One death per map is honestly fucking dumb as hell.
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Why people dislike an idea of NOT DYING? ever? The game tells you - just don't die.
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-1 get better defences, play slower, or do less difficult content
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I honestly like that I have to pay a price for dying in a map, and that it pushes me to improve as a player.
That said it does feel unfair atm. Number of times I have lost a bunch of loot, since often times the death can happen due to volatiles on rares, or some other effect not easy to see. Especially frustrating if you're trying to sustain maps and say XV drops and then you die. I think the XP loss and the loss of all loot that was not picked up is enough price to pay, and one should be able to attempt again with the same Corrupted/Irradiated mods. I'm not sure what even is the point of removing the boss from a "MAP ATTEMTPED" since it's only a small amount of time till you reach a bpss on some other node of the Atlas. It's also frustrating for semi casual like me, if you prefer to do X map or boss because you're not very confident yet with the other ones. If they allow to attempt a map multiple times however, it could be potentially farmed, if you're say level 90, and 0 XP, then it doesnt matter - you could die over and over - skip the boss but take advantage of all the map mods / precursor setup. My suggestion would be, to add a cumulative reward for NOT dying in 1 to 10 maps consecutively, for example quantity/rarity, or perhaps even some kind of powerful "undying" currency - that way you incentivize more careful/skillful play. Another way of lessening the blow, an idea to dig into would be to have a tombstone you can find in your next map, that would drop some of the valuable loot from your previous map. maybe the tombstone would be protected by ghosts etc kinda like a strongbox? Last edited by DeF46#3887 on Jan 6, 2025, 10:40:52 AM
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" Because we were sold fun a challenging games. In challenging games the threat of dying while you play is always looming. Currently the correct way to play is to just run content that never kills you and only attempt pinnacle bosses when you’re over prepared. |
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" Personally, I love the difficulty of the game and the consequences of death. However, I think you have a great idea for kind of flipping the script - rewarding no deaths, but being less punishing at the same time. Trying to push through maps early on and losing both a good map and a good node really does suck in early mapping, so I do understand those complaints. I started as a monk and then moved to sorc. I recently went back to my monk and started pushing up to t16s. I was getting very frustrated with the on death effects, and a death from on-death effects were certainly rage inducing. I stuck with it though and found two major solutions: 1) gear (obviously) 2) the way I play melee needed to change Changing the way I play melee was the biggest thing, and honestly it's exciting as hell. I make liberal use of movement abilities (palm strike with cull) and my space bar. Imagine a monkey on a 7 day meth bender... that's how I play my monk. Dash in, throw some abilities, roll back and dash to a mob in a different part of the pack or a completely different pack. Rinse and repeat until everything is dead. I also had to get in the habit of NOT going to pick up loot immediately after I kill something. Learning the mobs and what typical abilities and on death mechanics they could have was another big factor in improving for me. Game sound has to be on so you can also HEAR these ground effects. It feels like I'm playing a fast paced fighting game. Melee combat in an ARPG has never felt better to me. I wish my sorc felt like this. I say this as someone that always plays ranged characters. Last edited by LordMagicka#1842 on Jan 6, 2025, 10:58:54 AM
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" Well, about 95% of my deaths are from invisible on floor effects that stack up and deal enormous damage (like over 8-10k), they also tank FPS. That said I did not die in 2 days and levelled up to 97th. I like the idea of not having to die at all. I think people who believe it is normal to go in map and die 4 times but keep trying, need to learn a lesson about building proper defenses. That said I do think defenses need tuning improvement as a lot of things in this game, and there must be on death screen saying what you have died from, how much damage it did, what type of damage, and how you can improve yourself. TL;DR 1 death per portal is alright, what is not alright is how some defenses work/don't work, ES vs Armour for example. Lack of death screen, and obnoxious stacking of on death effects and absurd amount of damage they deal. Last edited by GODOFWARSANCHEZ#4574 on Jan 6, 2025, 12:23:19 PM
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The single biggest improvement they can make here imo is a death screen.
Just tell me what I died from, with a damage type breakdown as well, so I know what I can work on(or what to avoid). |
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