Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Pangaearocks wrote:
Maybe this is sticking my hand in a bee's nest, but why all the talk of expensively crafted weapons? Isn't this build already super strong and whacking all content?

Don't get me wrong, I kinda want to try it on my own character, if only to actually having done it once, but it's not needed. And it's probably much the same for this Arc build, which is also super strong (I've played it several times in the past, and it looks even stronger now).

I appreciate the top players in here are maybe swimming in exalts from going to maps on day 1 and selling lots of stuff, but for the vast, vast majority of players, we'll never have that chance, due to the obscene costs of (multi) crafting in this game.

I don't intend this post as criticism, not really, but more as a reality check perhaps.

I've played a lot this league, despite starting late due to travelling. Much more than I probably should have (work, hobbies, RL, etc). I've had two exalts drop, and have sold another item for 1.5 exalts (which turned out to have become underpriced over time, but too late now). Two more exalts if I were to sell all the chaos (and I did the chaos recipe for a long, long while). And I've played almost uniquely SSF (only bought the boots), so haven't spent much on gear throughout the league.

I'd expect many players to be in a similar situation, or worse.

I get what you're saying, but I think you need to look at it from a different point. The initial investment does seem high, but it's actually extremely cheap for a weapon this good.

To put it in context, using two perfectly divined 6x T1 mirror tier daggers would only result in a ~2% DPS boost over those crafted daggers, while they would cost 1 mirror (170ex atm) + fee (usually 50ex+) each, which would put you at a 440ex+ investment if such a dagger would exist in the first place. And the only thing you'd gain out of this is 2% DPS and a good amount of attack speed.

I've intentionally put the crafted daggers priority as second to last in the upgrade cheat sheet, it's more important to get a reliable setup first and getting to this step shows that you're serious enough about the build to justify this investment. It also serves as a contextually cheap crafting tutorial for people who didn't dump the game after a few hours.

Since this comment is about crafted weapons, I also want to give some insight about the Double Damage vs Resistance Penetration debate for everyone:

If you've followed the guide and cheat sheet, you'll have around 1m Shaper DPS consisting of 200k average hit damage and 5 casts per second with your new daggers and neither of the two mods we compare here. These numbers will vary of course but for simplicity sake let's keep it at these values.

It's important to remember that Double Damage rolls per hit and does nothing when it doesn't proc. So instead of boosting your DPS to 2m, it will rather end up at 1.2m if double damage procs once.

Resistance Penetration on the other hand affects each hit and will boost them by ~10% if you have it on both daggers. It loses a bit of effectiveness due to the sheer amount of chaos damage we gain, up to 52% from weapons, 13% from amulet and 19% (15 * 1.26) from Atziri's Promise. Still, this means we need 10 hits to make up for one Double Damage proc.

So much for theory, the reality looks different due to lightnings huge damage range. If we look at my Betrayal char for example, my shaper hit damage ranges from 43351 to 340979 without either of the two stats. A Double Damage proc on the lower end of range will barely be noticeable yet even out damage output a bit, while on the higher end of range it will be absolutely insane. Unfortunately we have no control about when it will proc.

So if you play in Betrayal and are wondering which one to go for, ask yourself if you prefer a more consistent damage increase coming at a potentially much higher cost, or if you prefer the cheaper option and take the gamble.

The Double Damage while focussed version someone had mentioned is yet another option, probably best used in combination with a Hyperboreus to have more uptime in longer bossfights.

On an unrelated note, I once again want to mention how thankful I am to everyone taking their time to reply to all the questions in here!
Last edited by Enki91 on Jan 29, 2019, 12:01:18 PM
ShawnDream wrote:
yanggun wrote:
Why do items change frequently?
Video has a lot of items and skills to change
I am confused as to which direction to go
Give me a solution.

3 - For bosses and Syndicate, try a spire 4 link. It's not in the main spec yet, but it complements arc immensely. Drop a couple where the boss(es) are (or will be) then sting and move with arc. Arc is amazing at clearing, but slightly weak when against really tough single targets. Spire pounds them while they chase you, and you keep em zapped.

Putting it in this kind of gloves makes it effectively a 6 link, and it does MORE damage than arc by far on wide slow boss butts:

What would you link with Spire? Controlled, lightning pen and hypothermia?
Looking for tips on upgrading gears. Im having trouble with Uber Elder. What are the mods I am looking for on the daggers? Is there anything on my gear i need to upgrade?
rvaHammer wrote:
Ziosté wrote:
Hi guys.
Can anyone give me advices to avoid getting oneshotted by syndicates or bosses in red maps?
And what should i improve in my gear?
thank you

I didnt check your gear, on mobile sorry, but if your not using the lightning spire trap setup id highly suggest it. Basically had same problem, switched it up to what blg_realize has going and it works. Ls trap plus our arc generally decimates in seconds, and i don't have the gg daggers for the build yet and t15/t16 is fine still with the setup. Check my gear, id like to think its good but its highly worse than blg_realize so you can see it works still.

Thank you for the answer but how can LS trap can improve my survavibility?
My problem is not the damage output but the random oneshots.
blg_RealiZe wrote:
M0f0 wrote:
M0f0 wrote:
Howdy, can anyone write new gem setup with LS for noobs here? Im kinda lost which gems to sacrify or not. Prefer for the early stage maps since my gear sucks, but Im about to buy some new pieces.

Can it be answer to my Q? Getting watchers eye and dropping clarity,mana leech and incteased duraton to make space for LS?

Im at 3 ex atm,was saving them for inpulsa,should I go this way?

if you have advanced traps affix on your gloves:

If you don't have advanced traps affix

Remove clarity, curse setup (and decoy totem or flame dash)
You don't have to buy another gloves or anything, 4-link lightning spire is pretty good too. All you need is to recolor your items, it's not expensive

FYI this is a nice post by Big (the first big pusher for spire) on what to link. Just like the rest of our spec though there is plenty of room to try your own way.

Spire helps survival a lot because it lets you focus more on Dodging (and bosses tend to be both slow and predictable)... And it kills bosses VERY fast, so they have less chances to kill you.

Note that there is another strong tip for surviving syndicate and some other bosses... Chaos resist. Make sure you have the purity of flesh 4 passives and grab it where you can on gear.
ntp2651 wrote:
Looking for tips on upgrading gears. Im having trouble with Uber Elder. What are the mods I am looking for on the daggers? Is there anything on my gear i need to upgrade?

% as extra chaos damage
+ Cast speed
+ resist Penetration

Are the big stats.

% increased spell/ele/minion/shock are worth less but still hot

Any flat added damage to spells is helpful.

More important for Uber elder would be trying spire and binding life leech to your brand (swap it for increased duration normally).

I'm on mobile, so I can't check your gear carefully, but you should not need Mana leech in your brand if you have a leech watcher. Culling is good instead of you don't have some other skill shaving the last 10% off every fight.

FYI - the big guys tend to say to use pob to evaluate gear. Definitely the best path. As a rough estimate though, each point of the big stats above are worth about three times the hot stats, or ten times a point of helpful spell damage... At least for me.

Last edited by ShawnDream on Jan 29, 2019, 4:58:37 PM
I have a question about crafting daggers..

i crafted this one for a base, u guys would try to annul the lightning damage? (is the to spells addition a huge difference?)
If it doesn't say to spells in a weapon it only applies when you smack people.

So it is totally useless, don't spend ex crafting on top of it.
Nooky1989 wrote:
I have a question about crafting daggers..

i crafted this one for a base, u guys would try to annul the lightning damage? (is the to spells addition a huge difference?)

Cross fingers and anul lol.....
what is a good number for effect of shock? I see many people have that stat line on their abyss jewel.
Also, can someone look at my items and see what I need to upgrade the most? I am thinking about getting a Tombfist (two abyss sockets)

Last edited by Silvragon on Jan 29, 2019, 9:44:10 PM

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