Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp
2h Swords should keep the 55% Block Reduction
1h Swords [using a shield] should only be given a portion of this (25%) Spell Block Reduction should be Implemented at the top of the tree (25%) Acrobatics should lower Strength by 50% [It was meant for Evasion builds] Good points, though with the exception of staves which can block themselves. I feel mace/axe do need some form of block reduction. 2h'rs sword (55) axe (25) mace (25) staff (0) just an example. 1h weapons really shouldn't be reducing block. 2h's should have a "crush block chance" form of mechanic you need to invest into on the tree. Realisticly you're not getting hit with a giant ass axe and just standing there infinitely with your shield up til you win. While getting hit with a 1h is easier to block but still shouldn't be useless. Overall reduction to block chance effectiveness is in order still. Physical damage reduction, as a RT user I can't agree with this. I feel if you just hit crit multiplier a bit harder, reduced Punctures effectiveness and made armor scale better then 12/1 you'd see a better pvp outcome. Armor just flat out sucks dick and thats where things need to be addressed. Es users would argue a total physical nerf though seen as how armor is hard to attain. So thats a sticky situation to debate. Mines/Trap support gems ya, a bit too good. Chaos resistence and the introduction of flat conversion chaos damage compared to traditional chaos degen has become a big issue. -60chaos resist against a chaos degen is laughable...its never a concern. Add 10k physical damage converted to a flat 20-40% gain of chaos damage, ya shit gets ugly fast. Id like to see Chaos resist more common or jointly part of resist nodes on the tree. Nerfing the uniques resulting in legacy versions was a good step forward, but ya changed nothing in the grand scheme of things. A flat reduction to block chance needs to be implemented. Your points on cast speed vs faster attack and dealing with block, totally valid. In a sense you can argue slower speeds help deal with tempest shield reflect in some psuedo effective way. Tempest is still asinine and Molten well, you're right about that one too and the spell buff just made them more insane. Curses and triggering particular ones is probably the lowest priority problem in pvp. Temporal chains in paricular in a 1v1 scenario being abused til you have nothing to mitigate it anymore is a good example of anoyying. Overall id suggest reduced duration of curses, over a reduction in their effectiveness. Id like to see them still do what they are intended to do, just not for so long you have no choice but to warding flask them or you're fucked. They should be a utility and not a must have/must remove item. Trigger gems ingeneral have turned the meta of pvp upside down. Some for the better some for the worse. Immortal call for example undermines the benefits of having fast melee speed, thats good and bad but tolerable. Triggering curses, im a fan of this but I only use enfeeble and on rare occassion vulnerability. Temporal chains though, that curse stand alone > all other curses in the game in almost every match up. To be able to slow someone down effectively grants you defense and offensive advantages that every other curse does in 1 package. Vulnerability you can argue would be the runner up for next most effective curse, critical weakness trailing 3rd. Enfeeble in a pvp scene thats focus is to just take US/max dmg (crit) (US/Crit > = < eachother out), life/es and face plant one another isn't really a problem. If pvp was played more tactical, not to toot my own horn...but using blind/evasion +++ other things instead of trying to achieve the ultimate 1hitter quiter build then ya you can argue enfeeble would be a problem too. Heres a pvp tree flowchart atm: Crit "check" US "check" Block "check" Most solid base damage achievable while keeping crit/multiplier at its highest "check" Iron reflex because I took US, even though it wont matter much at all bc armors poo "check" Or Acrobatics ++++ What im saying is, pvp is all about just getting hit for free at the exchange of not getting stunned. Landing criticals and hoping you out dps/live the other guy. Its in almost 99% of the cases just one guy face planting into the other guy. Making temporal chains/vulnerability/crit weakness the go to curses. Making block/crit the go to defense and offense. Conversion trap, thats a no brainer. Bear trap I think its nerf was justified and its sitting in a good place atm. If Molten shell can have 2000 base damage, Bear trap can too. Explosive arrow undermines every single issue bearing mechanic in pvp. Its not the greatest pvm skill and thats probably why its not going to be touched. Pvp wise this skill on paper > every other approach you can take to pvp. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Mar 8, 2014, 11:47:13 AM
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Very nice post mullaxul, keep the feedbacks !
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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This is the best and most constructive thread I ever noticed here, thanks for that.
I can sign all what Hauntworld suggests. But I still think 55% block reduce with (2)h sword (weapons) is way too high. MullaXull, Google and some others shows this as best. I dont know the value it should get to be fair, but I think arround 15-20%. But really good others also see most things as too strong/annoying as I did (Crit, Mines/Traps, Puncture, EA/EK, all oneshots etc.). Curses for example should have a cooldown in PVP, so you only use them in a good situation, not nonestop. Corrupted Gems perhaps are also a bit OP, today a Level 98 Bow char killed me with one EA explosion. Remembered me on my times where I didnt know much about PVP and ran into the ICU guys and died like a fly :-) Last edited by MrDigital#5193 on Mar 8, 2014, 10:05:28 PM
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" Slaydem? Haha Cooldown on curses isn't a bad idea. IGN: MullaXul
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Leech of any kind should not be enabled in PVP.
IGN: Sanic
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" I totally agree with this. This should be implemented. To the OP, what can you say about this? |
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" After reading the first lines i already have to respond and i want to say im happy you like the thread idea. However if they make it so legacy items cannot be used in PVP it will destroy in some way certain things for exemple: I have bought my shavronnes during the early game when i accumulated enough wealth and this approx 1.5 years ago. So my shavronnes is legacy and that is the only shavronnes i can use for my build and i cannot afford another one. Edit: When i really think about they should let legacy's the way they are for now and focus on balancing the rest first and then we can judge what's better to do. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 9, 2014, 7:45:57 AM
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" The game should work as of current patch to make it more updated and balance. The current patch nerfed some OP uniques, therefore being able to use them in the game is still OP. No nerf was done for the old players. Nerf was done for the new players. Other people are only good with their legacy items. |
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Kaom's Heart
Only defence of a Marauder, which with current Marauder nerf of passive brought us down to 9-10k hp. with current pvp balance where weapons and other skilles type specs are and were able to 1shot either me or whoever else is fighting with a legacy kaoms, why is Kaom's too much? just a question for the experts who talk allday about legacy kaom's Its the pride of the Marauder and it should have never been touched. Only for new leagues maybe to make them harder. block too stronk ek skilless molten cheap daggers OP 99% of pvp play manmode shield Puncture tested=broken (lvl 28pvp archer vs lvl 100, 10k HP Marauder where 1 puncture trap took 7k of my hp) tested with 2 different archers for more legit results Nerf Kaoms/Marauder passive gg 100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014] The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC IGN: BNDTJE |
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" I am not only agree with not allowing legacy items in pvp cuz they are OP but also mirror items must not be allowed in pvp as well. Why? Cuz they are OP. When you come with a nerf you have to think what is OP or what is not. In respect of a new or not very old player, It is very hard to get a mirror and the mirror fee service, not every one can do that. But it is easy with RMT. Mirror items are as much as OP as legacy items because they worth mirroring. This encourage people to craft items for themselves, so nobody will blame that some one has that or has this or RMT, because they have earn it, the godly gear by their own hard work. It is fair for everyone and competitive. It makes people farm in the game harder for currency and more into crafting their item with vaal orb, instead just throwing a bunch of money out and that is it, you are OP. You know what, I dont know why but those words sounds so familiar to me: COPY CAT! I dont wanna hear it anymore! |
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