Smoke Mine

Mark_GGG wrote:
Just started experimenting with this. A LOT of fun as a sniper, but I came here to see if the Line of Sight 'failure to teleport' business is an issue. Clearly it is, but with no dev response. I'll pursue this, because I think it's important. The fact that you need to maintain LoS with your 'home' mine really reduces its usefulness as an escape tool.
I agree and argued as such, but unfortunately it's simply far to abusable if it can break LoS, while still being decently usable for the intended purpose with the restriction in place.

one suggestion then - DISABLE the skill if there is no 'target marker' in sight. for an escape skill this LoS-thing is far too dangerous to be used as 'escape skill'. after few 'dry clicks' in tight situations i never ever used this skill for this purpose - because it is just gamble on 'if i can "see" my marker' or did i got desync and im slightly to the left and will die hoping for smoke puff?'..
sidtherat wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
Just started experimenting with this. A LOT of fun as a sniper, but I came here to see if the Line of Sight 'failure to teleport' business is an issue. Clearly it is, but with no dev response. I'll pursue this, because I think it's important. The fact that you need to maintain LoS with your 'home' mine really reduces its usefulness as an escape tool.
I agree and argued as such, but unfortunately it's simply far to abusable if it can break LoS, while still being decently usable for the intended purpose with the restriction in place.

one suggestion then - DISABLE the skill if there is no 'target marker' in sight. for an escape skill this LoS-thing is far too dangerous to be used as 'escape skill'. after few 'dry clicks' in tight situations i never ever used this skill for this purpose - because it is just gamble on 'if i can "see" my marker' or did i got desync and im slightly to the left and will die hoping for smoke puff?'..

Good stuff, I second this notion.

Black out the detonation button if LoS is broken. :-)
Hello i use it a lot on my ranger and i get frustrated by the detonate delay after laying the mine. Need instant detonate plz
It needs to last longer as well I found by the time you place the mine then hit the mob and get overwhelmed your mines run out and you have to try run which rarely ends well, it would be far more useful if it was a couple minutes and maybe if it could auto-detonate when you hit 10% health
The way i lay the mine has changed, before smoke mine was layed directly at the character location, now it is layed at the mouse pointer location and that's really annoying
Karz wrote:
The way i lay the mine has changed, before smoke mine was layed directly at the character location, now it is layed at the mouse pointer location and that's really annoying
really? seems to be a quality of life improvement as now you can throw the mine then detonate right away to escape (or teleport forward).
As in, you walk to where the cursor is and place the mine beneath your feet at the new location. :P
Vipermagi wrote:
As in, you walk to where the cursor is and place the mine beneath your feet at the new location. :P
such the mystery of desync? Or not sure why the other person had a mine that acted like a trap.
... Come on, Soul :P

You still place Mines below your feet.
You now place them at the targeted location instead of your current location.
There is no Trap-like behaviour :)
Comment by Mark.
Well bug reports isnt where i check =p
Swore that freeze mine still staying on feet though

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