(3.2) [Lighty] 2H RT Cyclone: Dope for Beast League & Lab™

Last edited by Zatlan on Mar 31, 2016, 4:48:45 PM
Fixed an problem with the guide that made me re-link 109 items -__- which took forever. Some are still missing but have the bulk added once again, will respond to the past days questions soon and working on a Labyrinth section of the guide, could be interesting. Also plan to discuss some of the new flasks as being potentially useful.
Lighty wrote:
GraissE wrote:

I first wanted to congratulate you for such a detailed build ! I have been having fun but i am now "stucked" at level 52 with not enough damage to kill anything in a 2 or more party and not enough res to survive :(

I also could not survive to dominus and had to die 10 times to finish him (im glad im not in HC :p ).

Do you have any advices on where i should head and on what i should focus on to be able to advance again?

Thank you!

Post your skill tree and gear here and we'll take a look at your situation, its most likely too little life and res or a outdated weapon thats gimping your dps.

Hey, thank you for coming back to me. I looked for a better weapon and that indeed was the main cause of my problems. This build is much more weapon dependent, than gems level dependent.

It is a much wiser choice to have a 4L with an excellent weapon, than having a 5L / 6L with a mediocre weapon.

I now leveled up and i am sitting on 5k life. Time to work on the res!
GraissE wrote:
Lighty wrote:
GraissE wrote:

I first wanted to congratulate you for such a detailed build ! I have been having fun but i am now "stucked" at level 52 with not enough damage to kill anything in a 2 or more party and not enough res to survive :(

I also could not survive to dominus and had to die 10 times to finish him (im glad im not in HC :p ).

Do you have any advices on where i should head and on what i should focus on to be able to advance again?

Thank you!

Post your skill tree and gear here and we'll take a look at your situation, its most likely too little life and res or a outdated weapon thats gimping your dps.

Hey, thank you for coming back to me. I looked for a better weapon and that indeed was the main cause of my problems. This build is much more weapon dependent, than gems level dependent.

It is a much wiser choice to have a 4L with an excellent weapon, than having a 5L / 6L with a mediocre weapon.

I now leveled up and i am sitting on 5k life. Time to work on the res!

Glad its working for you now. 99% of Physical attack builds rely heavily on your weapons pdps (physical damage per second) rather than spells who depend on skill gem levels, not to say gem levels dont contribute to your dps as an attack build. Keep me updated buddy
Hey, I'm currently lvl 91 champion and this build is GREAT.
What do you guys consider as minimal endgame dps and 'optimal'(when getting another 1kdps is just not worth it) endgame dps?

I'm using Lightning Coil at this moment but I would like to consider some other body armours especialy: Kaom's, Carcass, Rare + switching rings for some uniqs (Ming's and maybe Essence worm although getting rid of AA and LC sounds little extreme). I would appreciate input in this subject (pros/cons of body armours in endgame (for this build ofc).

GJ with this topic, keep it up!
Anexis91 wrote:
Hey Lighty,

i just try this build out, very nice written btw.

I'm using the Marauder Axe build, and i wonder if Earthquake would be nice for Singletarget Damage?
I Think it's very strong in a 6L with Singletarget Gems (Faster Attacks, Less Duration etc.)...

An it should be safer than Cyclone, cause of Movement.

What do you think?

(sorry for bad English, not my Main language)

EQ is simply better than cyclone at the moment, in most every way. Its way overtuned and will be heavily nerfed after perandus league ends so id suggest playing it now while you can. The tree and gearing is identical to cyclone. Same for groundslam,sweep,icecrash and sunder; all the same tree and gear,slightly different gems.
Zombie_Addict wrote:
Hey, I'm currently lvl 91 champion and this build is GREAT.
What do you guys consider as minimal endgame dps and 'optimal'(when getting another 1kdps is just not worth it) endgame dps?

I'm using Lightning Coil at this moment but I would like to consider some other body armours especially: Kaom's, Carcass, Rare + switching rings for some uniques (Ming's and maybe Essence worm although getting rid of AA and LC sounds little extreme). I would appreciate input in this subject (pros/cons of body armours in endgame (for this build ofc).

GJ with this topic, keep it up!

Lightning Coil is still best in slot for most every life build including cyclone. 22.5% physical mitigation is to large to pass up considering how easy it is to get even ele capped when playing a build comprised mostly of rares. Kaoms is also a fine choice however I still feel it falls behind LC. Essence worm is only really worth it when going bloodmagic keystone to get a free hatred but with ming's in your second ring slot your going to be strapped for resistances; If i had to pick one id go with Essence worm for hatred.
Thanks for sharing Lighty.

I opted for Duelist. The progression, at least for me, it was easy. Not very fast but easy since I had a good portion of the items.

I only had problems in the Labyrinth(Merciless) because the Izaro crushed me twice. I was on level 70. I gave up for a while.

I made some changes and now level 83 finally I won Izaro and even easily. It just was not better because of that horrible lag.


To fight with Izaro:


So in general Merciless Lab is difficult for most builds and can be lethal for anyone, Izaro is capable of hitting upwards of 7K with minor buffs and combination attacks. For your gear you can upgrade most your rares and definitely replace le huep as its very poor compared to a 5-10c rare ring when most it offers are increased values compared to more values. On your tree if you decide to enter the melee phys nodes in marauder (as you did) there is little reason not to get the starting 2 with higher than average values, otherwise everything looks in order.
Coatesy wrote:
Hey Lighty,

Cheers for the great guide. In reading this am I right in saying that the best class to go at the moment is duelist due to the champion ascendancy class?


You are correct, Champion is the best now and if you play HC Perandus you will see literally 5/6 of the parties you join full of Champions; its crazy popular at the moment even for non-melee builds such as explosive arrow and voltaxic
Lighty wrote:
Thanks for sharing Lighty.

I opted for Duelist. The progression, at least for me, it was easy. Not very fast but easy since I had a good portion of the items.

I only had problems in the Labyrinth(Merciless) because the Izaro crushed me twice. I was on level 70. I gave up for a while.

I made some changes and now level 83 finally I won Izaro and even easily. It just was not better because of that horrible lag.


To fight with Izaro:


So in general Merciless Lab is difficult for most builds and can be lethal for anyone, Izaro is capable of hitting upwards of 7K with minor buffs and combination attacks. For your gear you can upgrade most your rares and definitely replace le huep as its very poor compared to a 5-10c rare ring when most it offers are increased values compared to more values. On your tree if you decide to enter the melee phys nodes in marauder (as you did) there is little reason not to get the starting 2 with higher than average values, otherwise everything looks in order.

Thank you. I'll try to make some improvements in the coming days.

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