Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp
pvp at current state = dice rolling in the form of animated pixels
IGN: KevShienZ
#1 564pDPS Crit Jeweled Foil Sword: #1 Crown of Eyes DPS Amulet Mirror Service: #1 Crit-Leech Legacy Mod Amulet: |
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" Pretty much yes, but in fact the problem right now in PvP is that there is little to no casters but a few of them and too much melee. It seems like melee is just the easy go to for pvp, ever wondered why there is little to no casters in pvp ? to say the least pvp was probably ment for melee and not casters, when you think about it melee will always be better than a caster at pvp since they do the same amount of damage if not much more. They are faster in movement speed, attack speed and attack twice as fast, which results in much easier namelocking and quicker RNG rolling. Another thing i wanted to point out is how tempest shield is breaking caster vs caster fights in high level pvp. It makes people be bound to slow and stronger single projectiles spells to mitigate the reflect damage on the enemy's block. So every time by default a caster that uses for exemple EK and tempest combo will always beat someone using a spell with lesser multiple projectiles. EK is the stronger spells of all in term of slow and single projectile spell stated as physical, no other can compete with it unless they use LMP. The problem doesn't come from EK doing too much damage, it comes from the reflect of the tempest since it forces me to use EK amongs all varieties of spells to have a good caster vs caster fight. The short exemple is why would i choose Fireball or Freezepulse LMP in a caster fight and not ethereal knives ? The answer is i would choose EK because it shoots 1 projectile and makes me take less damage from the reflect. We need a lot of more casters in pvp now, but it wont happen if every other spell caster not using EK instantly dies on another's caster tempest shield. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 29, 2014, 4:13:57 PM
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haunt is free
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The balance in PVP used to be better than now before RF got nerfed. We had 4 main strategies to PVP before the incredible overnerf for RF:
(1) - Melees (2 handed sword, 1 handed sword with full blocks, and critical dagger with some blocks). (2) - Bows (critical bow puncture, RT bow puncture - 2 handed sword can use this as secondary weapon, trap puncture, and Explosive Arrow). (3) - Spells (all critical Ethereal Knives, Freezing Pulse, Fire Ball,... they can combine with trap to make a very special strategy to PVP). (4) - Righteous Fire (low life RF combining with spell, full life RF combining with some blocks). The fact was: All of these strategies (1,2,3,4) could beat each other. (1) - Melees: 2 handed sword builds (RT) can kill any other builds really fast due to high damage and easily negating a lot of blocks with just 3 points (between Duelist and Ranger in passive tree). However, they lose RFers because they can't use shield Rise of the Phoenix to kill RFers on time. 1 handed sword builds have the same power as 2 handed sword builds (they have less life because they can not use kaoms heart, but they get good blocks with shield in return). They can handle any other builds (including RF builds) if they use critical sword, not RT. However, they may lose 2 handed sword builds because their block is negated and they can be blinded (if critical sword) or they don't have enough life to endure (if RT sword). Critical dagger builds, having some blocks, high ES, OP critical chance and critical multipliers, can kill people in 1-2 seconds. They can easily kill RFers when they use Rise of the phoenix. (2) - Bows: Bow puncture is a nightmare for RFers because RF burns a lot of fire damage on RFers, and bleeding is a perfect way to combo to degen RFers. They can also kill any other builds when they combine with trap. RFers can kill them fast just because they can't use Rise of the Phoenix to endure if the trap fails. EA can kill any other builds (with cannot-be-blocked stacks of EA) except on RF because RFers themselves have a lot of Fire resistance. Moreover, they cannot use Rise of the Phoenix. So they lose RF for sure. (3) - Spells: All spell are critical. They can combine perfectly with trap to one-shot people. They can penetrate elemental resistance and deal malicious damage on opponents, and become so OP like critical dagger if the opponents get critical weakness on them. They can kill all builds including RF as they travel fast with lighting warp and cleverly use conversion trap if the opponents are RFers. They can combine with Molten Shell to handle 2 handed sword builds quite well too. The only 2 weaknesses of spells are: casting rate is not so fast as attacking rate and the mana cost problems. (4) - RF: The only-in-POE skill, which negates all kinds of blocks/dodge and does not require expensive weapons to be successful. The 2 weaknesses of RF are: not enough mana to use if low life RF and can be useless if the opponents have 100% fire resistance (Rise of the Phoenix + fire flask). As i see, if we had the best PVPers of each build in this community fight each other, EA will be KO first, others have 40%-70% chance to win each other, and only RF and critical dagger would compete in the last battle. And the final winner is critical dagger. That was the past, when RF still worked in PVP. Right now, as we see, melee is dominating, bows does not appear as frequently as before, number of spell users is below 5, and RF came to extinction. People just turned their backs on PVP or tried to follow the dominating builds. RF no longer threats any other builds. Only critical spell can match with melee. So players must choose between melee builds and spell builds to invest in PVP. Melee seems to be more interesting because of 2 reasons: (a) - max life + tri res gears are easier to find than top tier rolls ES stuffs, and (b) critical dagger (usually Flicker strike + ES gears) is so OP with 80%+ critical strike chance and 700%+ critical multiplier, if opponents get critical weakness curse, it would be 89%+ critical chance and 1200%+ critical multiplier. People found that melee is better than spell or any other builds to PVP, so that is the reason why melee is dominating now. |
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" This is actually a pretty nice analysis. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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If there would be a tournament I wish it would be by class.
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" Wow, nice idea! i agree that it should be by class no matter if PVP is fixed or not. |
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" This is actually a good idea. I would love to see GGG implement this. Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
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