Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

yanggun wrote:
Why do items change frequently?
Video has a lot of items and skills to change
I am confused as to which direction to go
Give me a solution.

To receive a solution you would have to turn off private on your character so we could see your gear and skills. It would also help if you let us know what part of the very nice guide and walkthrough Enki keeps mostly updated on page 1 was confusing you.

As for your other question... items change frequently because this build can use almost any gear (hence it's beginner and SelFFound friendly nature).

Most of the magic is in smart passive tree and ascendency choices to make arc a very fast and friendly chain gun.

Because the build is so flexible folks have a lot of room to experiment and try new tricks also... but some that I would rank critical:

1 - When you can afford it, make sure you have an essence worm with wrath socketed, a clear mind gem, no other mana reserved and a leech watcher eye - super convenient not to have to worry about mana.

(If for some reason you cannot afford 1.5 ex http://poe.trade/search/reboraseyumanu I have found that using a weapon with cast on skill use and a warlord's mark slotted is almost as good for mana leech without having to babysit it)

2 - Make sure you have a quick movement skill and you use it to sting and move, sting and move all the time. Daggers and whirling blades is the best, but leap slam is OK, and Flame Dash is OK (if you don't run out of charges when you need it). This will automatically avoid most attacks and is good practice for tough bosses.

3 - For bosses and Syndicate, try a spire 4 link. It's not in the main spec yet, but it complements arc immensely. Drop a couple where the boss(es) are (or will be) then sting and move with arc. Arc is amazing at clearing, but slightly weak when against really tough single targets. Spire pounds them while they chase you, and you keep em zapped.

Putting it in this kind of gloves makes it effectively a 6 link, and it does MORE damage than arc by far on wide slow boss butts:

Other than that - don't forget to have some source (abyss jewel is convenient) of +cold dmg to spells... even one point is enough (with our third ascendancy) to chill and add another 40% to everything with hypothermia.

FInally - read the thread (at least ALL of the first post and the most recent pages) - TONS of great info about gearing, tactics, and mechanics... POE is so solo, but you are not alone. :)

Maybe this is sticking my hand in a bee's nest, but why all the talk of expensively crafted weapons? Isn't this build already super strong and whacking all content?

Don't get me wrong, I kinda want to try it on my own character, if only to actually having done it once, but it's not needed. And it's probably much the same for this Arc build, which is also super strong (I've played it several times in the past, and it looks even stronger now).

I appreciate the top players in here are maybe swimming in exalts from going to maps on day 1 and selling lots of stuff, but for the vast, vast majority of players, we'll never have that chance, due to the obscene costs of (multi) crafting in this game.

I don't intend this post as criticism, not really, but more as a reality check perhaps.

I've played a lot this league, despite starting late due to travelling. Much more than I probably should have (work, hobbies, RL, etc). I've had two exalts drop, and have sold another item for 1.5 exalts (which turned out to have become underpriced over time, but too late now). Two more exalts if I were to sell all the chaos (and I did the chaos recipe for a long, long while). And I've played almost uniquely SSF (only bought the boots), so haven't spent much on gear throughout the league.

I'd expect many players to be in a similar situation, or worse.
Hey guys,

can someone maybe take a look at my gear?
I've seen the guide "what to upgrade next" but I am still not sure. I thought about the daggers but its a huge step. (10ex)
blg_RealiZe wrote:
Soulhassorrow wrote:
My currerent gear....taking suggestions on what i can upgrade. Everything that has multi-mod i crafted myself, but i feel squishy,currently Lvl 98, 5.4k life/2.2k mana. Have 20ex for upgrades/recrafting. Thanks in advance.

the way your character is built (a lot of res on everything, but not on a ring or amulet, I don't see much room to upgrade without replacing half of your gear. You can craft another gloves with pristine + shuddering fossils with 100+ HP and 3% HP and cast speed.
You can swap flask node for HP nodes, vessel of vinktar for basalt flask (vinktar is just terrible imo, 1 use on bosses)
at least, you can try hardcore version of the tree with acrobatics and phase acrobatics. You lose a lot of cast speed, but you gain 40% chance to dodge attacks and 30% chance to dodge spells which is huge for surviveability

Thanks alot BIG!!!! I didn't change my gloves, but i replaced the vintars for basalt flasks and i replaced the flasks nodes for a jewel slot. Uber deathless with the setup, but my old setup i would get killed at least twice.
Raihakan wrote:
Hey guys,

can someone maybe take a look at my gear?
I've seen the guide "what to upgrade next" but I am still not sure. I thought about the daggers but its a huge step. (10ex)

Get a bone helmet with res/life, the implict on bone helmets apply to you so 40% increase dmg would be a cheap upgrade.
Soulhassorrow wrote:

Get a bone helmet with res/life, the implict on bone helmets apply to you so 40% increase dmg would be a cheap upgrade.

Ok I'll get that.
But after that, the next step are the daggers, or am I wrong?
Last edited by Raihakan on Jan 29, 2019, 7:45:42 AM
Hi all,

first of all thanks to enki for the great build, and to all the other helpful folks in the thread. This is my first real season of PoE and i'm still learning how things work, but I love the build and I am slowly progressing through the Atlas. I am still using maces and was looking to craft daggers, as whirling blades does feel much better than leap slam. However, I don't have a lot of currency, so was trying to be economical. So was looking for some crafting advice. It took me about 400 alts to get my first ele-as-chaos, then when I regaled it I ended up with this sad thing:

(ok I admit, I auged it before regaling in the vain hope of getting a lucky mod)

so now I don't think I want to do multiple anuls as that would be expensive and risky. what's my best path here? scourge and try again? see if I can sell it for something, buy a new cheap base and some alts and start over? I'm rapidly running out of alts and so far no ele-as-chaos on my other base, and I think I have seen folks use 1000 before getting it. I must admit my parsimonious self is a bit intimidated by the crafting process.

Thanks for your thoughts,

BigJules wrote:

what's my best path here? scourge and try again? see if I can sell it for something, buy a new cheap base and some alts and start over?

Probably wouldn't scour that :)
blg_RealiZe wrote:
Cmon guys, if I sad that I'll craft a dagger for free doesn't mean I'm gonna roll and annul t1 extra chaos for you and craft multimod with my exalts.
I'm only crafting mods on your base from your crafting materials (because I have everything unlocked for that).
I got like 6 messages from 6 different people that are hoping to get a free 7-10ex dagger. It's not a charity.

I'm sorry people are trying to take advantage. Thanks for the multi mod on my dagger this morning.
can someone check my gear and tell me where i could improve with it and give some reccomendations

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