit recently.

TMWTT: It's a safe bet to say that you'll be Savage Hit fairly often due to the lack of defensives and 10% increased damage taken, so that totals out to 78% increased damage and 62% increased attack speed. This makes Berserker the clear winner in terms of pure damage, but sorely lacking in the defensive department, and so should be approached warily by Hardcore players. Aside from that, it's most notable features are the lack of in-combat move speed.

Winning categories?

Damage - Berserker > Slayer ~= Champion
Defense - Champion > Slayer > Berserker
Clear Speed - Slayer
Ease - Champion

All three are very good, pick your poison.
Last edited by Archimtiros on May 26, 2016, 5:35:29 AM
1 noobish question how do you get enduring charges? are they only from leap slam or do you have another source?
makaros wrote:
1 noobish question how do you get enduring charges? are they only from leap slam or do you have another source?

You can gain endurance charges from multiple sources.

  • Endurance charge on melee stun linked with leap slam and vengeance
  • Actively casting enduring cry
  • Passively from warlords mark curse
  • Passively from ascendancy subclasses such as juggernauts unflinching

Last edited by Lighty on May 27, 2016, 4:46:37 PM

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