Smoke Mine

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Balance & Design
Last bumped on Jul 23, 2021, 4:16:46 AM
Uvne wrote:
If you place one mine, then place another mine and set off the first mine while the second is still laying, you warp to the first mine and the second appears where you were previously. Effectively allowing you an infinite loop of fast movement between those two points. I don't know if this is intentional, but it certainly makes things more interesting.

This is something we're aware of, and it was considered a nice quirk, a sneaky way to use the skill for repeat jumps.
Balance & Design
Just started experimenting with this. A LOT of fun as a sniper, but I came here to see if the Line of Sight 'failure to teleport' business is an issue. Clearly it is, but with no dev response. I'll pursue this, because I think it's important. The fact that you need to maintain LoS with your 'home' mine really reduces its usefulness as an escape tool.
I agree and argued as such, but unfortunately it's simply far to abusable if it can break LoS, while still being decently usable for the intended purpose with the restriction in place.

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