Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Alizae wrote:
Not quite sure regarding this one,

Inpulsa "Unaffected by Shock"

Is that mean we could use Vinktar without getting shocked ?

we could, but why? it looks pretty terrible tbh

I'm back after getting the "easy" stuff.
What should I look for next? Any advice is apreciated :) I don't know what I should prioritize.

I'm thinking weapons, jewels? Syndicate 1shots me btw
Last edited by Ubering on Dec 29, 2018, 4:08:31 AM
Hi Guys,
Can you look at my gloves, is it good for built?
This build is really fun to play.

I'm going to try another build.

If someone interested in my gear, pm me with a serious offer :), or price check I would appreciate.

Last edited by SerialXeldar on Dec 29, 2018, 4:44:30 AM

Yesterday i managed to kill uber elder for the first time with this build, not deathless but on my first try atleast, so i would like to thanks Enki for this very detailed and well explained guide and very pleasant to play.

For those wondering, i just follow Enki's uber elder videop setup with my actual gear following by this change:

I learn a lot about Poe with this thread and I also wanted to thank @blg_RealiZe for all the help he provide, and I must admit that I am inspired by his profile to choose which upgrade I will do (insane gear btw).

I will now keep pushing lvling i think, i still have a lot of upgrade to do on my gear.

Hiklberry wrote:
im having a real big mana issue and im wondering what im doing wrong

No one knows but you since you have your character sheet locked.

sorry its not hidden now
Last edited by Hiklberry on Dec 29, 2018, 6:10:21 AM
Zeddzded wrote:
To all who help Enki out answering questions -- You are POG!!!

I can only agree with this! Thanks everyone for the help, I wouldn't be able to handle the thread anymore without all of you :)

@Sat00 & @Anointedone
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Your next upgrade should be some decent daggers and Lv21 Arc, then go for a Watcher's Eye and either Inpulsa's or Loreweave. You could also consider Clear Mind for a nice damage and survivability boost, farming a better boot enchant and quality all your flasks. The rest looks pretty solid.

We have an active curse limit of 1, so Conductivity would keep overriding Enfeeble while also getting butchered by bosses less curse effect, you're better off with just a nice damage amulet.

Drop Inc Duration and see if you like the uptime, Arcane Surge should stay.

Guide and POB should have exactly the same trees, unless you got a POB setup from a different source than this guide.

As blg_RealiZe wrote, flasks will have the biggest impact. Also use the 20% quality recipe on all gems listed in gem quality section and get yourself a Lv21 Arc. Save the rest for the bigger stuff like Watcher's Eye and Inpulsa's.

Either have total Lightning Res the highest to get penetration, or all three at the same value to get damage reduction (good for us) and penetration for all three elements. Total resistance is the value in brackets, not your maximum resistance.

The Watcher's Eye you're using does nothing for this build, so that should be the first thing to replace. You also got a pretty solid Cold to Spells jewel with Hollow Glare, so replace the one in your Abyss Belt with something better and reroll the shaped Opal Ring, you can get so much more out of it. Hate to say it but you've also put the wrong Lightning Damage mod on your daggers, it needs to say "to spells" to affect Arc in this case.

I'd keep Arcane Surge to have it up at bosses where you actually need the damage gain.

There's no difference as far as I know. Personally I prefer Sai for the extra block, but you could basically use any of the faster bases, it doesn't really matter too much.

Start with getting the right flasks, it does make a huge difference. They should be Eternal Life - Basalt - Sulphur - Wise Oak - Atziri's Promise. Next your gem setup is a litte weird, CwDt is way too high leveled and you're using the "Trigger socketed Spells on Skill use" gem setup on few pieces without having this mod on your dagger, so switch to the setup as mentioned in guide. Also get Alchemist and Mental Rapidity, and upgrade Pantheon if you haven't yet. The rest comes down to learning the boss patterns, Hydra should be easy to learn as all her skills are clearly telegraphed, for the other three Guardians you gotta learn their skills ranges to know where to move.

Only realistic things I could see is a different boot enchant, and if possible try to get triple Wise Oak balance.

That's correct, any "hybrid affix" as they're often called only takes one affix slot, despite giving two lines of stuff.

Check out the miniguide in Uber Elder video, all that will make the fight substantially easier.

Reroll your flask affixes, Catalysed on Eternal Life, Experimenters on Sulphur and Chemist's on Basalt, also quality them all to 20% in the process and then beastcraft the desired suffixes. Also ugprade Pantheon if you haven't yet and get a Lv21 Arc, it's fairly cheap for the damage gain it gives. That should already help a lot, the rest comes down to what exactly kills you, some things are just not meant to be tanked.

Adds x to x damage (without -to attacks or -to spells) is always local on weapons, but global on all other slots. It's a bit unintuitive so I hope GGG considers a wording change.

About the other questions:

1) None, the sockets are used up by Abyss Jewel sockets.

2) Their quality bonus gives nothing useful for this build.

3) Catalyst have attack speed and global crit, which imo makes them the overall better choice. We already have global proliferation from our Ascendancy, so the one from Catalyst does nothing. Inpulsa was made more rare, that plus its demand made it get up in price.

4) I'm aware how much leech Watcher's cost, it's a highend piece of gear and you will have the currency just by mapping once you actually need it.

You have insanely good gear! I've removed the Elder Essence Worm + Mark of the Shaper setup cuz i've noticed many people sacrificed better DPS affixes to be able to run it, ending up with lower total DPS and essentially wasting lots of currency, but this is not the case with your setup. That said, a good Shaped Ring isn't that much worse and easier than ever to craft now. I've also simply needed some space for more impactful changes to the guide, the forum has a post limit and i'm right at it with this guide.

As for your gear, the only thing I could see is divining your Basalt to have it use 30 charges per use, everything else looks as good as it can realistically get.

Replace Cold Snap with Enfeeble in the 4L CwDt, should be more impactful.

A Lv21 Arc would be more damage increase for less investment. You also don't have Spiritual Aid specced, which means you gain no damage from the Bone Helmet implicit currently. The Quicksilver Flask also does nothing with Whirling Blades, replace it with Wise Oak and if needed, switch some gear around to get total Lightning Res highest.

Leech Watcher's Eye, Essence Worm and a good Stygian Vise and Opal or shaped Ring. The "Attacks with this weapon.." mod on both daggers also does nothing with Arc.

Recrafting will remove the Multiple Crafted Mods, so you'd hve to get that again and then the new desired mods.

@micheilsgrey & RandomBlackDudee
Regarding Elder Essence Worm + Mark of the Shaper, check my reply to akromacc.

Cheapest damage upgrade for you would be Lv21 Arc, also throwing 1-2 divines on your Clear Mind should make it much better. Next best will be sixlinking the Inpulsa, which may or may not end up relatively cheap, and then crafting daggers. And yeah, replace the Quicksilver with a Basalt, QS does nothing with Whirling Blades.

Bramble Thirst is not worth it for this build, we gain nothing from "Gain #% of Physical Damage as.." but you may be able to sell it to some BV/GC players. Dragon Scratch is nice, you can multimod that.

Flasks have limited charges and a Seething Divine heals for a pretty low amount, you wouldn't want to use up all charges to outheal a single big hit during one of the higher tier bossfights. Catalysed Eternal works much better, you outheal everything pretty quickly and can do so multiple times during longer fights.

Your biggest drawback is the Lv19 Arc, replacing it with a Lv21 Arc will give you 20% more base damage and another 15% to the more damage multiplier Arc gains on single target. Also haven't checked your char in POB but is your total Lightning Res highest? If not, you don't gain any damage from Wise Oak. And going through Lord of the Dead instead of the 2x 20% crit nodes will you you another small boost now that you have Spiritual Aid.

Pretty much the two things you already planned to get and a Clear Mind. Also go through Lord of the Dead instead of the 2x 20% crit nodes and replace the Stibnite with a Sulphur Flask, that will be another damage and survivability boost and you don't lose out on a flask suffix.

Grats on the 6L! Your next step would be Lv21 Arc and then a leech Watcher's Eye. Also replace the craft on your belt, it does nothing for Arc, and maybe look to replace Pain Bite, it's not that good. All other jewels except for Clear Mind and the Hypnotic Eye in your belt could also get an upgrade.

As for how to make currency, there isn't really a general rule. I personally just map and do some Elders and other bosses during that, do some random vaaling and crafting. It's not a guaranteed success but has been working for me for many years now.

Honestly, most issues you can see posted in this thread come from either inexperience, which is understandable given it's targeted at new players, and often just not properly reading and ending up doing some essential things wrong.

With 15ex you can already get all the highend pieces except for two crafted daggers, unless you're lucky with sixlinking Inpulsa and crafting the daggers. But the build works fine even without all that, investing just makes the build better like you know, it is for every single build out there.

Recraft the Basalt to have two uses during bosses, Experimenter's would also work better on your Sulphur. Other than that can'T see anything wrong, maybe Pantheon if you haven't upgraded it yet. It probably just comes down to learning the fight, give it some tries and eventually you'll get all his mechanics.

Leave out Added Lightning Damage if you have Cold Damage to Spells, if not, Hypothermia.

8-11% on Storm Brand, depending on your weapon choices. You could get some more into it by using Inc Crit Strikes on Storm Brand or getting some Crit to Spells suffixes on weapons, but that's up to you.

Are you keeping Storm Brand up on the enemies? That plus your Flask should remove all the mana issues until you can afford a leech Watcher's Eye.

We actually do get shocked with Inpulsa, but it simply doesn't increase the damage we take. It's meant to enable interactions with some other uniques.

Vinktar is just in a really bad spot right now after all its nerfs, even more so for us since we already gain most of the things it does. It's just not worth using over any of the other flasks in this setup.

Leech Watcher's Eye and Lv21 Arc next, then daggers.
Also recraft your flasks except for the Sulphur, that one is fine. And upgrace Pantheon if you haven't yet.

Yeah they're good, I wouldn't prioritize that over Attack & Cast Speed tho, if it's within your budget.

Congrats, and good luck on the next levels!
We need to make some changes in crafting guide, I've noticed that too many people are still trying to roll both extra chaos damage and penetration on their daggers. And all we need is to roll t1 extra chaos and the craft everything else (crafted suffix "7% chance to deal double damage" gives the same dps as "10% penetraion"), but it's so much easiter to roll just t1 extra chaos with alterations instead of both t1 extra chaos and t1 penetration.

It's from 3c to 2ex for a crafting base, 2ex multimod, 1ex cast speed, 1 ex 7% double damage, 4c spell damage + extra chaos hybrid, 4c lightning damage to spells (or 11% extra chaos for 8 vaals instead of lightning damgae, they are effectively exactly the same). And people can cheap out on cast speed (craft 12-14% for 2c instead of 15-18% for 1ex) and double damage (craft 4-5% for 2c instead of 6-7%).
So overall cost for a dagger is from 2.5ex to 7ex. It's crazy cheap for end game weapon.

And crafting process is EXTREMELY consistant this way.
I've crafted like 8 weapons with just t1 extra chaos already, every single one was under 700 alterations and 3-4 annuls.
@Enki thanks for this good guide! A really funny character and a very detailed guide.

at the moment i am at T12/13/14 maps and need to upgrade my gear for progression. so my question is: it is possible to drop the "purity of flesh" after the syndicate nerf and drop the chaos resistences from my gear?
Tardan wrote:

at the moment i am at T12/13/14 maps and need to upgrade my gear for progression. so my question is: it is possible to drop the "purity of flesh" after the syndicate nerf and drop the chaos resistences from my gear?

I still like it. For example, it's good in incursions

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