Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Build so far is a blast, like the league itself:)

Loved the brands instead of orbs, more versatile and actually doing decent damage to trash mobs.

Here's my profile, what do you think?
Also, I've placed veiled mod on weapon, so I could cast always conductivity on mobs. Good idea?


why are we taking minion nodes?
Hello.When update Passive Tree?I have 16 points to give away :(
Jayburner wrote:
why are we taking minion nodes?

It is to get to the Spiritual Aid Node at the end.

Spiritual Aid is a notable passive skill that grants increased damage, accuracy and global accuracy for minions. Player is also affect by Increases and Reductions to Minion Damage

It is the third line in the text of the node, very easily missed when reading it fast. I know I was confused as well on this part.
Here's my profile, what do you think?
Also, I've placed veiled mod on weapon, so I could cast always conductivity on mobs. Good idea?

I looked into the craft last night. It evidently has a 5 second internal cooldown, so it may end up proccing the totem or aura somewhere with no mobs. I think raw damage will end up being better, but supposedly it has some QoL with Brand Recall and other cooldown skills (haven't looked at Brands yet).

Ladar06 wrote:
Hello.When update Passive Tree?I have 16 points to give away :(

The trees are updated. There are multiple leveling trees and trees for 80/90/100.
Passive skill tree is old...no new skill tree
is there a separate tree modification if i'll use shield charge just like the build on your video?
is there a separate tree modification if i'll use shield charge just like the build on your video?
Dualwielding. I'll work on improving the section.

No, we don't crit nearly often enough with our main skill to make any use of Herald of Ice shattering.

Tombfist are wasted for this build, better option would be Command of the Pit. Choir of the Storm is somewhat ok, but still not recommended as you easily can get a better rare amulet for that price.

I agree, Whirling Blades gets really fast with some attack speed, the old Ahn's setup can't really compete.

Please read the Notes Tab in Path of Building, you're supposed to manually select gear and can check what kind of impact each of the premade items have.

Old Leap Slam was pretty horrible for movement, the newly buffed one from this patch seems ok. I just didn't have the time yet to change that.

We proc Ele Overload mainly with Storm Brand (or Orb of Storms).

I've mentioned all gems you need to keep at a certain level in both the Leveling- and Gem Section, you can level up everything else.

Yes, the Mana Leech support is very important as long as you have no other ways to reliably sustain your MoM-pool.

Pretty much. The warning also seems to pop up again after every minor patch, and I just can't be bothered to manually redo the passive trees every few days.

Two minor things you can do is removing Herald of Ice to free up mana, and try out Storm Brand instead of Orb of Storms, i'll change the guide to this later. Other than that I can't really see anything you can easily change to improve that right now.

Should be fine, i've had no issues with two daggers with minor Spell Damage and benched flat Lightning to Spells.

Yes, all affixes and nodes with that exact wording will apply to us.

Congrats! I'd recommend to just keep it for now and save up for an Inpulsa's once their price goes a bit down. Getting some solid gear for the other slots shouldn't be that expensive, especially with the new crafting bench.

I'll work on the Leveling Section later, a seperate HC version is not something i'm planning and probably wouldn't fit within the post limit cap anyway.

Wouldn't be a good idea for this build. We barely crit with Arc and we need our mana unreserved for Mind over Matter.

Looks alright for now. I'd recommend to put Enfeeble in there instead, damage shouldn't be lacking and it will help greatly with survivability.

No, those videos are old and the shield setup is substantially weaker and slower.


I'll work on the first small update for 3.5 version later. It will mostly just include the switch from Orb of Storms to Storm Brand and some better explanations here and there.
Crafting in this league is so powerfull

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