Molten Strike

make it append ggg
Forum pvp
Not only you have to be very picky and skip melee physical talents, its so random if and what you hit with the projectiles even with high attackspeed.
Ele/Fire resistance is a nightmare which i hate as melee.
Multistrike just gimps the damage for more attacks/projectiles which is even worse on resistance.
Probably the same for LMP/GMP.
Concentrated effect seems way too necessary to lower the spread radius and make them more predictable/hit what you want to.

oh and the clearspeed only gets worse with conc effect

e: well shouldnt judge clearspeed too much at level 40+ with a 70 dps weapon, i'll keep testing lol
Last edited by Giniyo on May 8, 2014, 8:00:11 AM
Im loving this attack! truly it looks amazing and is very fun in its use. The sound should be tuned down a little though.

doing 13k dmg on a lvl 64 marauder now with 2h mace :) <--- mirror Thread
Much better graphic annimation (for my eyes) and with impact radius of explosions :)...:

Last edited by xmvmx on May 8, 2014, 4:03:07 PM
gg pls change graphic to this!! at least add the aoe radius...
[quote="Mark_GGG"]damage modifiers don't can currently can't apply to degen.[/quote]
"Getting all life nods on passive tree should give additional survival, not the mandatory basic survival."
Last edited by leighferon on May 8, 2014, 2:07:14 PM
Nice graphics but it is very painful to play. It is like trying to swat flies with a piece of swiss cheese. It is too frustrating to play with a slower weapon (less than 1.5 aps).

edit: I gave up on my character at the beginning of merc act III.
Last edited by IchiMorghulis on May 9, 2014, 2:45:37 AM
IchiMorghulis wrote:
Nice graphics but it is very painful to play. It is like trying to swat flies with a piece of swiss cheese. It is too frustrating to play with a slower weapon (less than 1.5 aps).

edit: I gave up on my character at the beginning of merc act III.

thats what i think now, conc effect makes it worse so that lmp or gmp feels really necessary

e: and AoE shrines ... i cancel them
Last edited by Giniyo on May 9, 2014, 5:11:17 AM
I love this skill so much.

Thats my tree

so it is a melee skill you have to stay close.

With conc multistrike insane aps and gmp it looks like a vulcan breakout.

Really nice Dominus Killing. I have a lot of fun with this build.

Life gain on hit is also very very nice if the magmaballs are hitting you leech instant 1.5k life in under a sec.

Biggest problem is you have to start your attacs before encounter an enemy, cause most dmg comes from projectils and the need to fly, but when they start to impact it is a hugh pleasure to watch the enemys melting down :)

Sorry for my bad english.

have a hot day
the higher the attackspeed the better but i wouldnt want to gimp the projectile dmg with multistrike, did you try without it?
Yes it played a bit without Multistrike and used instead lgoh.

But i cant figure out real difference.

I am not sure how to research for more power in my build.

I startet as a blender with dualstrike but i like moltenstrike much more. I love the graphic ;) for example. But also i love the power.

But i am not sure with my build in higher maps with survivability.

I have 3 midnight fragments. But i dont think i will be able to kill atziri. So i am asking me where is my weakpoint.

Is it blocking? Or to low life only 3k. resis are 77 chaos -51. Armor only 4k

Someone an idea?

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