Official thread about ideas & fixes for pvp
" I'm not talking about Kaom's Heart alone, I'm talking about legacy items in PvP. And also mirrored items in PvP are too OP. I'm just agreeing to what Impetius suggested regarding legacy and mirrored items in PvP. I believe by implementing this will reduce the chances of RMTers in PvP. This is what I'm talking about players who are only good with their legacy and mirrored items. Which I believe 80% of them or more are RMT. Again to Banditje 1000 is not equal to 500. Do the math bro. Cheers. |
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for the record... EK cannot 1shot 10k Life.. i wish it could XD
Team Omniscient
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" i agree ek does not 1 shot you i have 6.6kHP with legacy koams but molten does 1 shot you i disagree with not allowing legacy item such as a koam in pvp because it reward the people that play this game long enough to farm one such as my self from back in the days, also not fair for people that knows how to flip when it was dirt cheap Last edited by noobsmashery2k#0552 on Mar 10, 2014, 11:37:33 PM
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No legacy items = 2h melee is instantly shit. Legacy gear hardly affects casters and 1h melee is well off either way. 2h is only a thing because Kaoms exists. 6k 7k 8k 9k 10k 11k 12k hp..doesn't matter you're getting 1hit by Molten Shell. Or you're so near death that the follow up of anything even 1000dps spell will down you.
Want to know what really needs balancing? You can't pvp in a game that desynchs this bad. You can't out range/out position anything because its desynched. Leaving you with what I mentioned before just retard battles of running into eachother. You have no idea where you or your opponent actually is til you start getting hit/seeing them get hit. Looking at their character model is just a suggestion, its not really a thing. Theres a reason there is an influx of high faster run walk, heavy strikers running around that literally do nothing but run at you til you die. This is nothing but charging paladins of Diablo2 with hammers or smite, you never see them and you have no idea where they actually are til you win or you die (win or lose you really still have no idea). Its basically just an exploit people have been using for over 14 years now,just adapting it to other games. Knowingly or just by luck. Before anything gets balanced in this game you should address the server stability or something. Frankly you can avoid alot of shit if everyone was legitimately where they are on the screen...even slightly. Yes yes TT, waah waah... it is what it is. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Mar 11, 2014, 1:06:10 AM
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" Maybe your build is shit without a legacy Kaom's Heart. Some 2handers manage to be viable in PvP without using legacy Kaom's. Crit bow EV doesn't use a Kaom's and yet they are viable in PvP. You have to be creative in making a build for PvP. Not just relying on a legacy Kaom's. There are a lot of build that are not viable in PvP, dual sproker, discharge to name a few. These builds doesn't complain that their build is not viable in PvP so why do you? If you can't do a viable 2handed build without using a legacy Kaom's then you must have a very poor creativity/imagination. I agree with molten shell, that needs to be fix also. " Desync that I've encountered is like 1/5 fights only. Maybe you should change your ISP and upgrade your machine. This will fix some of your problems, unless it's just your escape route when losing a fight? We all experience desync at some point in the game. Don't be afraid to lose, it's only a game. " You complain a lot, maybe this is not the game for you. Probably solitaire is the best game that I recommend for you, to keep your blood pressure low. Cheers! Last edited by Pusciferrr#6334 on Mar 11, 2014, 3:48:13 AM
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You're obviously pretty shitty at pvp. Do me a favor and message me sometime in game. Btw my build is fine with or without gear.
I don't know how you read what I wrote but heres how it went. "Desynch limits your options to actually play melee/caster in any way other then smashing into one another til one dies" Other games you could effectively out range someone, position yourself better and know it was going to work. Thats basically the sum of it and its a logical complaint for anyone. For you maybe its not, maybe you get your kicks from being a retard and running head first into other retards. Id imagine all your crying over legacy items you can't even out dps/tank someone to begin with thus making this also a bad approach for you pvp wise. Theres no "rage" no "blood pressure boiling point" just common sense, well maybe not so common. How far does your experience span with these types of games and pvp? btw im playing Dark souls 2 for a few days, so stop the trolling in this guys thread. For some reason you can't even post a suggestion in a suggestion thread without a troll creeping up from someones asshole to rebuttal ignorantly. IGN: MullaXul
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Please continue this over private messages, we all know how that kind of arguing is only going to get my thread locked. This is one of the few pertinent thread that will probably give GGG ideas about what to fix for pvp.
Keep the thread clean and stop it please. IGN:Hauntworld - ICU Omniscient PvP guild
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PvP Low life crit caster / Gear -->/1829851 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HLD PvP tournaments -->/1576295 |
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" Ya I know Haunt, really don't want to see this tread go off course. I know alot of this was mentioned at some point in time but I was thinking about curses and potions so wanted to just add a new list. Consolidated changes id like to see in pvp. Ultimate goal to have a more strategic minded, less random pvp. That revolves around good builds, good gear and good players. Not curse trigger spamming, potion chugging stupidity and scrubs. Pvp at the moment is just spamming 1-5 on your hotkeys choking down as many potions as you need to til you win or die, s/eing then rejoining the arena to repeat this. All while spamming curses on people via trigger gems. Id like to see hp potions removed from pvp (even if its just in tournaments (if those ever happen)). Reason: Its obvious, like I mentioned before players are showing up mashing 1-5 in an all in attempt then exiting/rejoining to repeat 1 kill at a time. Es players can't heal, Hp users really don't need potions. These slots would be better used for anti status ailment flasks+utility flasks and mana. Not herpy derpy i r hit u den i healz mai guy til 1 of us diez hur hur. Curses in some way changed or completely removed from pvp (even if just tournaments). Reason: No build in this game relies on curses in pvp, even if they claim they do. They are nullified 99.9% of the duration by warding flasks anyways basically making your case mute. Curses are just an annoyance and a buffer for shitty players. Temporal chain triggers are the dumbest by far. Like I mentioned pages ago, curses are asinine and triggering curses on you each time you hit someone resulting in a warding flask repeatidly being used = pretty stupid ass duels. If you don't agree, you're blind. Something done to block. Reason: Pushes melee users into 1 weapon type, which is a problem. Hurts casters and basically is an on going problem. Rather then get into the mess of adding penetration gems (which everyone would just use by default). Rather then nerfing base item types/anymore uniques. Lower the numerical max block to about 65% add a small % spell block penetration cluster between templar/witch/shadow tree for casters to use. Lower sword penetration appropriately to compensate for the lowered max block. I feel with the damage potential of the other weapons that 10% loss to max block will result in alot more dps potential while not crippling anyone. Molten shells base damage adjusted to a more realistic level possibly 1/4th of what it is now (its over 2600 base atm and the buff to spells recently just added insult to injury). Reason: Its retarded. Leave its damage mitigation because casters need a good defensive option but don't make it so good it can 1shot people while you're turned around not paying attention watching spongebob square pants, thanks. Tempest shield not so powerful against everyone without block reduction. Reason: You can literally kill yourself from full screens away with a bow/spell simply shooting at a caster with a 2linked tempest shield/lightning penetration combo and block. It gets worse if you're using a high aps melee attack. More viable single target melee attacks that aren't heavy strike. Reason: on paper and in game heavy strike > every single melee attack you can take with the exception of cyclone (which is highly debatable and cyclone is hard countered by puncture). The Sarn Arena get a slain by "user name" addition. We don't really need huds, kill streaks or anything of that nature. Just good to know who's on a roll and who you may of died to. For the record I write these suggestions in a non bias. I don't get "pwned" all day and am crying like a bitch. In fact I rape this game and its population all day long and id just like to see less stupid duels in the future. RMT'ing will happen and thats a mute issue you really can't do anything but expect it and deal with it, people need to come to terms with that on standard. Legacy items exist and will continue to exist as far as I can tell. Does this shaft new players? Sure it does, it pushes them to the new leagues but thats obviously GGG's ultimate goal to keep 4month leagues fresh while leaving standard a waste land of the best gear in the game ideal for highest level pvp. Now highest level pvp just needs to actually become "high level" not just corky the retard A. smashing into corky the retard B. while they both explode with curses and mash 1-5 on their flask belt. IGN: MullaXul Last edited by MullaXul#2277 on Mar 11, 2014, 4:43:40 PM
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Suggestion to GGG. Assign a bunch of pvpers on a "board" and have us explain to you the pros and the cons the new uniques will have on pvp in its current state? maybe have some of us test out the uniques in alpha pvp XD
Team Omniscient
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" same for me @ hountworld! the only thing i would add: add block rteducing also to 1h axes and 1h maces not only to 2h or introduce a green block penetration gem. would be fine for me -~Shop for the price awarded player~- view-thread/375747 |
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