Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp
Can only say 3 words.
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^lmao, nah mulla takes the cake on that one
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/OOS OR YOU LOOSE:Desynch is def the number one prob in this game overall. If ggg can't fix this, they should at least allow us to hot key the /oos command. BLOCK AND SHOCK: Max block is unbalanced due to lack of countering ability. Tempest shield provides too much offense and defense simultaneously. If you have good attack speed with no block penetration tempest is pretty much auto death. I would suggest ggg either adding a block penetration gem or nodes similar to the sword cluster available for every weapon type including spell users. Also tempest should not add block chance. WHAT THE HELL MOLTEN SHELL: One shot kill capability from a defensive spell. Combine with tempest shield and you can now successfully kill other players by basically doing nothing. IT IS LAME TO SEE SLAIN BUT NO NAME: We want to know who we kill. We want to know who killed us. Simple as that. Dublicious
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" I'm just going to go down the list in the order in which you wrote them. Spells: There are already talent points on the tree to negate block, therefore technically nothing should be changed regarding it. Therefore forcing the player to go swords to be able to negate it, nothing comes for free really when it comes to countering a build. So therefore it's fair for in order to counter a build you must go a specific route in order to counter it. There does not need to be more ways in which to penetrate block if it already exists. Physical damage: While I do agree that most physical damage is through the roof, there needs to be either a bigger impact on either tuning down physical, or more impact on flasks, and overall ways to midigate it. Block and block penetration: This personally shouldn't even be up for discussion because there are nodes that negate block, and therefore if there are ways to negate block then spell block will fall in place as well because the modifiers take a percentage of your block and apply it to spell block. Therefore making your point completely invalid. Just because people choose not to spec into it doesn't mean that it does not exist. Just spec into swords it if you want to counter it, stop trying to suggest ways to ignorantly just slap it on to your pre-exisiting build with 1 gem and making no sacrifices or major changes whatsoever. 2handers: This personally shouldn't change in my opinion. Axes/Maces: Again this shouldn't change either. Simply because there are ways to penetrate block, I'm just going to copy and paste what I said earlier because it's relevant. Just spec into swords it if you want to counter it, stop trying to suggest ways to ignorantly just slap it on to your pre-exisiting build with 1 gem and making no sacrifices or major changes whatsoever. Spells: Again I believe you're still missing the point with spell block. Casters that spec into super fast cast against a high % spell blocker deserves to be countered. Acrobatics: This personally can be debated, however I think it might be fair that life builds take some type of hit in some way. However it can be debated on how it should take the hit. Puncture: While I do agree that puncture is like a hidden sleeper when it comes to damage. But that being said whenever I do run into puncture I almost 100% of the time never have removes bleeding flasks on me, which is my own fault. I wouldn't mind however to make the bleed last longer, however decreasing the damage overall by puncture so you still have time to react to it if you're moving before you just fall over dead. Personally that way you would be able to provide good counterplay to it and react accordingly. Temporal chain trigger lvl 1: agreed Curses in PVP: I completely disagree. Part of wearing your opponent down with flasks is half the battle. The whole point of flask negation is to ensure and give a opportunity to kill your opponent within the time of the flask immunity. Quote from you "even without crtitical weakness curse people can 1 shot players with a good crit" Then the problem is the crit not the curse. But moving on, Most people that spec into perma curse and even curses in general still have a tough time applying the curse which is balanced because your opponent can obviously clear it. And obviously that's the whole point of a curse is for it to STICK, but of course that's where flasks come in. Another quote from you "they shouldnt be so effective once we are out of immunity flasks." My response is yes they should, without a second thought. If you run out of flasks, then you deserve to be cursed. This to me personally sounds like you just want a free ticket out of it regardless if you have the ability to clear it or not. Any changes to curses would just remove them from the game entirely, therefore limiting build diversity. Removing curses in pvp: While I do agree that trigger curses are annoying, but personally I don't feel that it's game breaking. I don't believe I've run across someone in pvp and said. "I died because of trigger curse" And the reason why is because I simply have flasks to negate it quickly. So remove curses from pvp. No. It will never happen and suggesting it is personally just childish in my opinion. Conversion trap: I agree it's kinda troll, however it wouldn't really work too well depending on the gametype, 1v1, yes it would be pretty out of control. However in larger scale it wouldn't be as much of a concern. Aegis max block tempest shield: Again the problem is already fixed, it's called putting passives into swords to negate the block, OR having a character around lots of damage with one swing as opposed to multiple swings, or using traps, or ea. There are alout of options. Explosive Arrow: EA is personally in a very tricky spot, It's a good counter to block builds sure, however I'm not sure what opinion I would give when it comes to suggesting a change for it if suggesting a change for it at all. Playing devils advocate just because technically negates block, does that justify a nerf to ea? I'm on the fence. If it were to be able to be blocked, it would need a huge buff somewhere else, like being able to penetrate all resistances or something added in. And this is me just throwing ideas on there. Shield protection to cast auras before matches: Personally I would love this. In conclusion. I liked a few of your ideas, but honestly it seemed a majority of your post was in regards to removing things or adding things that are not justified, and would hurt the game more than it would benefit it. Negating block, there shouldn't be more options if there is already a way to negate it. Making it more accessible is only going to limit diversity, not the other way around. One of the best things about this game is making a hard choice of what will have the edge on you. And with curses it seems you were too over bearing as well. however with the trigger gems with level 1 curses I do agree. But everything else regarding curses was blown way out of proportion. Regardless none of these suggestions will not make it into the game anyways. When the patch first came out for the recent expansion, and there was rumors of having a block penetration gem. There was a player who posted the following " Thank you for not negating block for those who choose to invest their points into it" With a reply from a dev almost instant saying "you're welcome". GGG knows that alout of points need to be invested to make a block build successful, and the opposite is also true when speccing into swords and block negation. Therefore making any suggestions about block, meaningless. But regardless I appreciate the time you took to post this. BringYourFriends Last edited by BringYourFriends#3692 on Mar 12, 2014, 4:58:11 PM
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@ BringYourFriends
I think you're wrong in everyway when you think spells should not get any block penetration, it's weird how can you even think this is balanced ? Taking 10 times before landing a hit on your opponent seems fair and purely balanced ? Basicaly what you're saying is spells should deserve to get raped to shit without being able to do anything against max block/dodge users ? That we should not be able to do anything and deserve to lose against those builds. You do realize that block is very easy to stack for any build and way too effective, put yourself in the situation of a spell caster with mediocre gear that tries to pvp and face the community which 70% of it has max block on both sides, hes just gonna get raped without being able to even hit them. If spells had a chance to go trought shields i dont see how it would destroy the current pvp besides making spells more viable. There's a reason why no one specs into spells when it comes to pvp because it's way too hard, you either need to do super dps like us or you're doomed to be shitty because you never hit your opponents. It would also make caster fights more intensive this making it less of a rng block whore fight. i would like to ask you what do you do against a build that uses 75% spell block and 30% dodge you accept the fact that you cant do shit ? You do realize that there's a reason why no one use other spells than freezepulse or ethereal knives and why we never see new caster faces into pvp. Without using these two spells you will never deal enough damage to kill a block user this making other spells completely shitty for pvp. Block is not only a counter to spells, it's a counter to everything in the game except Swords and you seem to think this is balanced and you're wrong in everyway. '' Spec into Swords if you want to counter block '' This shouldnt be the only option to counter block considering 70% of us uses max block. Your argument was " You think that's balanced that if i want to counter block which 70% of us use i have to spec into Swords or there is nothing i can do ? I have to sell my gear, make a whole tree for it and give up my current build, this is not balanced at all. If we look at it everything has a counter which is either skill gems or a tactic and nothing involves having to change build dramatically. For your argument to be valid there would need to be a cluster of node for everyone to take if they want to spec into block pen and not only Swords. All you're saying there is hey you're fucked bro why dont you just sell all your shit and spec into Swords ? " You have to see that your route involves having to change build and gear completely for it to work or you cant spec into it, i would love to drop off some damage to take a different route for these nodes. If there was block penetration for spells i would be glad to drop off critical damage for it. Regards, Hauntworld IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 13, 2014, 6:29:43 AM
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+1 For Partys in the arena. I don't mind the grief and will gladly gather some friends to strike back. It would make the experience geniunely better.
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yea that thing with the 75% block for spells is verry anyoing..i was thikning for ggg to make a curse that reduce block chance for spells and atacks :) the tempest shields users are the OP ones in this chance for any casters :P
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" @Hauntworld 1- "Put yourself in the situation of a spell caster with mediocre gear, and tries to pvp" For one I am a caster, for two I have mediocre gear, and three there are only a select few that can beat me on a consistent basis in pvp. So you're argument is already flawed. I know exactly what being a caster in pvp feels like kind sir, haha. Assumptions, everywhere. 2- "Taking 10 times before landing a hit on your opponent seems fair and purely balanced?" You're example is an wild assumption based off RNG. But if you were to ask me if I thought it was fair if a player decides to invest the point into block, and collect the gear in order to make it to where he has a 75% chance to block each attack then my answer would be simply, yes. For all you know RNG could not be on his side and the attacks go through, which is just as good of a assumption as your "taking 10 times before landing a hit". 3- "i would like to ask you what do you do against a build that uses 75% spell block and 30% dodge you accept the fact that you cant do shit ?" Actually I don't have a problem fighting people with max block. Again with the assumptions, just because you may have that problem doesn't mean that everyone else is on the same boat. 4- "no one use other spells than freezepulse or ethereal knives" I don't run either, And I do just fine as a caster in pvp. On a sidenote, It's funny for you to assume that the only spells you think are ran in pvp are freezepulse, and ek. Please excuse while I go have a laugh from your arrogance. 5-"make caster fights more intensive this making it less of a rng block whore fight." LOL, this game was made from RNG, almost everything in game revolves around it. And here you are, trying to expect like your little ideas aka borderline rant is going make it "less rng". Regardless of what you say or do, or what ggg says or does, the majority of everything that happends in this game will be influenced by percentages and rng, always. 6- "This shouldn't be the only option to counter block" There are plenty of things in game that can only be countered by going a certain spec or obtaining specific items. Get off your high horse. BringYourFriends |
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Bringyourfriends. Your char is a perma temp chain, arctic breath totem spaming aegis aurora tank not a caster.
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" Actually I cast incinerate. Please tell me more about my build because you clearly don't know it ;) Nice try. BringYourFriends |
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