Molten Strike

willeke wrote:
Do you use Concentrated Effect with it? Dunno if its worth the gem slot + the passiv point - any experiences on that?

There are lots of other supports to chose from. Concentrated Effect will be good for single-target DPS (assuming target stands still), but it hurts your AoE clear speed actually.

Unsul wrote:
How much of an increase to DPS is Point Blank with this skill? Worth 1 point in the skill tree? :)

Point Blank (keystone) is must-have for it. It gives +40% MORE damage to projectile part (assuming you dont have "increased AoE" stat).
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3 on Jul 16, 2015, 5:48:21 AM
With the addition of magma orb to the game displaying that ground targeting projectiles can chain the orbs of magma from molten strike should be allowed to chain as well
Last edited by Benzi_Junior on Jul 16, 2015, 7:11:34 PM
Benzi_Junior wrote:
With the addition of magma orb to the game displaying that ground targeting projectiles can chain the orbs of magma from molten strike should be allowed to chain as well

They can shotgun even without Chain, what else do you need? :)
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3 on Jul 22, 2015, 5:08:03 AM
I have concerns regarding the conversion of physical damage. The skill converts 60% of physical to fire. Physical to lightning converts 50% physical to lightning. Mechanics say conversions take into account the original 100% physical damage. Linking the 2 gets me MS with 0 physical damage in both the tool tip and character panel. Is this right?
What else did you expect? :/ You're Converting 100% of your Physical Damage to Elemental Damage; this leaves you with 0% Physical Damage, which logically equates to zero Physical Damage.
So that's good to hear. I asked around in game 1st and people said it was a bug.

My next question would be about the 10% above 100%. 60% to fire + 50% to lightning = 110% elem damage conversion.

If I'm doing 1000 physical damage, does that convert to 600 fire + 500 lightning = 1100 elem damage?
c2games wrote:
So that's good to hear. I asked around in game 1st and people said it was a bug.

My next question would be about the 10% above 100%. 60% to fire + 50% to lightning = 110% elem damage conversion.

If I'm doing 1000 physical damage, does that convert to 600 fire + 500 lightning = 1100 elem damage?

Skill's implicit damage convertion has higher priority over other coversions, so 60% will be converted into fire, and remaining 40% - into lightning.

Conversions with same priorities, if gained above 100%, get "scaled" so their sum will be 100% anyway. So, 50%+25%+75% conversions will be scaled into 33.3%+16.7%+50%, for 100% summary

I run Molten Strike with Physical to lightning myself. I deal no physical damage (despite using physical weapons), and i'm well aware of it.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide:

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3 on Jul 24, 2015, 10:08:34 AM
My favorite MS setup is:

MS + Multistrike + GMP + PPAD + LGoH + WED

If using claws, scrap LGoH and add FA/Added Fire/PtL
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Last edited by Catharsis on Aug 12, 2015, 8:09:09 AM
The balls are 60% Fire, 40% Phys (plus whatever else you have, such as Hatred).
If the fireballs had 100% Phys to Fire Conversion, the description would state it as such. However, Molten Strike only lists 60% Phys to Fire, and thus that is what actually happens.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Aug 12, 2015, 7:42:29 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
The balls are 60% Fire, 40% Phys (plus whatever else you have, such as Hatred).
If the fireballs had 100% Phys to Fire Conversion, the description would state it as such. However, Molten Strike only lists 60% Phys to Fire, and thus that is what actually happens.

Nevermind, you were right everything is part phys.
IGN: HarroHarbinger
Last edited by Catharsis on Aug 12, 2015, 7:59:15 AM

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