Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Zoltrix wrote:
Just wondering if I could get clarification or a recommendation on the gem setup. I dont have enough slots for everything the guide recommends, should I take decoy totem out so I dont have to 4l the double golems totem + support? I cant figure out how to fit in a movement speed + flamedash anywhere.

You shouldn't be running double golems until you get the "Liege of the Primordial" Ascendancy that gives extra damage for multiple golems. I benched Decoy Totem for a good chunk of leveling and focused on damage (the best defense is a good offense) and having a high life/mana pool. It all depends on your gear sockets, if you have a spare blue socket, use Flash Dash, or if you have a Red one, utilize Leap Slam. The guide is just that, a guide. You can swap passives or trade out gems to suit your gear setup.
MiguelFg wrote:
Suporex wrote:
I got to lev 80 in PoB and why tha hell with switch to minion damage?!?!

Why tha hell you don't read the Spiritual Aid node on the tree.

thanks. bro, not everybody know game as good as you. I see minion stats I panic... and that damn node is so far away, stats are wasted for like 10 levels just to get there...
Thanks for the answers.
You guys are amazing!

You shouldn't be running double golems until you get the "Liege of the Primordial" Ascendancy that gives extra damage for multiple golems. I benched Decoy Totem for a good chunk of leveling and focused on damage (the best defense is a good offense) and having a high life/mana pool. It all depends on your gear sockets, if you have a spare blue socket, use Flash Dash, or if you have a Red one, utilize Leap Slam. The guide is just that, a guide. You can swap passives or trade out gems to suit your gear setup.

I have liege already, I've got my arc 6l in my chest, double golem decoy minion support helmet, storm brand arcane surge mana leech increased duration gloves, cold snap immortal call cwdt increased duration boots, enfeeble clarity cwdt 1 weapon and no more room for more than 3 links elsewhere.
Suporex wrote:
MiguelFg wrote:
Suporex wrote:
I got to lev 80 in PoB and why tha hell with switch to minion damage?!?!

Why tha hell you don't read the Spiritual Aid node on the tree.

thanks. bro, not everybody know game as good as you. I see minion stats I panic... and that damn node is so far away, stats are wasted for like 10 levels just to get there...

You wouldn't be in this thread if you didn't trust Enki's ability to make the build in a way that does not waste passive skill points, right?

Also... finding the answer yourself by opening the passive skill tree (on the website or in game, PoB too probably) and writing a keyword into search would have been super easy :p

Write in "minion," it highlights all minion nodes, and since you know which ones you have taken / are gonna take, it doesn't take more than about half a minute to get the answer - much faster than asking a question here.

Trying to search this thread is understandably very difficult (I couldn't figure out a better way than going through pages one by one and CTRL-F searching for keywords, usually also opening all spoilers to make sure I don't miss anything) but seriously, super easy to find an answer for the minion question without even asking here.
Speaking of Spiritual Aid, does that also apply to stuff like the craft that you can do on the work bench from veiled items? (Minions deal 10-20% increased damage).

Also, what makes Scepters better than wands? Isnt spell damage and elemental damage pretty much the same for arc?
Last edited by warrri on Dec 11, 2018, 9:13:31 PM
I believe jewels count too (minions deal increased damage). Now that the incursion temple is back, I thing you can get some crazy one handed minion damage mods again? Correct me if I'm wrong..
the resistance rings you suggested early on was to according to the map's mob main elemental damages? i was confused for a second
New player here and also want to add a big thank you for a well written and very informative guide! I wanted to level melee but after trying a few builds at the end of last season, I realised my starter was better being a caster and this hasn't disappointed so far!

Quick question for anyone who can answer: I'm at the end of act 4 and about to start act 5. Enki recommends switching to dagger/sceptres for the movement speed. I can't find good daggers at the moment and I'm not savvy enough with crafting yet to not waste all my mats! I have however, had two Axiom Perpetuum sceptres drop. They don't have much spell damage (12% each) but have cast speed and a LOT of increased crit chance. Would these be good enough for the moment? I'll use them with Leap Slam till I can get daggers and WB.

Thanks for any input!

Edit: got two Heartbreakers ready for when I hit 50 if those are better; 45 atm.
Last edited by KaliWaggles on Dec 11, 2018, 9:31:55 PM
Simple question: Isn0t it worth considering purity of flesh with so much chaos dmg this league? its only a 3 point investment for 12% maximum life + 12% chaos res

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