Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

I would go daggers, movement is so much better
I've just hit 60 for the first time ever (and cashed my first exult drop into chaos so I can afford some real gear/enchants now).

I'd love if someone would help troubleshhot my experimental gem setup - with a focus on noob friendly autocasting.

Assumptions (I think I need to keep):

My chest is Arc - headed for 6l and inpulsas when I have actual exalt income)

One ring is Wrath.

My gloves are definitely spoken for with an effective 7 link boss/syndicate slayer with spire supported by AdvTrap/Fast Cast/Blind (2 out of three great for ARC too).

One dagger should be Fast Fortify Whirling.

My boots are dedicated to Cast when Damaged survival with:
- Enfeeble, Immortal Call and Flame Dash (I NEED get out of stupid free)

I want at least one of the AMAZEBALLS trigger on skill enchant daggers for auto keep up utility (did I mention I'm a noob that can't afford a watchers?) - right now I like Warlords Mark/Storm Orb/Cold Snap

That would leave me cramming Golem, Surge, Culling, and Storm Brand into an Innervate Helm (and using offhand for gap jumping) - I THINK a golem cull will grant ME Innervate, but I'm not sure.

I'm also contemplating moving surge+whirling to helm and going double autocast - golem(s)+debuffs(s) on one side and Cull+Onlsaught+Brand/Orb on the other

I am worried that autocast might compete long term with an essential dagger crafted mod ... although it seems to have an ENki blessing as an alternate setup (but I haven't found his advice on specifics).

This build's rare heaviness seems to beg a pastebin bible on pre and post exult budget crafting to boots/helm/daggers/etc on the first post.

Thanks in advance for anyone with the free time to help me experiment / Theorycraft.
Last edited by ShawnDream on Jan 2, 2019, 11:52:00 AM
blg_RealiZe wrote:

yes, golems enchant it's just straight up better in everything: more dps and attack speed for movement. I even think that it's better than "arc chain an additional time", just because of the movement bonus.

And there is no certain number for penetraion, the more you get - the better.

Thank you. I'll do the upgrades and try it again. I'll try your 4 link setup also. Cheers.

Is there a priority of the mods to add when multicrafting the dagger?

%light dmg VS % spell dmg + extra chaos VS %pen VS minion dmg VS Flat dmg VS cast speed VS double dmg

What are the mechanics of that 7% double dmg? I ve read that it doesn't actually doubles it but more of a multiplier. Is that % enough to choose it over a more constant dmg craft?
Good Day folks

I need help with my gear.

What in my gear needs improving the most, where would you start.


After entering everything into the Pastebin I see everything needs improving.

How long do I keep the Tabula for, when do I move over to a 5 link rare or a 5 link unique if I get one.

I am clearing t4 maps currently and Delving at lvl 81.
This is SSF on Xbox not that it matters much.

Hi Everyone, I've just reached Vastiri Desert in Act 9 and have found a white 5 link body armour at ilevel 53- is it worth crafting or will I just find a comparable rare in short order?
Timezone: UTC+1
alecs87 wrote:

Is there a priority of the mods to add when multicrafting the dagger?

%light dmg VS % spell dmg + extra chaos VS %pen VS minion dmg VS Flat dmg VS cast speed VS double dmg

What are the mechanics of that 7% double dmg? I ve read that it doesn't actually doubles it but more of a multiplier. Is that % enough to choose it over a more constant dmg craft?

what do you mean "prioriy"? Just copy mods from my daggers, it gives you the best DPS possible.
You can try to roll t1 flat lightning damage to spells, t1 cast speed (20%) or t1 spell damage with alterations in addition to t1 20% "extra chaos", but it'll not give you much of a difference compare to just crafted mods.
t1 20% extra chaos is mandatory.

and there is no another suffix "damage mod" that you can craft instead of double damage. What would you craft instead, 16% lightning damage? 7% double damage is an equivalent of about 60% lightning damage
And I have no idea about mechanics of double damage, I just trust PoB in this.

p.s. crafted lightning damage to spells (for 4c) gives the same DPS as 11% of non-chaos damage as extra chaos damage (for 8 vaal). Not even 0.1% difference
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Jan 2, 2019, 11:42:44 AM

For some odd reason in POB I can't find the right crafts as seen on the new crafting bench. Instead of gain % elemental damage as extra chaos damage I did damage penetrates % elemental resistances.

Is it a much bigger dps increase to get Gain % elemental damage as extra chaos damage over damage penetrates % elemental resistances?
hello guys, why storm brand is better than orb of storms?
INightmareZI wrote:
hello guys, why storm brand is better than orb of storms?

Storm Brand moves with the opponent, so it can more reliably trigger Elemental Overload since the boss can't move out of its effective radius. When it dies, it can also reattach itself to another one, extending the duration, thus saving you a recast. You can have three up simultaneously, tripling the chances of EO procs if there are enough mobs nearby. It also does more damage than OoS.

The only "major" downside is less mana cost, so you might have to use a lower level Arcane Surge with it if that's what you use to trigger it.

I'd not go back to OoS unless they nerfed Storm Brand in some way.
Last edited by sny83 on Jan 2, 2019, 1:16:38 PM

I've read that T1 ele to extra chaos is what I should be aiming for, need advice on if I should multimod this or start another.

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