Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

KingCompton wrote:
white0ut wrote:
KingCompton wrote:
What literally are the best weapons for this build? Is it the limb and Doryani's together?

Something like this:

Look through past posts and you will see tons of chatter about it. Or in the gear section of the guide their is a note about crafting them.

Okay, thank you for the idea!!!

Note - in the last dozen pages or so the Big players (Big_Realize for example) have put more detailed motes about much easier ways to craft the best daggers - the build seems to have come a long way since Dec 15 - as Betray league gave a lot of love to crafting.

So I wouldn't use the dagger building image process - hopefully someone will composite a pastebin with the better info - I know I could use it (along with notes on the best use of the amazeballs cast on skill use enchant).
Last edited by ShawnDream on Jan 2, 2019, 5:28:27 PM
Alright, thanks for the heads up, I'll read the previous posts :)
Caedes_ wrote:

About the Watcher's eye, is getting higher than 1% leech very important or should I just pick the cheapest one (at 1%) ?

If a little tickling effectively unlinked Brand benefits noticeably from 2% leech, I bet the massive firehose that is a 6 link Arc will do just fine with about any %.

Disclaimer - I am a noob.

Note the really high end Watcher for this is Leech on Wrath + Pen on Wrath - but even the big guys say buying that is probably overkill.

Also note I just priced Inpulsas - and 6 linked blue+one green is 8 exalts... you might just want to save a tiny bit longer and go to your endgame chestpeice.
Last edited by ShawnDream on Jan 2, 2019, 5:56:47 PM
Ok, my weapons are ready to be made!

I can either make 1 awesome, or make them both cheap?

1ex cast speed
1 ex 7% double damage
4c spell damage + extra chaos hybrid
4c lightning damage to spells

What I mean is, does it hurt that much to cheap out on cast speed (craft 12-14% for 2c instead of 15-18% for 1ex) and double damage (craft 4-5% for 2c instead of 6-7%)?

Last edited by Ubering on Jan 2, 2019, 6:02:59 PM
This build is trash =/. WAY too much effort and money just to get shit on by syndicate and bosses lol go jugg or arc totems or something that can actually do endgame this guide makes zero sense.
thanks for the awesome guide/tutorial for us new players.

wondering if the Primordial Eminence Viridian Jewel might be good, do the golem buffs help?

properties include:

"Golems have 19% increased Attack and Cast Speed" &

"30% increased Effect of Buffs Granted by Your Golems"


Bosmonster wrote:
I only started PoE seriously this league and followed this guide. I'm doing pretty well so far, but upgrades are becoming expensive, so I would like a gear/jewel check.

Any mistakes that I made that I can correct? Which upgrades should I focus on next value for money wise? I only have about 2-3 ex to spend at the moment, but currency is rolling in steadily grinding red maps and delve.

Please also explain why, so I can learn! I'm still pretty new to this.


Your flasks are mostly fine, two things to improve would be replacing one of the Eternal Life flasks with a Wise Oak (make sure you have Lightning as your highest resistance before doing that, though, as only then can you make proper use of the penetration bonus it provides while active) and rerolling the other life flask to "Catalysed" and "of Heat" affixes. The reason Saturated isn't that great for us is because all it does is prolong the heal effect which is better for tankier characters. What we need is all of our life back as quickly as possible while we move to safety after taking a big hit. The reason for Wise Oak is simply it provides more defensive/offensive utility for you than a second life flask, and shock immmunity is something you rarely need, plus once you have your Inpulsa, you will have it by default.

I did the same thing you did on your character and moved the "of Staunching" suffix to my Sulphur flask, the reason for that being that any immunity that Life flasks provide via suffixes is gone the instant you reach full health (which is when the "flask duration" in the tooltip ends), whereas immunities provided by Sulphur or Basalt flasks remain active for the full duration of the flask effect no matter what. There are certain red beasts with Corrupted Blood debuff that you can't effectively kill when you have bleed removal on a life flask unless you have obscene amounts of damage or mobs around to outleech the bleeding effect.

Your passive tree seems fine for the most part. Two things I would change:
1.) Your Hollow Lens jewel, because it only has hinder as a universally useful affix. Fire damage to spells barely does anything for us and increased damage if you've killed recently is mostly useful on trash mobs which die in one cast of Arc anyway. You want good initiation damage for bosses that have no adds or only have adds in certain phases too, so most of the time, damage that's always active is superior to conditional/situational damage boosts. Eventually try to replace any jewels that have fire damage to spells with shock effect, cast speed or lightning damage to spells affixes in addition to what you have on them.
2.) The life wheel near Scion start is very strong, but if you want to do well against Syndicate or Mastermind and in Incursions, chaos resistance is very useful, so speccing 3-5 points into the Purity of Flesh cluster in exchange for a bit of life loss is something you can experiment with. If you don't have trouble dealing with the Syndicate or temporal incursions, you can leave it as it is.

You should be able to add a level or two to Arcane Surge since the final mana cost of your Storm Brand is higher than 19. Keep in mind that it's not the mana cost on the skill gem that matters, it's the one displayed on the tooltip in the action bar.

If you don't intend to get daggers for the best mobility skill, Whirling Blades, get used to moving around with Leap Slam and ditch the 30% movement speed affix from your boots in favour of more life and resistances. You can get boots without movement speed but with >90% total resistances and >80 life quite cheap, and you can craft movement speed on them if there's an open prefix. If you've unveiled the "% movement speed + cannot be chilled" affix, craft that and you'll only need to use flasks to escape freeze which thankfully rarely happens.

Replace your belt with a Stygian Vise, 5-10 affixes instead of 5-7 simply can't be beat. You can get more life and much more damage that way. If you can't afford to buy one, getting an item level 75+ one and throwing some useful essences and fossils at it might get you some good results, and if not, you can use alteration/augmentation orbs until you hit >80 life and >35 resistance on them and regal them hoping for either another resistance or flask duration, then craft the fourth affix on it yourself.

Getting an amulet with str, dex or str/dex implicit can help you squeeze more offensive affixes on it and it's best to not rely on amulet for resistances as that can make it very hard to upgrade them when you finally get the currency for damage-oriented ones. Also try to get better resistance rolls on every armour slot except chest and one of the ring slots, to prepare for upgrading to Essence Worm and Inpulsa, neither of which have any resistances.

Essence Worm with Wrath will be a significant damage boost that's relatively cheap to get, so try working towards that next.
ShawnDream wrote:
Bl4ckExe wrote:
I am struggling on tier 9-11 bosses and the Syndicate always one shots me on those maps so I've got no chance to defeat them in those tiers.

I see a lot of the smart kids saying that chaos resist is key to surviving Syndicate. The wheel of 4 passives around purity of flesh is an easy way to grab Life+chaos

Also for syndicate and bosses word is a Spire 4 link is amazing. (drop a CWDT group for it) - If the boss dies in seconds (and you don't have to stand still spamming arc but can focus on dodging... your survival should shoot way up.

Big_Realize swears by it, and I can't get enough down here in the noob leagues.

If Arc wasn't so amazingly fast and convenient for sweeping away trash mobs I'd go all in on spire.

As it stands, my gloves give me a ghetto 7 link spire so they are the coolest wrinkle I've found in the game so far... I throw a couple spire traps down on the boss or syndicate gate, jump around and come back in a 5 seconds to pick up my yellow (loot or !).

@ShawnDream - You guys are using the Spire 4 link for bosses? Also have to drop totem for it?
So I made my first attempt to go end-game content this league and was able to kill all guardians and could now try shaper.
However, I still die a lot to the syndicate in high tier maps and guardians gave me a hard time too, but also because I had no idea about their mechanics.

One thing I am curious though: How did you kill Lvl82+ mastermind? I was able to get to phase 3 but I just get randomly one-shot and didn't have enough portals to actually make it.

Mapping is perfectly fine and I kill all trash mobs before they actually hit me.

I don't have high-end daggers as I miss recipes like "multiple crafting mods" (where do I find that? Is it just luck?)
Also I used up all my currency now to get a Watcher's Eye.

Are the crafted daggers really such a step forward to the ones I have with high spell dmg, flat to spells, cast speed and at least 5% chaos damage?

Any more tips regarding my setup? I'm quite scared to try shaper after getting owned by the Mastermind

Happy new year!
Ubering wrote:
Ok, my weapons are ready to be made!

I can either make 1 awesome, or make them both cheap?

1ex cast speed
1 ex 7% double damage
4c spell damage + extra chaos hybrid
4c lightning damage to spells

What I mean is, does it hurt that much to cheap out on cast speed (craft 12-14% for 2c instead of 15-18% for 1ex) and double damage (craft 4-5% for 2c instead of 6-7%)?


Oh I just crafted the cheap ones and skipped the expensive ones, and it's already a noticable upgrade from what I had!

I think i'll farm some more currency and leave them as they are for now. Upgrade as I can buy more exalts (160c?!)
Last edited by Ubering on Jan 2, 2019, 6:25:18 PM

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