Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp

fuck ur pvp

100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
Last edited by Banditje#6473 on Mar 19, 2014, 4:51:43 PM
To Mullaxul and Banditje can you comprehend? Did you understand what I meant?

I guess not, let me clear things up.

First of all, IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW YOU MANAGE TO GET YOUR LEGACY KAOM'S HEART. We're on version 1.1.0d and 1000HP Kaom's no longer drop. Bunch of OP skills were nerf in PvP, bugs etc. None of them exist now, so why do legacy items still exist(most specially in PvP)?

If you allow a legacy item in PvP, then you should allow the "legacy" RIGHTEOUS FIRE BUILD. Yes/No?

Do you get it now? Let me give you a situation.

Two people dueling, both having the same build. 2handed sword with Kaom's Heart. One player farmed his LEGACY KAOM'S HEART(old player). The other guy farmed his nerfed KAOM'S HEART(new player). So this is what you consider balanced PvP? Just answer it plain and simple.

To Banditje who always complain about his AXE not having block penetration, wrong choice of weapon bro.

All weapons have different characteristics, to MullaXul you chose your weapon wisely for PvP +1. To Banditje I'm sorry bro, again, wrong choice of weapon bro.

To the OP, I don't want to mess this good thread. I'm just pointing out the imbalance. Cheers!

Again, we are on v1.1.0d.
do u even pvp?

ur account was made 3 months ago

why should i bother making a discussion with u when i was at 1.5k+ fights in pvp when ur account was first made?

go play new leagues if legacy Kaoms bothers u. Permanent league pvp is for top gear/weapons unfortunately.

and like i said a nerfed kaoms on a 2hander is worst than running naked with a nerfed BoR.
So in the case u mentioned someone farmed his new kaoms after it was nerfed, he will die before he enters the arena vs a mediocre 350-400dps crit dagger lets say.

make ur homework now inside the arena. no need for more professors around here.
100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
I think he's right, the existence of legacy items (especially one as strong as kaoms) is sort of incompatible with the idea of competitive pvp. High level pvp is joke for a bunch of other reasons too though (in my opinion) so trying to fix it by addressing stuff like this is kind of a lost cause anyway.
Sure i agree that its not fair being able to fight vs another kaoms user with a nerfed version.
But theirs only 1 way to address what kaoms really strength is in the current pvp state. That is putting it on a 2hand user and addressing the power of top tier daggers/swords against it.
Its as simple as 10-12k HP is nothing. So all arguments vs a legacy kaoms are not valid. Better address what rly needs fix and keep legacys last
100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC
for the record... EK cannot 1shot 10k Life.. i wish it could XD
Team Omniscient


Party's in sarn arena: It would be really cool if we could party up to enter sarn arena, sometimes i want to team up with my guild mates and it's not possible. It might be easier for melee as they have a single target attack most of the time but for casters we have wide AOE range and it's annoying.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Last edited by hauntworld1#6496 on Mar 9, 2014, 10:56:46 PM
To Banditje.

do u even pvp?

While you are busy grinding that Axe Man PvE character, I'm busy dueling in the arena, leeching life from you.

ur account was made 3 months ago

I think you didn't noticed it right away that this is a dummy account.

why should i bother making a discussion with u when i was at 1.5k+ fights in pvp when ur account was first made?

And why would I listen to you if you only have 1.5k fights? How many PvE build who entered the arena did you won with that PvE Axe Man build? And how many PvP players did you beat? You can't even beat a dagger shadow according to your words.

Lol at 1.5k fights. I have almost 3k fights on my main and stopped since the last league. So why would I bother to listen to you if I already beaten you a bunch of times?

go play new leagues if legacy Kaoms bothers u. Permanent league pvp is for top gear/weapons unfortunately.

As much as I want to, I don't have time to play PvE. Yes I agree that's why it is imbalance. Don't know if you are getting the point.

and like i said a nerfed kaoms on a 2hander is worst than running naked with a nerfed BoR.
So in the case u mentioned someone farmed his new kaoms after it was nerfed, he will die before he enters the arena vs a mediocre 350-400dps crit dagger lets say.

You got it right bro, a nerfed Kaom's has no match for a legacy Kaom's and that is my only point. That's why PvP is imbalance.

So why would a player using a 500hp Kaom's die with the mediocre 350-400dps crit dagger? Maybe if you are playing that guy on your example because of poor strategy. I've never been beaten to crit dagger unless he's using a mirrored one.

IMPORTANT: The main problem in PvP is like when a PvE player like Banditje(who considers him self a PvP build) enters the arena and lose to a good PvP player, then he will come here in forum crying out loud for a nerf.
I will repeat myself again, please keep this thread clean and stop the arguing comments. This is not a debate thread but to post your opinions about the current PVP game.
IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851
HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295
Ur making up shit i never spoke about. sure u can notice from my words a mirror dagger can rip a legacy kaoms apart if well specd. but i dont see anywhere complaining about it. All im doing is defending what u try to put down, the legacy kaoms.

and ofcourse u beat me a bunch of times, thats why ur hiding behind a new account set in private.

im doing my best to keep this into pvp discussion so please if u have something to say to 'Banditje' pm me in game and we can solve any problem either with a civilised discussion or can put some exalts on a duel.

good luck to u, and i hope the real high level pvpers understand what im talking about when im defending legacy kaoms. gg

100 Marauder - Hardcore
28 PvP Duelist (271/69), 100 PvP Marauder (1147/219)- Standard [Retired in 2014]
The most reliable cross league trader HC <----> SC

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